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Literary Terms:

Literary Terms:. Point-of-View!. Literary Terms Review. First let’s review the literary terms we have learned so far… Setting (consists of two things) 1) Time 2) Place. Literary Terms Review. Irony (3 types) 1) Situational : what happens is the opposite of what’s expected

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Literary Terms:

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  1. Literary Terms: Point-of-View!

  2. Literary Terms Review First let’s review the literary terms we have learned so far… • Setting (consists of two things) 1) Time 2) Place

  3. Literary Terms Review • Irony (3 types) 1) Situational: what happens is the opposite of what’s expected Ex: A vegetarian works in a meat-packing plant. 2) Verbal: what is said is the opposite of what is meant; sarcasm Ex: “Wow, you’re so funny.” 3) Dramatic: the audience knows something the characters do not Ex: Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet, horror movies where we see the killer, a man we see is going to slip on a banana peel, the “Maury Show” where we know the man is not here for a makeover

  4. Literary Terms Review • Plot (consists of four elements) 1) Rising Action: builds tension 2) Climax: turning point of the story 3) Falling Action: shows the effect of the climax on the story 4) Denouement: resolution; loose ends are tied up

  5. Literary Terms Review • Theme! (definition) • The life lesson or main message of a text • 5 rules when identifying theme: 1) It’s not a single word 2) Avoid clichés 3) It is rarely directly stated 4) There can be more than one theme 5) Does not include character names or plot points

  6. Literary Terms Review • Foreshadowing • When the author provides clues about what will happen in the story Here little reader. Follow me, my pretty! And your little dog, too! Author Reader, earnestly following the clues Clues!

  7. And now introducing… • Point-of-View: perspective from which the story is told (narrator’s voice) • 4 Types: 1) First person 2) Second person 3) Third person limited 4) Third person omniscient

  8. First Person Point-of-View • Story is told from one character’s perspective using the “I” voice • Often used in narrative writing (stories about people’s lives) • Associated pronouns: I, me, my, we, our, us, ours, mine

  9. First Person Point-of-View • Positives: • Can see inside the narrator’s head • More personal • More emotional • We can see what they are thinking and feeling. • Restrictions: • Vision is “tainted” by that person • Not always reliable • Not very objective (factual) • Can’t go outside of their head and see others’ perspectives • Avoid in formal writing (compositions)

  10. Second Person Point-of-View • Not used very often because it confuses the readers • Author is talking to the reader • “You” voice • Associated Pronouns: you, your, yours

  11. Second Person Point-of-View • Positives: • Can speak directly to your reader • Can be effective in persuasion (editorials, political pieces) • Negatives: • Can confuse reader if used inappropriately • Avoid in formal writing (compositions)

  12. Third Person Omniscient Point-of-View • Person telling the story is outside of the action looking in • As if standing outside of an ant farm watching things unfold, but can also get in ants’ heads • Narrator is all-knowing and can tell the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters • “God-like” • Applicable pronouns: he, she, it, they, them, his, hers, its, theirs

  13. Third Person Omniscient Point-of-View • Positives: • Allows for objectivity • Trustworthy since no one is favored and story is untainted by one person’s version • Gets into the heads of all the characters • Should be used formal writing • Restrictions: • Loses the touch of the personal (textbook-ish) • More detached emotionally • Less mystery

  14. Third Person LimitedPoint-of-View • Person telling the story is outside of the action looking in • Can see ONE person’s thoughts and feelings (“limited” to one character) • As if standing on one character’s shoulder • Applicable pronouns: he, she, it, they, them, his, hers, its, theirs

  15. Third Person LimitedPoint-of-View • Positives: • More objective (factual) • Can see from one person’s perspective while still remaining outside of the story • More reliable • Restrictions: • May not be as objective • Is “limited”; we can’t see the whole picture

  16. Practice Analyzing Point-of-View! Turn to pp. 24-25 of your packets and let’s analyze how point-of-view can affect our understanding of a text. Authors choose it for a reason: So why?

  17. The End! …or is it?

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