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North Carolina in Depression and War

North Carolina in Depression and War. Chapter 22. The Great Depression. Depression: a downturn in economic activity Sales of goods and prices fall Banks fail, and People lose their jobs. Causes of the Depression. Agriculture declined weakening the economy

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North Carolina in Depression and War

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  1. North Carolina in Depression and War Chapter 22

  2. The Great Depression • Depression: a downturn in economic activity • Sales of goods and prices fall • Banks fail, and • People lose their jobs

  3. Causes of the Depression • Agriculture declined weakening the economy • Farmers were unable to repay bank loans • Businesses had fewer sales • economist: studies the economy

  4. “Black Thursday” • Occurred onOctober 24, 1929: the stock market crashed • NYSE: largest stock market

  5. NC in the Depression • In North Carolina, agriculture was the hardest hit • Most profitable industries: • Tobacco • Electrical power • Telephone • Chemical • Paper companies

  6. Easing the Burden • To help the unemployed,Governor Gardner created the Live-at-Home program. This programencouraged farmers to: • Grow gardens • Can food, and • Raise the necessities that they usually bought at the store

  7. Jane McKimmon: showed farm wives how to can food

  8. The New Deal • UnderPresident Franklin Roosevelt, Congress passed laws known as theNew Deal, to bring about: • Economic recovery • Relieve the suffering of the unemployed • Reform defects in the economy, and • Improve society

  9. Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA): provided price supports for farm products • Wagner Act: guaranteed workers the right of collective bargaining

  10. Relief • Public works projects were created to help the economy recover by helping the unemployed

  11. Works Progress Administration (WPA): provided jobsby building schools, parks, roads, and airports • Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC): provided jobs for young men to preserve soil and purify water • Social Security Act: provided old-age benefits/insurance from taxes paid by workers and employees

  12. Economic Reforms • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC): insured depositors’ accounts in banks

  13. Social Improvement • Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA): built hydroelectric dams on the Tennessee River and its tributaries • Fontana dam/lake: the highest dam and longest lake in NC

  14. The Second World War • International relations worsened as: • Japan • Italy • Germany, and • the Soviet Union tried to expand their power and territory

  15. Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini led Italy to take over countries in Africa and the Balkans • German dictator, Adolf Hitler seized much of Europe by 1940

  16. The War Begins • World War II began on September 1, 1939, when Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa declared war on Germany • Lend-lease aid: the lending or leasing of weapons to Britain, during WWII, when they ran out of cash

  17. America Enters the War • On Dec. 8, 1941, after the bombing at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7,the United States entered WWII • Dutch East Indies - Indonesia

  18. NC in WWII • NC was the site for many training bases located at: • Fort Bragg (largest artillery post) • Camp Lejeune • Camp Mackall • Camp Battle • Cherry Point Marine Air Base, and many others

  19. Cape Hatteras became known as “Torpedo Junction”, because so many ships were sunk by German submarines • Mica: used in electronic parts • Shipyards in NC: • Wilmington • New Bern • Elizabeth City

  20. Many goods wererationed, because they were in short supply • Some goods that were rationed are: • Meat • Butter • Canned goods • Gas • Shoes • Tires • Coffee, and • Sugar

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