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New Age:The term New Age" is an umbrella term that refers to philosophies, beliefs, practices, and teachings based on Eastern Mystical religion (Hinduism, Buddhism, Zen Buddhism), Chinese Taoist Philosophy, Western occultism, and human Secularism.It is called New Age" because, according to As
7. New Age Roots The roots of the New Age health movement can be traced back to the ancient philosophical and religious belief of China, India, and Egypt
They are deeply embedded in Eastern mystical religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and other pagan and occult beliefs which subscribe to non-biblical world views.
8. New Age Health Roots Date back as 2500 BC, three branches of ancient traditional medicine and their origin:
First in the island of Cos, birthplace of Hippocrates, who developed the Hippocratic traditional medicine that spread from Greece to Egypt, then to Persia in the east and one Italy in the west
Second was the Yellow river of China, where Traditional Chinese Medicine evolved
Third was the Indus Valley of India, the seat of Ayurvedic medicine
9. New Age Roots Ancient Traditional Medicine:
- Though all different, yet the same in many ways because their cross-pollination by travelers and merchants.
The belief system shared were:
- the separable soul, forerunner of vital essence
- elements as impersonal forces in nature pantheism)
- the colon as the root of disease
- the role of karma and no concept of sin
- transmigration of the soul and reincarnation
- diagnosis of the whole from the part (eg pulse diagnosis which employed by exciled Tibetan Buddhist leader and physician, the Dahli Lama
10. New Age Roots Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):
Chinese medicine is the child of Chinese religion, and at their core lies the same fundamental belief in the dual universal energy of chi and the five elements. TCM is embodied in a written work of ideas and theories about disease and its treatments that are practice by medical Chinese and practitioner specialists
B. TCM includes: acupuncture, acupressure, moxibustion, herbalism, diet, tai chi (body-mind exercise for energy balancing), Eastern meditation (altered states of consciousness), and Yoga (discipline)
14. Energy Medicine is the Future of Medicine Norman Shealy, MD, founding president of the American Holistic Medical Association Healing takes place with the body activating its natural healing energies. The healing process also restores energy patterns that have become compromised by nurturing the weak links back to health.
Each individual can lay claim to his or her own healing energies; which are the birthright of each person.
Energy medicine helps people harness this subtle energy for optimum health.
15. History of Energy Medicine The Greek philosopher, Theophrastus Paracelsus (1490-1541) postulated that planets, magnets and plants are among the things that have an influence on man. This influence he referred to was via a radiation that permeated space.
Hippocrates, The Father of Modern Medicine, was also a believer of curative energy patterns that emanated from the earth and atmosphere. He believed that ones surroundings had an impact on the status of ones health.
16. In ancient healing systems, the practice of stimulating key energy points in the human body was employed by traditional practitioners as a means to restore and maintain health. By stimulating this specific energy points the healers hoped to maintain the bodys overall health and even to restore health. These traditional methods of practice were observed and passed down to generations in India and China. These practitioners believed that disturbed energies lead to corresponding disturbances in the physical body. Some of these ancient methods are practiced even in modern times.
-Siva Poobalasingam,M.D. Optimum Energy for Peak Performance with Scalar Energy, p.4
18. Challenge in the SDA Church: It seems to me that holistic and New Age Medicine are among the most sinister of ways that spiritualism is finding its way into our ranks
The New Age Movement is a subtle disguise for the old spiritualism.
-William Jarvis
19. Challenge in the SDA Church: People do not realize that alternative New Age Holistic
Therapies are based not only on non-biblical worldview, but are also on pseudoscience, astrology, parapsychology, and the occult.
23. Magnetism or Mesmerism Mesmerism (animal magnetism, magnetic healing): A form of hypnotism named after Franz Anton Mesmer (c. 1734-1815), a flamboyant Viennese physician who had planned to become a cleric. Mesmer coined the expression "animal magnetism" to refer to his concept of a mysterious, magnetic "vital fluid" that (a) permeated the universe and (b) was the agent whereby he induced hypnosis ("mesmeric sleep") in patients. He postulated that an imbalance between animal magnetism within the body and animal magnetism in the environment caused many illnesses. Supposed use of animal magnetism characterizes mesmerism, which apparently survives only partially, as Magnetic healing.
