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Development Academy runs high impact professional development workshops which make lasting improvements to your skills and habits. Based in Guildford it offers scheduled training in London and across the South of the UK.<br>Visit Us:- https://development-academy.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Action-Priority-Matrix-Worksheet-For-Time-Management.pdf
Action Priority Matrix INTRODUCTION KEY PROJECTS QUICK WINS You’re unlikely to have many of these. Do as many of these as you can. Often items that are uncomfortable to do and you’ve been putting of. You should be spending the bulk of your time on these projects. Block out time to focus on these tasks. If large break down into constituent parts. The Action Priority Matrix is a far better way of prioritizing tasks than a ‘T o Do’ list which assumes all tasks are equally important. It guides you to intelligently allocate your time and energy to your highest return activities and avoid low return activities that absorb your time. It is a simple 4-step process. 01 Impact List all activities that you want to or need to complete. In efect this is your current to do list. LONG SLOG FILLER TASKS 02 Score each for both the impact that it will have when it is completed and the efort that it will require. Need to be made low priory. Can they be delegated or automated? If not, use time between major tasks to complete them. Needs to be managed actively. Discuss with your boss. Is it worth the time? If yes, can you delegate or automate the task? 03 Plot each of the activities on the matrix. 04 Prioritize / delegate tasks appropriately. Efort info@development-academy.co.uk London: 0203 143 8100 Guildford: 01483 380 390
Action Priority Matrix WORKING SHEET KEY PROJECTS QUICK WINS 01 01 02 02 Start by listing below all of the tasks that you would like to complete. Once you have a complete list insert the tasks onto the boxes on the right. We’ve used letters so that you don’t have to rewrite the tasks. 03 03 04 04 05 05 A 06 06 B Impact C LONG SLOG FILLER TASKS D E 01 01 F 02 02 03 03 G 04 04 H 05 05 I 06 06 J Efort info@development-academy.co.uk London: 0203 143 8100 Guildford: 01483 380 390