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Cold check-out status & Readiness for 5 TeV /c. G.Arduini for the Machine Check-Out Team (Mike, Reyes, Rossano+LHC /OP) Special thanks to: E. Bravin, B. Goddard, J.J. Gras, D. Nisbet, S. Redaelli, R. Schmidt, J. Uythoven, J. Wenninger and many others. Cold check-out status.
Cold check-out status &Readiness for 5 TeV/c G.Arduini for the Machine Check-Out Team (Mike, Reyes, Rossano+LHC/OP) Special thanks to: E. Bravin, B. Goddard, J.J. Gras, D. Nisbet, S. Redaelli, R. Schmidt, J. Uythoven, J. Wenninger and many others
Cold check-out status • New circuits made available: • Triplets and their correctors R5, L8 • Sector 12 (03/09) triplets excluded and • Sector 81 (03/09) • Difficult start due to problems with power converter cooling (RQD.A81) and resistor in the energy extraction system for RB.A12. • PGC well advanced for Sector 12 and started for 81 LBDS: • First successful test of re-arming the system connected to BIC once beam permits are OK • TCDQ movement and interlocks being tested • Link to injection system done
Cold check-out status • Instrumentation tests ongoing: • Wire scanners from CCC • BCT and Fast BCT from CCC • Tune measurement and turn-by-turn bunch-by-bunch acquisition applications (including remote control of the tune and aperture kickers and synchronization signals) from CCC • BLM tests with radioactive sources completed. Radioactive sources being removed from the tunnel (today and tomorrow)
Cold check-out status • RF: • all 16 cavities commissioned with RF feedback loops closed • reliability tests ongoing • Frequency programme and LSA control being tested now • Sequenced switch-on of cavity being tested now • Controls: • Reliability runs loading and unloading tables • Logging of the full ring BLMs and BPMs as well as collimators running since yesterday • Collimators: • Systematic validation of machine protection functionality for the collimator temperature survey
Cold check-out status • Interlocks: • Checked injection inhibit and BIC connection for ATLAS and preliminary for CMS • Safe Machine Parameters (e.g. distribution of Safe Beam and Beam Presence Flags) module being activated. Still problems with intensity information distribution • Connection of the Accelerator Safety Block status and of the Electron Stopper status as part of the vacuum interlocks in LSS3 and LSS4 being re-tested after modifications to protect the BIC module
5 TeV/c • >450 GeV/c and/or intensity above pilot: • All “Day-1” circuits available and tested up to 5 TeV/c • snapback correction, ramp and later squeeze • Tracking of the main circuits during the ramp • radial loop and synchronization with frequency clock distributed to the experiments • Instrumentation for working point measurement and controls • Luminosity optimization and measurements
Magnet circuits & Power Converters • To be done: • Get all the Day-1/2 Circuits for OP after HWC to 5 TeV/c (in particular those limited to injection current because of the DSLC issue) • Systematic test of snapback, ramp, squeeze (?) for all sectors. We will run with long injection plateau (enough to complete decay) and constant snapback corrections done for Sector 56. For the other Sectors focus on pre-cycle and injection • “Heat run” of injection lines, experimental warm magnets in IP2 and IP8 and adjacent sectors at 5 TeV/c. • Systematic tracking verification for RB/RQD/RQF/IT for all sectors
Tracking tests in Sector 56 and 67 • Test Method for a single sector: • Regulation with I Channel A only (normally A and B) • I Channel B cabled to ‘neighboring circuit’ • Test method for multiple sectors: • As above, but use ‘Post Mortem Timing Event’ to trigger across several sectors D. Nisbet
5TeV Ramp of RB, QF, QD 756.911 A 756.906 A Iref of RB (A56, A67) RQF (A56, A67) RQD (A56, A67) 2.3 ppm of 13kA Synchronised start of ramp using timing event D. Nisbet
Iref(RB) sent to RQF, RQD Difference in current between circuits Sector 56 Sector 67 +2ppm Ia(RQF) – Ib(RB) Ia(RQD) – Ib(RQF) Ia(RB) – Ib(RQD) • Offset due to calibration • Drift due to thermal and gain effects -2 ppm Spread of 4ppm between circuits in Sector56 and 67 (tracking and precision combined) D. Nisbet