24. Animal Magnetism Mesmer successfully used his new system, which was a type of HYPNOTISM, to cure patients. His technique received some support among members of the medical profession. In 1785, the French government was induced to appoint and investigate commission composed of physicians and scientists. But the committees report was unfavorable to Mesmers theory. Mesmer subsequently fell into disrepute and spent the rest of his life in obscurity.
25. MAGNETISM Since Mesmer day the subject has been elevated from the domain of Charlatanism to that of scientific research. (charlatan means a person who pretends to have knowledge or skill he does not possess, especially medical knowledge.)
The Mesmeric trance is today identified as HYPNOSIS, and its value in the management of certain medical conditions.
Source: Incarta & The Grolier International Dictionary.
26. The Bottom Line There is no scientific basis to conclude that small, static magnets can relieve pain or influence the course of any disease. In fact, many of today's products produce no significant magnetic field at or beneath the skin's surface.
27. Researchers at the New York College of Podiatric Medicine have reported negative results in a study of patients with heel pain. Over a 4-week period, 19 patients wore a molded insole containing a magnetic foil, while 15 patients wore the same type of insole with no magnetic foil. In both groups, 60% reported improvement, which suggests that the magnetic foil conveyed no benefit .
Caselli MA and others. Evaluation of magnetic foil and PPT in soles in the treatment of heel pain. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 87:11-16, 1997.
28. More recently, researchers at the VA Medical Center in Prescott, Arizona conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study involving 20 patients with chronic back pain. of the use of magnets to treat back pain. Each patient was exposed to real and sham bipolar permanent magnets during alternate weeks, for 6 hours per day, 3 days per week for a week, with a 1-week period between the treatment weeks. No difference in pain or mobility was found between the treatment and sham-treatment periods.
Collacott EA and others. Bipolar permanent magnets for the treatment of chronic low back pain. JAMA 283:1322-1325, 2000.
29. Legal and Regulatory Actions In 1998, Magnetherapy, Inc., of West Palm Beach, Florida, signed an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance with the State of Texas to pay a $30,000 penalty and to stop claiming that wearing its magnetic device near areas of pain and inflammation will relieve pain due to arthritis, migraine headaches, sciatica or heel spurs. The agreement also requires Magnetherapy to stop making claims that its magnets can cure, treat, or mitigate any disease or can affect any change in the human body, unless its devices are FDA-approved for those purposes.
Morales halts unproven claims for magnet therapy. News release, April 9, 1998.
30. On August 8, 2000, the Consumer Justice Center, of Laguna Niguel, California filed suit in Orange County Superior Court charging that Florsheim and a local shoe store (Shoe Emporium) made false and fraudulent claims that their MagneForce shoes (a) correct "magnetic deficiency," (b) "generate a deep-penetrating magnetic field which increases blood circulation; reduces leg and back fatigue; and provides natural pain relief and improved energy level."; and (c) their claims are established and proven by scientific studies .
Jeff Wynton and the Consumer Justice Center v. Florsheim Group, Inc., Shoe Emporium. Superior Court of California, Orange County, Case #00CC09419, filed Aug 8, 2000.
Signs of the Times, March 24, 1887/ Evangelism pages 608, 609.
32. EG White , 1T 296, 297 Thousands are conversing with, and receiving instructions from, this demon-god and acting according to his teachings. The world which is supposed to be benefited so much by phrenology and animal magnetism, never was so corrupt. Satan uses these very things to destroy virtue and lay the foundation of spiritualism.
33. Thousands, I was shown, have been spoiled through the philosophy of phrenology and animal, magnetism and have been driven into infidelity. If the mind commences to run in this channel, it is almost sure to lose its balance and be controlled by a demon.
1T 296,297.
35. What is the Scalar Energy Pendant Made From? Mineral based high-tech formulated energy pendant, made from volcanic lava, using Japanese technology
Capable of emitting scalar energy instantly transforming bio-energy into our body to promote molecular activities of water molecules in body organs.
