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Results of Eastern Synod's Investigation into the Involvement of Children and Young People in Church Life. 66.8% of churches said that they had heard about FURY in 2012
Results of Eastern Synod's Investigation into the Involvement of Children and Young People in Church Life
66.8% of churches said that they had heard about FURY in 2012 • 13.9% of churches in Eastern Synod have any children or young people who have attended an event outside their own church in the last year • 22.4% of churches said that they had young people in positions of responsibility • 10 Young People across the Synod were identified as having positions of responsibility
27.8% of churches said that they had not held an event (recently) for the under 25s • The majority of events are holiday clubs during the school holiday(s) and/or junior church. • There is little provision for Young People in the activities organised
Area Partnerships are unsure what role they should have in youth and children's work • None of the Area Partnerships have asked for help from the Synod in organising or running events for children and young people • All the respondents said they had not heard from or about FURY as an Area Partnership • Only one Area Partnership was able to say that they had any children or young people who had attended an event outside of a local church • Only one Area Partnership identified that they had anyone responsible for organising and/or coordinating events for children and young people - the Area Pastoral Advocate
“I would say neither [a concern nor a priority]. This is largely because of the role of the [area partnership] locally is in being a time of fellowship and sharing news (which can include young persons activities). As an [area partnership], we have no real role outside of our half yearly meetings.” • “Youth and Children's work is an area of concern. There are bright spots... but in some churches very few children attend.” • “No – but it should be – and there could be an Agenda item at next [area partnership] meeting in June.”
the number of children and young people in the Synod is low, • lots of churches have only a couple of under 25s; • many churches are struggling to deliver a programme that attracts and maintains the interest of under 25s
The church has a small and/or elderly congregation, no children or young people, and there is no expectation of increasing the number of under 25s. • Only a few children/young people attend services regularly, youth and children's work is an area of concern and/or priority, no increase in the number of under 25 attendees as been seen. • A number of children and young people attend the church on a regular basis, the church organises regular events aimed at under 25s, and children and youth work is not seen as an area of concern but is important/a priority.