Global PM - Iref(RB) sent to RQF, RQD Global PM Event Iref(RB_5TeV) = Iref(RQF_5TeV) = Iref(RQD_5TeV) Global PM Event D. Nisbet
Required: 20 ppm of Nominal Observations are very encouraging “hardwired” comparison being put in place Global PM - Iref(RB) sent to RQF, RQD D. Nisbet
10mA (0.8ppm) 3928.48 A 100ms 10mA (0.8ppm) 500ms 452.994 A Tracking of Main Circuits, Triplet and IPQ in S78 Ramp to 4TeV -> apply RB reference to all circuits RB, RQF, RQD, RQX (A78) Q5 -> Q10 (L8) D. Nisbet Tracking between all systems within measurement noise
Machine Protection • For energies above 450-500 GeV and/or intensities above few 1010 p/beam need to complete detailed tests to validate the Machine Protection functionality: • PIC configuration with essential (unmaskable) circuits. Presently – and until we will not get circulating beam – all the circuits are considered as auxiliary and therefore the corresponding PIC input is maskable • BLM full commissioning (threshold management, …) • LBDS full commissioning (tracking with 4 sectors – Sector 45 missing for the time being) • Characterization of the “reaction time” of the LBDS and of the timing of the sequence of events leading to a beam dump for each class of failure (e.g. vacuum, power converter, intrusion …) MPWG procedures • Complete SIS verifications (e.g. experimental magnet compensation, Bdl trims, etc.)
Machine Protection • Before going to E>500 GeV or I>few 1010 p, a period of ~1 week should be allocated to complete the full machine protection commissioning (a SW interlock – to be tested - has been made available by Jörg to limit intensity and/or the energy of the beam in the machine) both without and with beam • During this time the machine should be kept closed and the beam permit loop should be OK • Tests with beam (see Machine Commissioning procedures) will be needed in addition to complete the commissioning of the Machine Protection.
Beam Instrumentation • As soon we increase the intensity and or energy the commissioning of the following instrumentation will have to be completed with priority: • BSRT (synch light monitor) (not possible to use the wire scanners above ~few 1012 p): • application available and individual system test completed • video transmission tested • Undulators to be HWC • PLL tune loop for tune, coupling and chromaticity modulation (essential tool for the beam control during the snapback and ramp) • HW and SW available • Damper excitation available • Requires radial loop modulation
Beam Instrumentation • BRSA (abort gap monitor) • Application still in development phase • Luminosity monitors: • BRAN-B (IP2 e 8)HW installed, SW available(to be tested) • BRAN-A (IP1 e 5)Ionization Chambers not ready (2 installed). Acquisition electronics not ready. 4 scintillators installed as a temporary solution, SW available (to be tested)
RF • Radial loop will be likely needed to ease the commissioning of the ramp. This will imply re-synchronization of both beam to reference frequency (also distributed to experiments): • HW & front-end SW in test as part of the overall beam control • As we go to higher intensity and multi-bunch, transverse feedback might be needed as a damper and abort gap cleaner: • Power part HW commissioned • Low level HW available by mid/end of September • Remote controls power part (Labview expert application for now) • Abort gap cleaning function to be developed
Summary and Conclusions • Present effort focussed at getting the machine ready for circulating beam (up to few 1010 p) at 450 GeV/c in a safe way (“soft” but tested interlock system) • Time with full machine available and closed (i.e. once HWC to 5 TeV/c is completed) will be needed before any intensity or energy increase for at least 1 week: • To integrate the systems after their full HWC (e.g. Sector 34 600 A) • To commission without beam machine protection in its full functionality • Complete the tests without beam of the instrumentation and RF equipment • This does not include the required beam commissioning time for machine protection, instrumentation, RF commissioning