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EUROCONTROL S TRATEGIES FOR 2000 +. Need for a New Strategy: ATM2000+. EATCHIP achievements significant, but not enough to cater for continuing growth of demand Lessons learned on difficulties to work together Need to extend time horizon of strategy Institutional framework revisited in 1997
Need for a New Strategy: ATM2000+ • EATCHIP achievements significant, but not enough to cater for continuing growth of demand • Lessons learned on difficulties to work together • Need to extend time horizon of strategy • Institutional framework revisited in 1997 • performance driven The ATM Strategy for the Years 2000+ As from MATSE/6 decision (Jan. 2000): To cater for forecast increase in demand up to 2015 & beyond To pave the way for a seamless European ATM System
Policy ATM Operations Aircraft Operations Economics Environment Airports Operations ATM: Partners in the Air Transport Network • Decisions (planning & real-time operations) of one partner impact the others • Realisation of Gate-to-Gate • Consistent management of all phases of flight • Uniform principles • Integration of airport airside operations into ATM • Regional capacity development plan • Collective benefits • Share information • Collaborative Decision Making (CDM)
ATM 2000+ Challenges • Simultaneously: • Generate extra Capacity • Increase Safety Levels • Reduce ATM-related Unit Costs • Successfully manage & implement change • Challenges • Realise an Airspace Continuum for ATM • Create a Gate-to-Gate ATM Network • Set up an effective Rule-making Process • Separate service regulation & provision
Safety Challenge: De-coupling Accidents and Traffic Growth Effect of Static Accident Rate and Traffic Growth on Number of Accidents 35 70 30 60 25 50 Public perception Departures (millions)/Rate per million 20 40 Accidents Accident number (1) Unacceptable scenario 15 30 Traffic growth (2) Rate to be drastically lowered 10 20 5 10 Accident rate 0 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Source : Flight Safety Foundation Year
CAPACITY CHALLENGE - Capacity growth for traffic needs - 80% capacity growth 1990-2000 20% capacity growth 2000-2002 3-year capacity-traffic lag being squeezed 1 min. average delay/flight by 2006 achievable
Challenge: Increased ATM Efficiency • 200 • 180 ATM Strategy 2000+ Strategic Performance Framework • 160 • 140 • 120 • Flights • index • 100 • User Costs • 80 • 60 • Costs/Flights • 40 • 20 • 0 • 2000 • 2001- • 2005- • 2008- • 2012- • 2004 • 2007 • 2011 • 2020
Challenge:Flexible Use of Airspace European Danger / Restricted / Prohibited Military Areas
Road Map of Changethrough Time • An overall perspective to prepare decisions • Not a frozen blue print • Where to go, what to do and when to be ready in due time • Top-down, performance-driven planning • With feed back to take actual progress and operational experience into account • Lead to a European Programme, with actions by all Stakeholders
2012 & beyond:Safety Management System; co-operative ATM Concept;integrated air/ground systems; integrated planning and management of air traffic; redistribution of tasks (human/machine; controller/controller; controller/pilot), CDM / SWIM. Full Gate-to-Gate Concept in one Airspace Continuum 2008 - 2011: Coherent safety levels;integration of ATM with system partners; dynamic management of the airspace network; accelerated integration of GND/AIR Systems; trajectory prediction and conflict avoidance; advanced support tools; airborne traffic situational awareness; Aeronautical Information Management. Accelerating Integration 2005 - 2007: improved Safety levels, dynamic flow and capacity management; seamless airspace organisation; dynamic airspace allocation; enhanced Airport Operation; improved ATM systems; increased system support to controller Increasing Productivity Up to 2004:focus on safety and capacity; optimal airspace organisation; pro-active traffic flow management; refined Airport ATC; human resources management; Europe’s best practice Improving Capacity From Today’s Best Practiceto a New Operational Concept
T h e R o a d M a p
2000 2005 2010 2015 BRNAV at all levels RNP RNAV mandatory en-route 4D RNAV Conventional SIDs/STARs AWO and A-SMGCS RNAV in selected TMAs (RNP tbd) RNAV mandatory in TMAs (RNP tbd) RNAV SIDs/STARs Provide NPA Provide Cat I/II/III PA Provide runway guidance Rationalisation of the Ground Infrastructure for all phases of flight One sky for Europe NAVIGATION DEVELOPMENTS En-route TMA Operations 13
2000 2005 2010 2015 One sky for Europe Navigation Infrastructure Evolution En-Route NDB VOR DME GPS/Galileo SBAS GBAS Approach / Landing / Departure / A-SMGCS NDB VOR DME GPS/Galileo ILS Cat I ILS Cat II/III MLS Cat III SBAS APV Cat I GBAS Cat I/II/III 14
One sky for Europe Communication, ADS-Surveillance Services Roadmap EUROCONTROL Under assessment 15
One sky for Europe Conclusions EUROCONTROL • ANC/11 has largely confirmed the global character of ATM issues and Suitability of European orientations; • EUROCONTROL will contribute to global developments and expects continued and extended input from all sectors of industry 16