January January is thefirstmonth of theyear. OnNew Year’s Eve peoplesaygoodbyetothe old year and greetthenewone. EverybodycelebratesNew Year’s Eve inthe World. Onthefirstday of thenewyear most peopletrytomake New Year resolutions. Sándor Petőfi wasbornonthefirst of Januaryin 1823. He was a nationalpoet and the main figure of theHungarianRevolution. The weather is snowy and coldandthechildren play withsnowballinwinter.
February One of thebiggestcelebrationsin Hungary is thecarnevalinFebruary. Thistimewewearfancy and tricky-dressesin a ball. The Busójárás is an annualCarnevalcelebrationinthetown of Mohács forsixdaysinFebruary. A Busó don is a grotesquemask made fromcowhorns and carvedwood, which is paintedby local craftsmen. Children play mischievousgames and women play fullyharassedas a gesture of fertility. Inthepast, themaskswerepaintedinclaretbyanimalblood. Nowtheyareindifferentcolourslikeblack and brown, with ram, goatorcattlehorn and sheepfurhoodonthe top. It is a prominent program in Hungary and veryenjoyable.
March 15th Marchin 1848 Revolution Day :The HungarianRevolution of 1848 wasone of the European Revolutionsin 1848 and closely linked tootherrevolutionsinthe Habsburg areas. The revolutionintheKindom of Hungary grewinto a warforindependencefromtheAustrian Empire,ruledbythe Habsburg monarchy. Many of itsleaders and participants, inculding Lajos Kossuth, István Széchenyi, Sándor Petőfi, József Bem areamongthe most respectednationalheroesintheHungarianhistory. The bloodlersmassdemonstrationsin Pest and Buda forcedtheimperialgovernortoaccepttwelve of theirdemands.
April InApril, the most importantcelebration is Easter. OnEasterMondaythegirlswearfolkdresses. Theymakepaintedeggs and theyprepare a lot of food. The boysaredressednicely, theyvisittheirfemalerelatives and girlfriends. Theysaypoemstothegirlsthensprinklethemwithwater. Thentheyareofferedpaintedeggs and deliciousfood. The symbols of Easterarerabbits and lambs.
May The first of May is Labour Day. May Day celebrationstakeplaceinpublicparksall over the country and involvecraftmarkets, streetperformersandsausageandbeertents.Onthefirst Sunday in May wecelebrateMother’s Day, too.
June Midsummerday: Thisillustrionday is 24th June. Jesuswasbaptisedby János Keresztelő. Throughoutthe country poeplefireup. Medárd day: This is a weatherpredictiondayin Hungary. Ifitrainsthatdaythefollowingfortydayswill be rainy. World Environment Day : 5th of June. The Astronomicalsummer: 21st of June. Atthistimetheday is thelongest and thenightbecomestheshortestone of theyear.Thestudentsreceivetheirgradereports and theyarevery happy becausethesummerholidaystarts.
July This month is very warm and dry but sometimes it rains. We can see a speciality in the middle of July. Some strange bugs come up to the surface of the river Tisza. We call them drake fly or may- fly. The full-blown may-flies live only one day. They are the symbol of July.
August This is a verybeautifulmonth. Natureis the most beautifuloneatthistime. StStephen’s Day (20th August) is celebratedwithparades and fireworksnationwide. One of theoldestnationaldaysofourhomeland is thecelebration of thefoundationofthestate. Wecommemoratethefirstking of Hungary, St. Stephen’sreign and that Hungary became a realpower of the European states. Onthesamedaythere is a FloralFestivalin Debrecen and a Bridge Fair in Hortobágy. Formula 1 carracesareheldinearly August attheHungaroringnear Mogyoród.
September September is thebesttimetogettothewineregionstotastewines and discoverthebeauty of theHungariancountryside. Grapeharvestsareaccompainedbyfestivalevents . Youcantake part in Eger or Budapest wineHarvestFestival .
October Octoberis thetenthmonth of theyear. The temperaturereduces and theyellowleavesfall. The folkcalendarcallsthismonth of AllSaints. Onthe 6th of Octoberwecommemorate Arad execution.Themartyrs of Arad foughtforthe country,butaftertheWar of Independencetheywereexecuted.Thethirteenofficers: Károly Knezic, József Nagysándor, János Damjanic, Lajos Aulich, György Lahner, Ernő Poeltenberg,Károly Leiningen-Westerburg, Ignác Török, Károly Vécsey, Ernő Kiss, József Schweidel, Arisztid Dessewffy,and Vilmos Lázár. On23rd of October. theRevolution of 1956 broke out . ThiswastheRevolution of theSovietoccupation.Manywomen, children and officersdied, butin 1989 cametotheday of proclamationoftheHungarianRepublic.
November First of November is the Day of remembrance of the dead. The graves in the Christian cemeteries are decorated with flowers and candles of the dead by families and friends.
December December is a nicemonthin Hungary becauseitusuallysnows. Onthe 6th of December wecelebrate Santa Claus. Welikehimbecause he bringsus a lot of sweets. Ifweweregoodchildren, he bringsuscandy. PeoplealwayswaitforChristmasbecausethefamily is together, and everybodygetspresents. Everybodygoestotheirrelatives and takespresents. Childrenoftenhavesnowballfights.