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APFA2011, Guilin, China Nov. 3 2011. Prospects for Fusion Simulation Research. using BA IFERC-CSC. M. Yagi 1),2). 1) Plasma Theory and Simulation Group. Division of Advanced Plasma Research. Fusion Research and Development Directorate. Japan Atomic Energy Agency.
APFA2011, Guilin, China Nov. 3 2011 Prospects for Fusion Simulation Research using BA IFERC-CSC M. Yagi1),2) 1) Plasma Theory and Simulation Group Division of Advanced Plasma Research Fusion Research and Development Directorate Japan Atomic Energy Agency 2) Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University
Acknowledgement Plasma theory and Simulation Group (JAEA) Drs. Y. Ishii, Y. Idomura, N. Miyato, N. Aiba, M. Hirota, J. Shiraishi, A. Bierwage, M. Nakata JT60 Plasma Design Group (JAEA) Drs. K. Shimizu, M. Honda, N. Hayashi, T. Fujita and Drs. T. Ozeki, M. Mori, Y. Koide, T. Nishitani Profs. A. Fukuyama (Kyoto Univ.), T. Takizuka (Osaka Univ.), N. Nakajima (NIFS, IFERC)
Contents • BA IFERC-CSC • BPSI (Burning Plasma Simulation Initiative) • NEXT(Numerical EXperimentTokamak) • Prospects for Fusion Simulation Research using BA-IFERC-CSC
Broader Approach (BA) Activities In parallel to the ITER program, BA activities are being implemented by the EU and Japan, aiming at early realization of the fusion energy Cadarache Rokkasho Naka
Rokkasho BA site Rokkasho Rokkasho BA site Aomori City Aomori Pref. JAPAN BA Site Fukushima Naka site Tokyo • http://map.google.co.jp Pacific Ocean
Rokkasho BA site • Constructions of all buildings were completed by March 2010. Power Station(30MVA) IFMIF/EVEDA Accelerator Bldg 守衛所 Computer Simulation & Remote Experimental Bldg Administration & Research Bldg DEMO R&D Bldg 6
International Fusion Energy Research Center Computer Simulation Center SimulationResearch on Burning and Steady State Advanced Plasma Behaviors for ITER/Satellite Tokamak, Demo Reactor Design, Advanced Fusion Material Development, etc Effective and Efficient Promotion of ITER Project and early Realization of Fusion Power Plant Material Behavior Plasma Behavior ITER Burning Plasma Prediction Two-phase Heat Flow Design Validation Satellite Tokamak Advanced Plasma Data Demo Reactor Design Required Conditions of Demo Reactor Design Verification of Prediction ~1.3PF Super Computer Contribution to Comprehensive Promotion of Demo Reactor Development
15 2 10 nid(1019m-3) ni,SOL(1019m-3) 1 5 0 0 100 200 Ted(eV) 100 Te,SOL(eV) 0 3.3 3.2 3.4 3.1 3.0 2.9 0 3.3 3.2 3.4 3.1 3.0 time (s) 2.9 time (s) Simulation of L-H Transition by TOPICS-IB+SONIC Time evolution of Da and Profiles by SONIC Da (a.u.) M. Yagi et al (PET13,2011) 1.0 0 3.3 3.2 3.4 2.9 3.1 3.0 time (s) Time evolution of ion density and temperature (nid, Ted) at outer divertor strike point and (ni,SOL, Te,SOL) at outer mid-plane through the L/H transition. Temporal fluctuation of SOL/divertor-plasma is observed in H-mode phase.
NEXT(Numerical EXperiment of Tokamak) Objective: Understanding the complex properties of fusion plasmas and predicting the physical processes in the next generation of tokamaks, such as ITER, using recently advanced computer resources. To achieve our project, we are developing numerical simulation codes which are applicable for prediction of properties of the core plasma and the divertor plasma on equal footing. GT5D, MINERVA,GPicMHD,ETC-Rel,PARASOL,SONIC, etc.
