Advantages • Linux mint is basically the same thing as Ubuntu. It uses the same repo's etc...for example. In the terminal if I type in Sudo apt-get install Ubuntu-desktop I would automatically be able to get. There is a speed advantage over Ubuntu with it though. It does seem to be a tad faster, plus a lot nicer. It updates just the same was Ubuntu, in fact in Linux mint 4.0 if you go to system monitor and click on system it will say Release 7.10 (gusty). You will like it. Just give it a try. Yes it has a live cd.
Disadvantages • The disadvantages of Linux Mint would be that for it would be harder to use for new users to work, it may be confusing for buyers as there are many different variations of Linux and users may be confused into deciding which one is more suitable for them, it is not as advertised or as popular as other operating systems such as Windows, therefore it may be harder to research and find answers to problems you may be experiencing with it. I think that Linux Mint is a fun, modern operating system, with professional features, and I would say that it appeals more to the youth and users that are confident in how to use computers as it may be hard for new users to work. Although it does contain professional programs that can be used in a working environment I don’t think that it would appeal to most Businesses as they would want to purchase an operating system that is simpler to use and that contains more professional programs.
How to install from CD/DVD • You can download the Linux Mint operating system for free. It comes as an ISO file • which you need to burn to a blank DVD. The liveDVD is then bootable and provides a • fully-functional operating system which you can try without affecting your PC. In • layman's terms, when you put Linux Mint on a DVD and place it into your computer, you • can try it out while leaving your current system intact.
Why you would use Linux Mint13 instead of Windows 7 • Linux is customizable but Windows is not. • Linux is an open-source Operating System. People can change codes and add programs to Linux OS. you can't change any code for windows OS. You can't even see which processes do what and build your own extension. Linux wants the programmers to extend and redesign it's OS. So with open-source, you can see what happens and you can edit the OS . • Unix-like OS-Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Fedora, SUSE Linux Enterprise, open SUSE, Debian GNU/Linux, Ubuntu, Mandriva Linux, Slackwire Linux and Gentoo.
Recommendations • Linux mint is very easy OS for all user • This software is take very less time to install • Self and reliable • An application of power • Helping hand
Conclusion • There's a lot more to learn about Linux Mint and about Linux in general. • This guide was just an overview of some of the aspects related to your desktop and by now you should feel more comfortable about using it and you should have a better understanding of some of its components. • Enjoy Linux and thank you for choosing Linux Mint.