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Sculpture E xperiencing three- dimensionality

Sculpture E xperiencing three- dimensionality. Those having height, w i d t h, and depth. Three dimensional Experiences. Themes of artistic expression. Realism : lifelike representation of people and the world, without any idealization

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Sculpture E xperiencing three- dimensionality

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  1. SculptureExperiencing three- dimensionality

  2. Those having height, w i d t h, and depth Three dimensional Experiences

  3. Themes of artistic expression • Realism: lifelike representation of people and the world, without any idealization • Abstract art: the work is based on an actual object but portrayed in an unrealistic and conceptual way • Non-objective: Art works that focus on the elements of art and not an identifiable object or function

  4. REALISM:Portraiture

  5. Whitetail Fawn - By Mike Flanagan

  6. Grande Catalina - By Carol Feuerman

  7. Abstract expressionist • Fresh Global Perspective - By Mark P. Williamson

  8. Jan by J. Mack

  9. Debra Butterfield

  10. Snow Spirit - By Hellen Eberhardie Dunn

  11. Yes - By Aristides Demetrios

  12. Non- objective art Wa (Harmony) - By Susumu Ikegami

  13. Edison - By Gordon Huether

  14. Fish Tales - By Steve Jensen

  15. Tree - By Steve Jensen

  16. Art Elements • Line • Color • Texture • Value • Shape

  17. Principles of 3-D Design • Rhythmis concerned with repeating an element to make the work seem active or to suggest vibration. • Repetition Sometimes when an element or an object is repeated over and over a pattern is formed.

  18. Icosahedron, by English artist Richard Sweeney

  19. Nathan Sawaya

  20. Jen Stark

  21. Eusebio Sempere with unique acoustic properties..

  22. Principles of 3-D Design • Proportionis concerned with the relationship of one part to another and to the whole. The principle of proportion is not limited to size . Elements such as color can be used in differing proportions to create emphasis. • Scalethe size of an object in relationship to other objects and to it’s surroundings.

  23. Ron Mueck

  24. Michaelangelo’s David 16 feet tall

  25. Recycled Tire Sculpture

  26. Principles of 3-D Design • Figure and Ground Relationships “You can never have the use of the inside of a cup without the outside - the inside and outside go together They're one." Alan Watts

  27. Picasso

  28. Henry Moore's 'Reclining Figure' 1969-70

  29. Unity When you look at a work of art , it may be difficult to determine where one part ends and the other begins. The piece works together as a whole. It has unity. Unityis the arrangement of elements and principles with media to create a feeling of completeness or wholeness. When artists use the elements and principles with skill , imagination, and sensitivity.

  30. Pieta

  31. Close up of Mary

  32. Close up of Christ -Pieta

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