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I mprovement of E mployment C hances of the U nemployed and the V isual and A udible D isabled by using V irtual L earning A pplications. The Netherlands, some basic data. The Netherlands. The Netherlands. The Netherlands. The Netherlands.
Improvementof Employment Chancesof the Unemployedand the Visualand Audible Disabledby using Virtual Learning Applications The Netherlands, some basic data.
The Netherlands Participationpost - initial education of people between 15 – 64 years according their position with respect to the labour force, 2002
The Netherlands Internet access for the aged There are many initiatives, at a national as well as regional level, to facilitate and to stimulate the access of the elderly to the Internet. Striking examples are: www.seniorweb.nl www.50plusnet.nl www.seniorencafe.nl www.seniorenplein.nl www.seniorenplaza and where you can find them all and a lot more (and also links to organisations for or of the elderly): senioren.pagina.nl
The Netherlands Internet access for the aged Interesting is also the initiative to mobilize the youth to get their parents and grandparents on the Net. This initiative (amongst other helpful web pages) can be found also at: www.seniorweb.nl
The Netherlands Internet access for the aged The main entries of the senioren.pagina.nl portal are: • Computers, Internet, PC & Net Help • Senior Organisations • Labour, Retirement • Health, Care, Living • Regional interests • Education • Travel & Hobbies • International sites
The Netherlands Internet access for the blind Also the partially sighted and the blind aren’t completely forgotten in the Netherlands, although -strangely enough- a special dedicated portal for the Dutch blind is not available! Nevertheless, there are the web sites of the organisations promoting the interests of the blind and the partially sighted that offer a lot. Courses on computer use are offered, information about Internet access and also assistance in acquiring a job.
The Netherlands Internet access for the blind These web sites and information are offered at: www.sb-belang.nl of the “Slechtzienden en Blinden Lijn” (the portal for the partially sighted and the blind), or www.icthandicap.nl , www.drempelsweg.nl , or also www.diaryland.com or www.leren.nl
The Netherlands Internet access for the deaf A special dedicated portal for the deaf can be found at: doven.pagina.nl an elaborated page with a large basket full of information for people of all ages with audible impairments, as well nationally as also regionally oriented.
The Netherlands The main entries of the doven.pagina.nl portal are: • Computers, Internet, PC & Net Help • Deaf Organisations • Clubs for/of the Deaf • News, Magazines • Special interests (sign-language) • Education • Travel & Hobbies • International sites • Homepages for the Deaf
The Netherlands Thank you for your attention. I.E.R.– International Excellence Reserve P.O. Box 1075 NL – 5602 BB EINDHOVEN Office: De Koppele 173 - Eindhoven Tel.: +31 40 24 88 508 Fax: +3140 24 88 509 GSM: * (0)6 25 375 242 director@ier-nl.net board@ier-nl.net