Benefit the bodys metabolic functions, elevating blood circulation systems
Result is holistic healthcare functions the Most Natural Way
36. Disclaimer *This product is not a medical device. This product is not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Do not use if you have any pre-existing medical condition or are taking any medication. Use in conjunction with a well balanced diet and regular intense exercise program. Perform the Quantum tests at your own risk.*
37. Scalar Energy History The discovery of scalar energy can be attributed to James Clerk Maxwell, a Scotsman who was born in the 19th century that led to the development of quantum physics.
Albert Einstein worked on Maxwells findings and discovered The Theory of Relativity.
Maxwells equation also showed the relationship between electricity and magnetism.
P.24 Optimum Energy for Peak Performance with Scalar Energy
38. 50 years later Nikola Tesla proved the existence of scalar energy.
Born in Yugoslavia around 1856-1857
Scalar energy made famous today by Thomas E. Bearden
39. Thomas E. Bearden is a retired Lieutenant Colonel of the U.S. Army who specializes in the study of scalar electromagnetics, advanced electrodynamics, unified field theory, and overunity systems" [edit] Earthquakes and volcanoes
Bearden has claimed that Russia used various other technologies in the 1980s to cause the destruction of the Challenger space shuttle and induce "several large earthquakes" [14].
He believes the Japanese Yakuza used this technology to trigger the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, and the resulting tsunami, which killed approximately 200,000 people, and that the Yakuza is also plotting to trigger the Yellowstone Supervolcano, which would kill the majority of the US population[15].
[edit] Weather control
Bearden has maintained that scalar electromagnetic waves can be used to create the high and low-pressure zones and influence the weather. He claims that the Russian KGB, in collaboration with the Japanese Yakuza and Aum Shinrikyo cult, have been secretly influencing the weather since 1990, and explicitly blames the Yakuza for Hurricane Katrina[16].
40. Claims to academic credentials
Biographies of Bearden consistently state that he received a B.S. Degree in Mathematics from Northeastern Louisiana University and an M.S. Degree in Nuclear Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology.[17]
Some time in or before 2001, Bearden began to identify himself as "Tom Bearden, Ph.D.",[18] with no affiliation or details. The Skeptical Inquirer, among others, revealed that Bearden purchased his Ph.D. from Trinity College and University, which the magazine describes as "a British institution with no building, campus, faculty, or president, and run from a post office box in Sioux Falls, South Dakota".[19] This institution is not accredited by any recognized accreditation association and is generally regarded as a degree mill. It has since changed its name to Bronte International University and its exact location is uncertain.
41. Scalar Energy Scalar Energy is the term that best describes the energy that is present in our subtle energy field or biofield.
Biofield contains energy information and is also like invisible scaffolding, upon which the physical body grows.
That when the fields of energy around the living organism is affected, the health status of that living organism would be affected.
It would seem that the beginning of disease does not have its roots in ones body cells or tissues but rather stems from disturbances in the energy fields surrounding the human body.
42. Subtle Energy System Basic Science body cells derived its energy from the food and oxygen 2 nourishing agents
What we dont know is that our cells are also constantly bathed in a continuous stream of life force energy.
This energy system is called the subtle energy system
43. Subtle Energy System Subtle energy system is a distinct energy system that functions alongside the traditionally accepted circulatory, lymphatic and nervous system.
Prolonged stress may disturb the balance of the energy system and when healing energy is applied to the body it is able to restore the flow, balance and harmony in the disturbed energy system.
44. Components of the Subtle Energy System Energy channels based on Traditional Chinese Medicine that there are 14 tangible energy channels that carry energy all over the body acupuncture points that can be stimulated by needles or physical pressure to release or redistribute energy along the energy channel pathway.
Indian traditional medicine believes that there are 72,000 smaller energy channels and 3 main energy channels
45. Energy Vortexes 7 energy vertexes in the human body
These are centers of swirling energy that envelop specific organs with energy
These seven centers bathe the organs with life affirming energies
46. Muti-layered sheath of energy surrounding the human body is the layer of energy that interacts with the external environment.
It offers a protective shield around the body, filtering out negative energies and accepting the positive ones.
It works like an antenna, resonating favourably with the good energies and channeling them to the energy vortexes.
