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Welcome to our KS1 Maths Workshop for parents

Join us to explore how addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are taught in KS1. Enhance your understanding of place value concepts and practical strategies for supporting your child's math learning. The workshop aims to provide guidance on utilizing school teachings to enrich home practice.

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Welcome to our KS1 Maths Workshop for parents

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  1. Welcome to our KS1 Maths Workshop for parents

  2. Aims of todays session: • To provide support, help and guidance for KS1 Maths • To share with you how addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are taught to your children • For you to understand how you can use what we do at school to help your child at home

  3. Place Value Year 1 • In Year 1 children are taught to: • Count to and across 100 beginning with 0, or 1, or from any given number • Count backwards to and across 100 from any given number • Count, read and write numbers to 100 • Count in multiples of twos, fives and tens • Identify one more or one less than a given number

  4. Place Value in Year 2 • In year 2 children are taught to: • Count in steps of two, three and five from 0, and in tens from any number forwards and backwards • Recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (e.g. 23– there are 2 tens and 3 ones) • Compare and order numbers from 0 up to 100 • Use more ≤ ≥ and = signs correctly • Use number facts to solve problems

  5. Addition in Year 1 • In Year 1, children are taught to add 1-digit and 2-digit numbers to 20, including zero. • Children will continue to continue to counting on from any number e.g. ‘Put five in your head and count on four.’ • Children use practical resources to support their calculations.

  6. E.g. ‘Sam has 3 lollipops and Tom has five, how many have they got altogether?’ 3 + 5 =

  7. Children will learn how to use number lines to help them count on in ones.

  8. Addition in Year 2 • In year 2 children are encouraged to use a range of practical apparatus to support them in their understanding of place value and addition before moving onto written methods.

  9. Place value charts with tens rods and cubes are used as a visual aid. 34 + 27 =

  10. Children will begin to use ‘empty number lines’ themselves starting with the larger number and counting on. First counting on in tens then in ones.

  11. Subtraction in Year 1 • Children will use number lines and practicalresources to support calculation.

  12. The number line will also be used to show that 6 - 3 means the ‘difference between 6 and 3’ . They can see this by counting how many jumps they are apart.

  13. Subtraction in Year 2 • As with addition, place value charts can be used to practically subtract. In this calculation, 5 balloons are subtracted from 28 by moving them away from the main calculation; the remaining balloons are moved to the bottom of the grid to be added together for the answer.

  14.  Alongside practical apparatus, children will begin to use empty number lines to support calculations. First counting back in tens, then in ones.

  15. Multiplication in Year 1 • Children will count repeated groups of the same size in practical contexts. They will use the vocabulary associated with multiplication in practical contexts. They will solve practical problems that involve combining groups of 2, 5 or 10. E.g. socks, wheels, fingers and cubes.

  16. For example: There are 3 bikes in the shop window, how many wheels are there?

  17. Children will use arrays to support early multiplication. E.g. Ten pennies, in five rows of two Children will experience equal groups of objects and will count in 2s and 10s and begin to count in 5s

  18. Multiplication in Year 2 •  During year 2 children will learn to recall and use multiplication and division facts for the two, five and ten times tables. • Children will develop their understanding of multiplication by using jottings as well as practical apparatus.

  19. Arrays help to visualise groups of: E.g. 3 x 5 is 5 + 5 + 5 or 3 lots of 5

  20. Children can use practical apparatus or their own jottings to create arrays. 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 15 ‘5 rows of 3’ ‘5 groups of 3’ ‘3 groups of 5’ ‘5 x 3’ = 15 ‘3 x 5’ = 15

  21. Division in Year 1 • Children will start with practical sharing using a variety of resources. They will share objects into equal groups in a variety of situations. They will begin to use the vocabulary associated with division in practical contexts.

  22. Share these eight pears equally between two children. How many pears will each child have?’

  23.  Children will move from sharing to grouping in a practical way. For example when solving 16 ÷ 2, the children would see how many groups of two there are in 16. When grouping, we know the total number of objects, and the number in each set. We find out how many sets are needed. E.g. ‘Put 20 pens into pots of ten. How many pots do we need?’

  24. Division in Year 2 •  Children will use a range of vocabulary to describe division and use practical resources, pictures, diagrams and the ÷ sign to record, using multiples that they know. Children will often solve division questions by sharing or grouping practical equipment.

  25. E.g. 30 pens shared equally between three pots.’ (Sharing) ‘We have 30 pens and put ten pens in each pot. How many pots do we need?’ (Grouping) ‘30 divided by 10 = 3’ ‘30 divided by 3= 10’

  26. ‘How many groups of 5?’ ‘15 shared equally between 3 people is…?’ ‘15 divided by 3 equals 5’ ‘15 divided by 5 equals 3’

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