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IFIP WG 8.6 Conference Hamburg (Germany), September 22-24, 2011. A Meta-Analysis of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Yogesh K. Dwivedi Nripendra P. Rana Hsin Chen Michael D. Williams. Outline. Introduction Methodology Findings and discussions Conclusions
IFIP WG 8.6 Conference Hamburg (Germany), September 22-24, 2011 A Meta-Analysis of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Yogesh K. Dwivedi Nripendra P. Rana Hsin Chen Michael D. Williams
Outline • Introduction • Methodology • Findings and discussions • Conclusions • Limitations and future research
About UTAUT • a theoretical advancement over existing theories used to examine adoption and diffusion related research. • Venkatesh et al. (2003) reviewed, mapped and integrated constructs across the following eight theories and models and aimed to develop a unified view to eliminate redundancy and repetitions: Theory of reasoned action (TRA); Technology acceptance model (TAM); - Motivational model (MM); Theory of planned behaviour (TPB); A combined theory of TPB AND TAM; Model of PC UTILIZATION (MPCU); Innovation diffusion theory (IDT); Social cognitive theory (SCT)
Research Motivations • Due to the similarity of UTAUT with TAM and TPB, the current and future adoption and diffusion studies might be favoring use of UTAUT. • It is difficult to demonstrate that if UTAUT is replacing TAM in empirical studies as there is no review of previous empirical studies that have utilized UTAUT. • There is no study that has surveyed or reviewed performance of UTAUT subsequently – so there is a lack of information regarding reliability and consistency of performance of this theory in different situations.
Why Meta-analysis of UTAUT? • Try to determine the past and current trends of its use by conducting systematic reviews • To examine performance of UTAUT and its constructs across different studies. This was less feasible through using any other method • A number of studies published in I&M, CAIS have utilized similar method on TAM
Research Aim • To conduct a review and meta-analysis of articles that have cited the originating article on UTAUT (Venkatesh et al., 2003). • Research Objectives: • - Identify articles that either cited or utilised UTAUT • - Perform the demography of citations • - Analyze theories and external variables • - Investigate relationships between UTAUT constructs • - Find out the average reliability of UTAUT constructs • - Carry out the meta-analysis of constructs relations
Methodology • Identified a list of 870 articles on the UTAUT’s originating article from Web of Science® database. • Out of total 870 articles, 450 full articles were downloaded. • Out of 450, 407 just cited the UTAUT whereas 43 utilised it.
Findings • Demography of citations - Citation by Source: MIS Quarterly (36), LNCS (30), I & M (28) - Citations by Year: 2009 (228), 2008 (214), 2007 (141), 2006 (91), 2005 (62) - External Theories: TAM, TTF, SCT, IDT, TAM2 - External Variables: 22 out of 43 studies used external variables • Relationship between UTAUT constructs - Most significant relation: BI-U, PE-BI, SI-BI - Only 19% of overall studies show BI-U relations - Most non-significant relation: EE-BI, FC-BI
Findings Contd.. • Reliability of UTAUT Constructs • - All of the constructs were found to have the average reliability of >0.70 - BI found to show the largest average reliability followed by EE and U ≈ 0.90 • Major Limitations of UTAUT based studies • - Single subject: Only one community, organization, culture, or country • - Single IS: Only one information system or technology used for research • - Cross sectional study: Measured at only one point of time - Self-reported usage: Does not assess the actual use
Findings Contd.. • Correlation analysis from original theory and meta-analysis
Discussion • Despite the large citations, only a few studies used UTAUT • The cumulative performance of UTAUT is not as good as one measured in the original theory • Seven out of 43 UTAUT based studies used external theory • - TAM (4 times) most frequently used theory along with UTAUT • Many external variables across UTAUT constructs
Conclusions • There is an increasing trend of using external variables and external theories together with the UTAUT. • Relationships between external variables along with UTAUT constructs and behavioural intention were generally reported as significant or mixed significant. • Reliability of UTAUT’s survey instrument was found consistent in all citations that have utilized it.
Limitations and Future Research Scope • Potential Limitations: - Limited number of research papers on UTAUT - No consideration of moderating variables • Future Research Scope: - More number of UTAUT based study to be analysed - Effect of moderating variables to be considered