47. Wikipedia: Articles for deletion / Scalar Energy theory (pseudoscience) deleted March 1, 2010 (UTC) Scalar field theory (pseudoscience) Parochial theory advocated by one famous perpetual motion enthusiast: Thomas E. Bearden. Recognition of this idea independent of Mr. Bearden has not been forthcoming. The article itself is essentially a soapbox for these ideas. Additionally, every verifiable point about this idea is already included in his biographical article. Since there is no useful text that needs to be merged, I submit that deleting this article is all that is needed. ScienceApologist (talk) 22:21, 21 February 2010 (UTC)
Delete Most of this is already in blacklight power or his article,. Not to mention its poorly sourced and not notable to boot.
Comment "Most of this is already in blacklight power or his article." This is false. But ScienceApologist's assessment of Mr. Bearden with respect to "his" theory is correct.Kmarinas86 (6sin8karma) 13:09, 22 February 2010 (UTC)
Point taken, I guess I was thinking of hydrinos. No vote from you?
Oh yes, please delete, there doesn't exist any one coherent scalar field theory, it is quackery which is quite different between the different proponents. Should be covered in the articles about the proponents. --Pjacobi (talk) 11:50, 22 February 2010 (UTC)
Delete per nom as POV fork. Pcap ping 12:49, 22 February 2010 (UTC)
Merge into appropriate articles. Saved it so this can be done. J. D. Redding 15:03, 22 February 2010 (UTC)
48. Energy from Nothing Scalar Energy proposes getting energy from nothing - energy from vacuum. It is also called zero point energy, and runs in the same lines of other mythical energy sources, like perpetual motion engines...
The truth is nothing has been proved until now. These are just theories.
Apparentely the main proponent of this theory in the US - Tom Bearden - has constructed a "vacuum engine", that outputs more energy than it spends, but on his website there is no trace of independent peer review of his work.
49. Where Do We Find Health?
50. Dont be fooled
51. Evangelism p. 606
Those who give themselves up to the sorcery of Satan may boast of great benefit received, but does this prove their course to be wise or safe? What if life should be prolonged? What if temporal gain should be secured? Will it pay in the end to have disregarded the will of God? All such apparent gain will prove at last an irrecoverable loss. We cannot with impunity break down a single barrier which God has erected to guard his people from Satan power.
52. Mrs. Ellen G. White Comment Many are unwilling to put forth the needed effort to obtain a knowledge of the laws of life and the simple means to be employed for the restoration of health. They do not place themselves in right relation to life.
When sickness is the result of their transgression of natural law, they do not seek to correct their errors and then ask the blessing of God, but they resort to physicians. If they recover health they give to drugs and doctors all the honor. They are ever ready to idolize human power and wisdom, seeming to know no other God than the creature---dust and ashes. 5T 194.
53. The counsel of Ellen White is that instead of going to healers employing of occult therapies, we are to trust in the power of God and in the skilled, qualified Christian physician. Cure is not proof or sanction of a therapys validity.
54. Since its inception, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has promoted a philosophy of health and healing.
God has placed SDA at the crossroads of interest in many nations through their record of good health.
People are interested in health. And we are in position to reveal the love of God through our health ministry.
55. Goal of Adventist Health Education The major goal of Adventist health education is to teach the whole person the responsibilities, opportunities, and decisions essential for the creation of that condition of happiness and wholeness we call health while living on this earth, and to prepare the individual for the greater happiness and health that will be experienced in the world to come.
56. The Adventist philosophy of health ministry involves taking advantage of scientific therapies, but views the task of personal and community health as being largely contingent upon personal choice.
Because so many of our current diseases are lifestyle related, it becomes incumbent on us to teach people how to free the system from the results of the violation of God-given health principles.
Ministries of Health & Healing, p.22
57. Principles for Christians Will always tell the truth
Will recommend only those things with sufficient evidence that they work
Will avoid alternative methods that have no evidence of efficacy
Will avoid those things based-on or related to Eastern religious philosophies
Will not trust in divination, sorcery, magic, or quackery
Will practice and teach the true remedies
58. Eight Natural Laws or Remedies "Pure air,
rest, exercise,
proper diet,
the use of water,
trust in Divine power,