14 Code Development in NEXT Project 2nd term 3rd term 1st term 2001 2006 2011 1996 2nd mid-term research plan 1st mid-term research plan G3D GT3D GT5D Plasma Turbulence Vlasov,Full-f Slab,PIC,Delta-f PIC,Delta-f MARG2D MINERVA MHD(LN) wo flow w flow GPicMHD GYR3D MHD(Non LN) Rectangular Cylinder ETC-Rel Runaway Electron Up-down symmetry Non-symmetry PARASOL1D PARASOL2D Toroidal Slab Separatrix SOLDOR+NEUT2D SOL/Divertor SONIC IMPMC
Nonlinear MHD • Variational Principle Lagrangian approach to resonant three-mode interaction in magnetohydrodynamics: ex. Nonlinear behavior of Alfven eigen-mode • Nonlinear simulation of high energy particle driven MHD mode by MEGA and HMGC codes ex. EPM simulation • Abrupt growth of magnetic island by external perturbation by RMHD model HMGC EPM calculation Dumping rate by three wave coupling of GAE
Gyrokinetic Toroidal 5D full-f Eulerian code GT5D [Idomura, Comput.Phys.Commun. (2008); Nucl. Fusion (2009)] • GT5D code • Global full-f gyrokinetic simulations of turbulent transport in ITG-TEM turbulence • 5D Eulerian code based on non-dissipative conservative FD scheme [Idomura,JCP07] • Verification [Idomura,CPC08,Satake,CPC10,Camenen,NF10] • ITG-TEM benchmark (GT3D,GKW,etc…) • Neoclassical benchmark (FORTEC-3D) • Validation [Idomura,NF09,IAEA10,Jolliet,IAEA10] • Avalanche-like non-local ion heat transport • Stiffness of ion temperature profile • Formation of intrinsic rotation • Scaling studies on r*, safety factor, rotation ITG mode in JT-60SA with ITER like shape f Ti
Runaway Electron Simulation Code Objective: Evaluation of first wall damage due to runaway electrons generated by disruption At present: code only solves plasma region with up-down symmetric equilibrium described by Boozer coordinate system Code extension • Targeted for ITER, JT-60SA equilibrium (up-down asymmetric equilibrium) • Inclusion of vacuum region(open field lines) • Secondary electron, gamma ray emissions, and material damage due to collision between runaway electron and structural material Code integration by coupling with disruption code • runaway generation during current quench phase • enhancement of runaway electron due to Avalanche
18 Prospects for Fusion Simulation Research using IFERC-CSC Contributions by Plasma Simulation and Theory Group in JAEA ● Plasma turbulence: improvement of GT5D code (multi-spices, extension of GK model) Realization of large scale and high performance turbulence simulation targeted for JT-60 sized device ● MHD: extension to kinetic or extended MHD model Realization of linear/nonlinear simulation of energetic particle driven mode such as TAE,EPM, EWM etc. ● Disruption:development of integrated Disruption code including core, SOL/Divertor and conducting wall(error magnetic field) Realization of vertical Disruption with self-consistent MHD interactions
Summary • BA IFERC-CSC is implemented by EU and Japan. Mission : To offer computer resource for large-scale and high performance fusion simulations aiming for effective and efficient promotion of ITER project and early realization of fusion power plant. • BPSI is national integrated modeling activity in Japan. Objective: Establishment of quantitative description of burning plasmas in ITER. • NEXT is numerical experiment of Tokamak project in JAEA. Objective: Understanding complex properties of fusion plasmas and prediction physical processes in next generation Tokamaks such as ITER and JT60SA. • BPSI and NEXT (two halves of the whole, 唇歯輔車) will contribute large-scale fusion simulation research making use of BA IFERC-CSC computer resource.
Computational Simulation Center (CSC) Appendix 1 PA JA-IA(JAEA) EU-IA(F4E) Resources(Device, Equipment, Staff etc) PT • Based on PAs between IAs(JAEA,F4E), resources are provided. • EU-IA : Procurement of super-computer for CSC, Operation and maintenance • JA-IA: Building and Electricity for CSC. • 2010/4 PA for IT Equipment of CSC • 2010/6 Start of Procurement by F4E(CEA) • 2011/3Bull (France) was chosen as Provider • 2011/8Start of Installation IFERCProject Fusion Computational Simulation Centre Coordination 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2011 Operation Procurement Process: On Schedule Procurement Installation PHASE ONE PHASE TWO SWG-1 SWGs (Special Working Groups) SWG-2 Standing Committee
Appendix 2 Project Organization IFERC PL IFERCPC Report to PC report for SC allocation of the CSC HPC resource to adopted projects CSC Management StC technical information about the CSC HPC operation Vendor Team CSC Support Team Standing Committee (StC) • 5 committee members from each side (JA and EU) • Tenure of office is 2~3 years • StC meeting will be held once in a year by turns • Based on distribution of computer resource by StC, CSC Team will operate and maintain IFERC-CSC HPC
Physics Research in NEXT Project Appendix 4 2nd term 3rd term 1st term 2001 2006 2011 1996 2nd mid-term research plan 1st mid-term research plan ETG, ZF, K-H GK Model w Flow ZF,GAM Turbulence ETG, Streamer ITG (RS ) ITG, Avalanche Turbulence Statistics EPM,TAE Stability (RS ) Peeling/Ballooning Mode MHD(Linear) Resistive Wall Mode Matching Theory for Rotating Plasma MHD(Nonlinear) Lagrangian Variational Principle Nonlinear Double Tearing Mode Spontaneous Reconnection Forced Reconnection Collisionless Kink Disruption (RS)