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WWII Leaders. WWII Leaders. Take out map and timeline for reference. Hitler. Became Popular in the 1920s in Germany “by taking advantage of [the German] people’s anger and suffering.” 1
Hitler • Became Popular in the 1920s in Germany “by taking advantage of [the German] people’s anger and suffering.” 1 • Economic woes as of the result of the Treaty of Versailles- including high unemployment and loss of land
Hitler • He was charismatic and an excellent speaker and was able to convince Germans that he could solve their problems and bring Germany back to glory • Mein Kampf (My struggle) • Book that Hitler wrote while in jail describing Nazi views on politics, government, and racism
Hitler • In 1921 “became chairman of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party” (NAZI) • “Openly racist, Hitler and the Nazis” declared that “the German people” were superior to every other race. 1 • They specifically targeted and blamed Jews for the problems that Germany was experiencing. • This “anti-Semitism (hatred of Jews) would…lead to” the holocaust. 5
Hitler • He was elected “chancellor, or chief minister, of Germany in 1933” and he immediately “ended all democracy and established totalitarian rule.” 1
Hitler gets aggressive • “Hitler claimed that Germany had a right to expand it’s territory” 1 • Against the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler had Germany’s military rebuilt. • He “formed an alliance with Italy in 1936.” 1
Insert clip of Hitler – 40 seconds to 1:55 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KPCl9wh1G4
Mussolini • 1883-1945 • Developed theories of fascism • Also took advantage of Italy’s economic woes to gain power and became Italy’s Dictator in the 1920s • He created a fascist party, became Prime Minister of Italy, and then grabbed power from the Italian King in 1926. • He thought he was meant to be Italy’s Caesar and meant to “re-create the Roman Empire.” 11
Mussolini • Allied Italy with Germany in 1939 • Eventually became Hitler’s puppet.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Vf_gUvPVUU • Till 2:44
Differences and Similarities • In Nazi Germany “racial purity” is the most important. 2 • Elitism • Both systems believe people are unequal, only a few are born with natural talents (intelligence, artistic ability, strength, etc) • These few should rule the rest (the weaker).
Japanese Leaders • Tojo Hideki • 1884-1948 • A military leader in Japan’s army • Worked to strengthen and upgrade Japan’s military force. • Advocated for forcing China “to collaborate with Japan” through military force 4 • “Pushed for alliance with Germany…and Italy” 4 • Became Prime minister in Oct 1941 • “gave final approval to” attack the US at Pearl Harbor 4
Japanese Leaders • Emperor Hirohito • 1901 – 1989 • Emperor of Japan from 1926 until 1989 • Came to power when Japan had a Constitutional monarch but the power of the military grew • After 1932 all Prime Minsters came from the military • Appeared to go along with whatever his military advisors planned.
Hideki Tojo • wwiifrecker11bb.wikispaces.com www.history.com
Emperor Hirohito www.history.com
British Leaders • Neville Chamberlain • 1869- 1940 • “Prime Minister of [GB] from 1937 to 1940” 8 • -Pursued the “policy of appeasement towards Nazi Germany” 8 • Allowed Hitler to take Czechoslovakia in 1938 by signing the Munich Agreement • Was eventually the one to declare war on Germany for his country after GB had entered into a “Mutual Defense Pact with Poland” 8
British Leaders • Chamberlain cont. • Sent 300,000 men to Belgium to fight Germany. They lost and had to retreat • Forced to resign in May of 1940 when “Germany invaded the Netherlands, Belgium, and France. • Winston Churchill became Prime Minister
British Leaders • Winston Churchill • 1874 – 1965 • Educated at a British military academy; Sand Hurst • Was “a soldier and a journalist” 11 • By 1900, he was 26, “had published five books,” and was elected to the British Parliament 11 • Elected as a Conservative but then became a Liberal • Worked for “progressive social reforms: eight-hour workday…minimum wage..public health insurance” 11
British Leaders • Churchill Cont. • Became “secretary of the [British] Navy” and created GB’s Air Force (Royal Naval Air Service) prior to WWI 11 • After WWI he became a conservative again • After becoming Prime Minister in 1940 he spent his time trying “to keep British spirits high” through his “speeches in Parliament and on the radio” 11 • “He persuaded [FDR] to provide [GB with] war supplies – ammunition, guns, tanks, planes…before the [US] even entered the war” 11
Winston Churchill had spoken against the policy of appeasement for years http://www.history.com/topics/winston-churchill/photos
Joseph Stalin • 1878 – 1953 • Totalitarian “dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1929 to 1953” 6 • Became interested in Communism in his 20s and joined them in overthrowing Russia’s monarchy • The USSR was founded in November 1917 with the overthrow of the Czar. • “Transformed [the USSR] from a peasant society to an industrial and military superpower” 6 • “Ruled by terror” and killed about 20 million people in his own country 6
Joseph Stalin • Totalitarian regime • Stalin had history books rewritten, he controlled the media, and pushed his influence on “artwork, literature, and music” at the time. 6 • “ a cult of personality” 6 • After he and Hitler signed the “non-aggression pact, Stalin [annexed] parts of Poland and Romania, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.” 6 He then invaded Finland. • He “ignored warnings from the [US] and the British, as well as his own intelligence agents” that Hitler would eventually invade the USSR.
FDR • Verbal review of last week’s notes www.history.com
References • Appleby, Joyce, Alan Brinkley, and James McPherson. The American Journey. New York: McGraw Hill Glencoe, 2005. • Baradat, Leon P. Political Ideologies; Their Origins and Impact. 7th Edition. Upper Saddle Creek River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 2000. Print. • Central Intelligence Agency. “Japan.” CIA Worldfactbook. Central Intelligence Agency. 2012. Web. 16 Aug 2012. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ja.html • Cook, Theodore F. Jr. “Tojo Hideki.” History.com A&E Television Networks, LLC. 2012. Web. 15 Aug 2012. http://www.history.com/topics/tojo-hideki • Dowswell, Paul. The Usborne Introduction to The Second World War. New York: Scholastic, Inc. 2005. Print. • “Joseph Stalin.” History.com A&E Television Networks, LLC. 2012. Web. 15 Aug 2012. http://www.history.com/topics/joseph-stalin • "Neville Chamberlain". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2012. Web. 19 Aug. 2012 http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/104904/Neville-Chamberlain • “Neville Chamberlain." New World Encyclopedia, . 2 Apr 2008, 04:23 UTC. 19 Aug 2012, 23:25 <http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/p/index.php?title=Neville_Chamberlain&oldid=678683>. • Sullivan, Brian R. “Benito Mussolini.” The Reader’s Companion to Military History. Ed. Robert Cowley and Geoffrey Parker. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 1996. History.com A&E Television Networks, LLC. 2012. Web. 15 Aug 2012. http://www.history.com/topics/benito-mussolini • “Tojo Hirohito.” History.com A&E Television Networks, LLC. 2012. Web. 15 Aug 2012. http://www.history.com/topics/hirohito • “Winston Churchill.” History.com A&E Television Networks, LLC. 2012. Web. 15 Aug 2012. http://www.history.com/topics/winston-churchill