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Exercise 32

Exercise 32. Anatomy of Blood Vessels. Objectives. Tunics of blood vessel walls Artery, vein, capillary structural differences correlated to functional differences Artery and vein cross-sections Major arteries and veins. Tunics of Blood Vessel (Artery & Vein) Walls. Fig. 21-1.

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Exercise 32

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  1. Exercise 32 Anatomy of Blood Vessels

  2. Objectives • Tunics of blood vessel walls • Artery, vein, capillary structural differences correlated to functional differences • Artery and vein cross-sections • Major arteries and veins

  3. Tunics of Blood Vessel (Artery & Vein) Walls Fig. 21-1

  4. Tunics of Blood Vessel (Artery & Vein) Walls • Tunica intima (interna) • Lines the lumen • Single, smooth endothelial layer (squamous) • Continuous with heart’s endocardium

  5. Tunics of Blood Vessel (Artery & Vein) Walls • Tunica media • Bulky middle layer • Smooth muscle, elastin • Smooth muscle regulates diameter of vessel  blood pressure

  6. Tunics of Blood Vessel (Artery & Vein) Walls Tunica adentitia (externa) • Outermost layer • Areolar or fibrous connective tissue • Support/protection

  7. Artery, Vein, orCapillary? • Arteries • Walls generally thicker vs. veins • Tunica media has more muscle & elastic tissue: • Large arteries actually closer to the pumping of the heart • Able to expand as large amts of blood enter them, recoil as blood passes through  ELASTIC arteries • Smaller arteries less elastic tissue, moderate muscle  MUSCULAR arteries

  8. Artery,Vein, or Capillary? • Veins • Far removed from the heart • Low-pressure, not that big pressure change situation found in arteries • Thinner walled • Often flows against gravity—modification: • Lumens of veins larger • Valves prevent backflow • Skeletal muscles “pump” (“milk”) blood toward the heart

  9. Fig. 21-1

  10. Artery, Vein, or Capillary? • Capillaries • Transparent walls, one cell thick • Tunica intima only • Easy gas exchange between blood and tissue’s cells

  11. Fig. 21-4

  12. Fig. 21-2

  13. Major Arteries Right pulmonary artery To lungs, capillary exchange CO2/O2 Left pulmonary artery Pulmonary Trunk Fig. 21-21

  14. Major Arteries: The Aorta Thoracic aorta Abdominal aorta Fig. 21-22

  15. Major Arteries R, L subclavians Brachiocephalic Fig. 21-23

  16. R, L Fig. 21-26

  17. Superficial temporal Facial Facial Fig. 21-26

  18. (R, L) Internal thoracic (mammary) Fig. 21-23

  19. Fig. 21-23 Axillary artery Brachial artery

  20. Fig. 21-23 Radial artery Ulnar artery

  21. Fig. 21-23 Superficial palmar arch Digital arteries

  22. Branches from Abdominal Aorta Celiac Trunk Left gastric artery Hepatic artery Splenic artery Fig. 21-26

  23. Fig. 21-27

  24. Branches from Abdominal Aorta Superior mesenteric artery R, L renal artery Inferior mesenteric artery R, L gonadal artery Fig. 21-26

  25. R, L common iliac arteries R, L external iliac arteries R, L internal iliac arteries Fig. 21-26

  26. Femoral artery Deep femoral artery Lateral circumflex femoral artery Popliteal artery Posterior tibial artery Anterior tibial artery Fig. 21-28

  27. MAJOR VEINS R, L pulmonary veins From lungs, capillary exchange CO2/O2 Superior vena cava Inferior vena cava

  28. R, L brachiocephalic veins Fig. 21-30

  29. R, L subclavian veins Fig. 21-31

  30. Superficial temporal vein Facial vein Fig. 21-30

  31. R, L external jugular veins Fig. 21-31

  32. R, L internal jugular veins Fig. 21-31

  33. Branches of Inferior Vena Cava R, L R, L Fig. 21-31

  34. Hepatic Portal System Left gastric vein Right gastric vein Superior mesenteric vein Splenic vein Inferior mesenteric vein Fig. 21-34

  35. R, L common iliac vein R, L internal iliac vein R, L external iliac vein R, L femoral vein Great saphenous vein Fig. 21-34

  36. Website with interactive A & P model photos http://daphne.palomar.edu/ccarpenter/Models/model%20index.htm http://www.uky.edu/LCC/BSN/BIO/BiologyLabs/BSL111/111Lab1/Lab1VesselManFrameSet.html

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