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TECHNICAL THEATRE. SAFETY. GENERAL THEATRE SAFETY. Theatres usually have a FIRE CURTAIN that can close off the performing area from the auditorium Multi purpose ABC rated fire extinguishers should be in every theatre
GENERAL THEATRE SAFETY Theatres usually have a FIRE CURTAIN that can close off the performing area from the auditorium Multi purpose ABC rated fire extinguishers should be in every theatre 3-types of fire extinquishers: A- burns to ash, paper, wood etc.; B- combustable, spray paint, oil based paint etc…; C- current, or electrical. The ABC rated is a combination of all three Fabrics need to be treated with FLAMEPROOFING Never block FIRE EXITS Do not wear LOOSE FITTING CLOTHING, JEWELRY and tie your LONG HAIR BACK Wear OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) approved goggles or safety glasses when working with power tools
Never wear SANDALS. Always wear hard soled, close toed shoes Always wear WORK GLOVES during LOAD INS, while TAKING OUT THE TRASH, and working the FLY SYSTEM (RAIL) DO NOT wear gloves when using power tools Never use PERSONAL STEREOS or play MUSIC at high volumes Only have ONE PERSON on a ladder at a time and do not stand above the SAFE LEVEL Never leave TOOL ON TOP of the ladder HORSEPLAY will never be tolerated Don’t stack things so they are UNSTABLE
NO RUNNING OR PRACTICAL JOKES, throwing tools or materials, jumping from one level to another, or any other dangerous activity • The shop and stage house should be CLEANED and left in a safe condition • All tools should be PUT AWAY; stored properly • Floors and table should be SWEPT AND CLEANED regularly • All lumber should be CLEARED OF HARDWARE and stored in their proper place • Hardware should be SORTED after strike • Costumes should be CLEANED AND STORED properly • When lifting heavy objects, USE YOUR KNEES and keep the body erect • Get help when lifting heavy objects
Store lumber HORIZONTALLY whenever possible • Store scenery VERTICALLY whenever possible • Use a DUST COLLECTION system after EVERY job and make sure your area is CLEAN when you are finished working • SAWDUST can be a FIRE HAZARD • If you have any questions ask your TECHNICAL DIRECTOR • Use the RIGHT TOOL for the RIGHT JOB • Tools are divided into 3 categories • Cutting • Shaping • Joining
Terms to know • A CHALK LINE is used to mark long straight lines • A CARPENTER’S SQUARE is used to lay out tow pieces of wood at a right angle • PLUMB: is vertical • LEVEL: is horizontal • Use a “level” to check to see if something is perfectly plumb or level
TOOL RECOGNITION Jig or Saber Saw Wire Stripper Level Needle Nose Plier Circular Saw Tri or Speed Square Chalk Line Drill (battery powered)
TAPE MEASURE Pliers T O O L R E C O G N I T I O N Slotted Screw Driver Adjustable or Crescent Wrench Phillips Screw Driver Claw Hammer Framing Square Socket Wrench
Tools and Machinery Keep areas CLEAR of clutter If you don’t know how to use a tool or piece of machinery ASK USE SAFETY GLASSES whenever using power tools Make sure GUARDS are in place and working properly
Seven Deadly Sins of Theatre Safety Insufficient knowledge Improper use of tools and facilities Faluire to safeguard hazardous equipment Failure to remove faulty equipment Carelessness Taking unnecessary risks, including horseplay Being in a hurry
Most dangerous The most dangerous time of any production is the strike (at the end of the production when the technical aspects are dismantled and stored) Extra vigilance should be given to safety during strike
Fire Safety • Electric light bulbs must not be covered with paper or other combustible materials including paint • Open flames should be avoided • When using open flame you must have a person with a fire extinguisher on stage holding the fire extinguisher
In the Event of Fire Fight the fire if it is safe to do so Evacuate everyone immediately Sound the alarm on the way OUT Make sure all personnel know where the fire extinguishers are Teach students how to use the fire extinguisher