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CCA – CID 537 discussion

CCA – CID 537 discussion. Authors:. Date: 2011-05-03. Overview. Receive Procedure (22.3.22) describes how to set PHY-CCA.indication when various conditions occur, such as Signal loss before validating L-SIG check of the L-SIG parity bit is not valid

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CCA – CID 537 discussion

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  1. CCA – CID 537 discussion Authors: Date: 2011-05-03 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation

  2. Overview • Receive Procedure (22.3.22) describes how to set PHY-CCA.indication when various conditions occur, such as • Signal loss before validating L-SIG • check of the L-SIG parity bit is not valid • Language in these two conditions borrows the phase “missed preamble” from 11n, however it is not defined in 11ac • CID 537 states: • "missed preamble" language is not used anymore • Further discussion questioned whether CCA indication applies to primary or secondary channels Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation

  3. Initial Steps in Receive Procedure • “… A PHY-CCA.indication(BUSY, channel-list) shall also be issued as an initial indication of reception of a signal.” • “The channel-list parameter of the PHY-CCA.indication is absent when the operating channel width is 20 MHz and includes the element “primary” when the operating channel width is 40 MHz, 80 MHz, 160 MHz or 80+80 MHz.” • The channel-list DOES NOT include secondary channels, only primary channel (or absent with 20 MHz) Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation

  4. Error Conditions in Receive Procedure • “If signal loss occurs before validating L-SIG, the VHT PHY shall maintain PHY-CCA.indication(BUSY, channel-list) until the received level drops below the CCA sensitivity level (for a missed preamble) specified in (CCA sensitivity).” • “If the check of the L-SIG parity bit is not valid… The VHT PHY shall maintain PHY-CCA.indication(BUSY, channel-list) until the received level drops below the CCA sensitivity level (for a missed preamble) specified in (CCA sensitivity).” • No definition in for “missed preamble” Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation

  5. Example • Assume we define “missed preamble” to -62 dBm as in 11n • Then consider the case where we have an invalid check of L-SIG parity bit and the level of the signal is -65 dBm on both primary and secondary • In this case, PHY-CCA.indication on the primary switches to IDLE • However according to the CCA sensitivity section (, the PHY shall issue a PHY-CCA.indication(BUSY, {secondary}) at -72 dBm • So we have a condition in which the PHY-CCA.indication is IDLE on the primary and BUSY on the secondary for the same signal Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation

  6. Possible Solution • Delete error conditions from Receiver Procedure and simply refer to for CCA sensitivity rules, as follows • “… A PHY-CCA.indication(BUSY, channel-list) shall is also be issued as an initial indication of reception of a signal, as specified in (CCA sensitivity) .” • “After the PHY-CCA.indication(BUSY, channel-list) is issued, the PHY entity shall begin receiving the training symbols and searching for L-SIG and VHT-SIG-A in order to set the maximum duration of the data stream. If signal loss occurs before validating L-SIG, the VHT PHY shall maintain PHY-CCA.indication(BUSY, channel-list) until the received level drops below the CCA sensitivity level (for a missed preamble) specified in (CCA sensitivity). If the check of the L-SIG parity bit is not valid, a PHYRXSTART.indication is not issued. The PHY shall issue the error condition PHY-RXEND.indication(FormatViolation). The VHT PHY shall maintain PHY-CCA.indication(BUSY, channel-list) until the received level drops below the CCA sensitivity level (for a missed preamble) specified in (CCA sensitivity). Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation

  7. CCA Sensitivity Modification (1/2) • Replace “The start of a PPDU that occupies at least the primary 20 MHz channel under the conditions listed in Table 22-22 shall be detected with >90% probability within a period of aCCATime (< 4μs).” with • “The PHY shall detect the start of a PPDU that occupies at least the primary 20 MHz channel under the conditions listed in Table 22-22 within a period of aCCATime (< 4μs) and hold the CCA signal busy (PHY_CCA.indicate(BUSY,channel-list)) for the duration of the PPDU with >90% probability.” • This permits dropping CCA due to acquisition or L-SIG failure for up to 10% of the packets Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation

  8. CCA Sensitivity Modification (1/2) • Remove “Any signal within the primary 20 MHz channel at or above -62 dBm” from Table 22-22 • Add “The receiver shall hold the CCA signal busy for any signal 20 dB or more above the minimum modulation and coding rate sensitivity (–82 + 20 = –62 dBm) in the primary 20 MHz channel.” after Table 22-22 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation

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