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Visual Route Manager. Pestpac software. Visual Route Manager.
Visual Route Manager Pestpac software
Visual Route Manager Welcome to the Visual Route Manager (VRM) Tutorial. The VRM is a module that is used in conjunction with Microsoft MapPoint software. You must purchase Microsoft MapPoint in order to use the VRM. MapPoint must be installed on the computer prior to downloading and installing the VRM. Users must have Administrator access on the workstation they are installing VRM on.
Visual Route Manager • By the end of this presentation you will be able to: • Set up your Company Setup options in PestPac • Download and install the VRM • Use MapPoint to effectively manage your service routes • Mass update service orders and/or service setups • Complete common tasks in the VRM • Complete advanced tasks in the VRM
Visual Route Manager Basic Setup
Decide whether you want the following options: Synchronize route with technician: Check this box to update the route listed on the service setup or service order based on the new technician assigned through the VRM. Update Service Orders when changing service setup: Check this box and when you search for service setups on the VRM and choose to change the technician, it can update the service orders tied to the service setup as well. Click on when finished.
You may assign a different color to each technician in the VRM. To do this, go to the Company Menu and select Lookup Tables.
Choose the technician you’d like to assign a color to by clicking on the name.
Under the Basic Information section, you will see a line for VRM color. Click on the blue assign link. You will see the above pop up where you can choose a color. Click your mouse on the color to choose it for this technician. Colors that are already assigned will appear under the assigned images section.
When you’re finished with your color selection, click on the button to save your changes.
To download the VRM software, go to http://vrm.pestpac.net. The username is vrm and the password is 10z43.
Click on the Download link next to the appropriate Visual Route Manager depending upon the version of PestPac you are currently using.
You will be prompted again to verify that you want to run the program. Click on Run.
Visual Route Manager Logging In & Setting Up Your Search
Double click on the VRM icon on your desktop Enter in the following information: Company Key: use the same as the company key you use to sign in to PestPac, Username: use the same username you use to sign in to PestPac . Please note that you must have access to the VRM. Password: use the same password you use to sign into PestPac. Sever address: use the same server address you use to sign into PestPac. For example, if you use the website, http://www.pestpac.net as your login page for PestPac, use the same address here. Click on when you are finished filling out the login screen.
This is the main screen for searching for service setups, orders and invoices. Depending on which option you choose in the Search For section, the fields available will differ slightly.
The fields function much like reports on the server. You can enter in as much or as little search criteria as you wish. Use the Clear link to clear out any search criteria you’ve entered. If you want to search for everything, leave all of the search criteria blank.
Once you have your search criteria determined, click on the button to search for setups/orders/invoices.
Visual Route Manager Searching for Service Setups
Once you have entered your search criteria, click on the button to search for service setups. You will receive a popup stating how many service setups in how many locations were returned. Click on to continue.
A map will be returned and the service setups will be color coded by technician as defined in their employee lookup.
To view further details about any of the plotted stops, hover your mouse over the color-coded stop to get a pop-up to appear that will display the stop details. You can also double-click on any plotted stop, and a new window will open that allows you to view the service setup within PestPac on the desktop.
On the bottom of the screen are options for selecting setups and zoom options. Use the button to select all of the setups on the screen. Use the button to deselect any setups that are selected. Click on to zoom in. Click on to zoom out. Click on to bring the map back to its original view. Use the to enter a town, zip code, land mark and the program will attempt to find it. Use the Role to select the role you want to view setups/orders/invoices for.
As an alternative, to zoom in, RIGHT click on your mouse and drag the square around the service setups you’d like to zoom in on. Release the mouse button to zoom in.
In order to select service setups to view or edit, you can also hold down the LEFT mouse button and drag the square around the service setups you’d like to select.
The service setups will now have a white circle in the middle indicating they’re selected. In addition, you will see totals for number of locations selected, dollar amount, duration and annual value for the selected service setups on the upper right hand side of the screen. You can select a single service setup by click on its corresponding dot.
If you’d like to change the technician for the selected service setups all at once, click on the button. You will then get a pop up where you can choose which technician to assign the service setups to. Click on to permanently assign the selected service setups to that technician. Also, instead of selecting the button, you can also just select the technician code to the right of the screen to automatically change the selected stops to that technician.
If you want to change the work time for the selected service setups, click on the button.
You will get a pop up containing all of the selected service setups. Here, you may edit the work time, duration and time range. Click on to save your changes.
You will be brought back to the map screen. You must then click on to save your changes permanently to PestPac on the desktop. If you don’t click on then any changes you just made within the VRM will not be saved.
Click on to confirm that you want to change the technicians permanently on the selected service setups.
Visual Route Manager Searching for Service Orders
When you search for service orders, some new options appear as highlighted above. The first example will look at assigning a technician to a group of service order option with the search action of Map. Once you have entered in your search criteria, click on to bring up the map.
You can use the and in the exact same manner as changing the technician or the work time as previously shown for the selected service orders.
Once you save your changes, you have two different options for committing you changes. saves the changes for that service order only. saves the changes for that service order AND updates the service setup the order is attached to.
You can also search for orders based on date. In the search screen, under Assign, select Date to a group of service orders and then select an starting and ending eligible date.
The program will color code the orders by WORK DATE rather than technician in this view.
Visual Route Manager Searching for Invoices
You are able to perform a search for invoices using the VRM. This search is just for reference though and you will not be able to make data changes within the VRM for these invoices. Select the Invoice radio button and enter your search criteria. Once you’re finished, click on to search for invoices.
When you have the option selected in the search screen to “assign date to group of invoices” the invoices will now be color coded according to work date rather than by technician. Select the orders you’d like to view. Click on to view the work times of the selected invoices.
A screen will pop up with detailed service information about each invoice.
Visual Route Manager Menu Navigation & Common Tasks
Visual Route Manager VRM Preferences
Under the File Menu, select Preferences to change various default settings within the VRM.
You can set up the following preferences for the program: • Remember Search Criteria – allows previous search criteria to be remembered on the search screen during same session • Double Click Opens in PestPac – allows you to double click a plotted stop to open new window to view stop details on the desktop • Plot By Address or Lat/Lng – decides how addresses are plotted in the program • Toggle Location Information – controls how the “pop-up” details appears for each stop, • Show Advanced Routing Tools – allows you to see a listing of stop details above routed map • Use MapPoint to determine start times for non-locked appointments - helps determine start times based on driving distance (only needed if showing advanced routing tools is selected) • Auto Commit Changes - if checked, Appt Mover automatically commits changes.