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Quality Assurance Project Plans. Melinda Ronca-Battista, ITEP/TAMS Center. Welcome To EI Advanced. This is the beginning of the second training, EI Advanced, in the EI/TEISS training series
Quality Assurance Project Plans Melinda Ronca-Battista, ITEP/TAMS Center
Welcome To EI Advanced This is the beginning of the second training, EI Advanced, in the EI/TEISS training series This training is designed for those needing to collect their own data and use TEISS to estimate emissions for those sources Are there any questions from the first training?
What is a QAPP Tool for project managers (YOU) and planners (YOU) to document the type and quality of datainformation needed for environmental decisions (signatures commit to doing what it says) Describes the methods for collecting and assessing those data information The QAPP is an integral part of the fundamental principles and practices that form the foundation of the EPA Quality System Required by EPA
Why is a QAPP important? • EIs are the Foundation of Decisions (agreements about who is going to do what are documented) • Sets Goals and Objectives • Road Map of How to Conduct EI • Provides Long-term Guidance • Makes Writing the EI Report Easier
Formats of QAPP ITEP QAPP Template Emission Inventory Improvement Plan (EIIP) Format TEISS Inventory Preparation Plan (IPP) Wizard
Inventory Planning Level 4: use only existing NEI data Level 1: gather all your own data Determine the Audience Determine the Uses Chose a Category Level
Determine the Use Air quality program planning Assess contributions of future new sources (document baseline) Assess need for tribal permitting program Support development of TIP Support participation in regional AQ planning efforts
Level 1 Requires highest degree of defensibility Based on site-specific data Results can be used directly in enforcement, compliance or litigation support if sufficient scope Level 2 Used to directly support decision-making or standard setting CAA-SIP inventory or other national inventory developed to support numerous EPA regulatory requirements Site- or region-specific information generally required Levels of EI
Level 3 General assessment or research Site-specific data may be gathered Do not directly support rulemaking activities Level 4 Usually compiled from previously-published emissions data Not intended to directly support rulemaking or compliance activities Levels of EI From US EPA’s Emission Inventory Improvement Program (EIIP) Vol. 6, page 2.1-5
Next Step in a Level 1, 2, or 3 EI • Start with a QAPP • List sources on tribal land you will estimate emissions for • Use TEISS calculators to determine data you will need to collect to estimate emissions • The Level 4 EI you have been working on can be the off-reservation section of your Level 1, 2, or 3 EI • Data from off-reservation sources need to be in a separate section than data from on-reservation sources in the report
QAPP Introduction – Scope of the Inventory Let’s do it now • Define • Geographic area – include a map! • Pollutants: Criteria and/or HAPs • Source types – point, nonpoint, mobile • Time period • Annual – state which year • Seasonal (e.g., Ozone season)
QAPP Introduction – Data Quality Objectives and Indicators • Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) • Establish to ensure General statements for accuracy, completeness, representativeness, and comparability of the EI • Example, Completeness DQO: Point and Nonpoint NEI data obtaineddownloaded for area of concern • Data Quality Indicators (DQIs) • More specific Use to measure of progress towards each DQO • Example, Completeness DQI: 100% of Title V sources in the NEI within the area of concern included in EI
QAPP Introduction – Summary Include a summary of how the rest of the QAPP is organized See the example QAPP Very basic: we will make a list of sources, download NEI data, document everything in writing and spreadsheets, have a second person review everything This is simpler than it sounds
QAPP: Project Organization Section • Organization chart • Establish staff and resources requirements • Inventory implementation timeline
QAPP: Data Source Types Sections • For each source type (point, nonpoint, etc.), list the sources
QAPP: Data Source Types Sections • On-Reservation Sources and Off-Reservation Sources • Separate section or paragraph of the QAPP for each • For each On-Reservation Source you plan to estimate emissions for, list data you need to collect and method used to estimate emissions • You can get this from the TEISS calculators…
QAPP: QA/QC Section How are data collected? How are data documented? How are data checked? Where are the data stored? How are the data reported? Just type what makes sense that you can do; nothing fancy
Example of Details –Data Management and Reporting 1+ sentence each • Describe how data will be stored • In TEISS • Paper and electronic filing system • Data collection and calculations on paper • Calculations done in spreadsheets • Final Products of EI • Completed TEISS project – has ALL the details • Paper report – gives general details, summarizes results • Presentation – summarizes results
Homework due in 5 days: • Make a list of Point Sources that you plan to include in your EI • Look at the map in your TEISS project and list the facilities in the NEI that are on the reservation • List any additional facilities NOT in the NEI that are on the reservation that you plan to include in your EI • Write up the Point Sources section of your QAPP and email to instructors • Draw out an organization chart; scan or save and email to instructors
Just G.I.O.W. Do your homework now—the longer you wait the harder it gets