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Africa Programme on Gender Statistics (APGS)

Africa Programme on Gender Statistics (APGS). UNSD Meeting on Integrating Gender Perspective into Statistics 4-7 December 2012 Kampala, Uganda. Outlines. Introduction Objectif of the Programme Presentation of the Regional Programme on Gender Statitics. Introduction.

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Africa Programme on Gender Statistics (APGS)

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  1. Africa Programme on Gender Statistics(APGS) UNSD Meeting on Integrating Gender Perspective into Statistics 4-7 December 2012 Kampala, Uganda

  2. Outlines Introduction Objectif of the Programme Presentation of the Regional Programme on Gender Statitics

  3. Introduction A lot of Efforts have been made by regional institutions and other partners in order to improve gender statistics These efforts did not bring about sustainable improvements of Gender Statistics in Africa both at Regional and National level. Consequently, African countries are facing many challenges to inform and monitor their gender policies and Programmes

  4. Introduction Raison of this delay in the advancement of GS Theses efforts/activities are undertaken in incoherent manner; and are project and Ad-hoc based Efforts made by different organisations were not in general coordinated and have often lead to duplication of efforts and not a best use of scarce resources: Many agencies and stakeholders undertaking same or similar activities.

  5. Introduction To Address these challenges African statistics stakeholders (Regional institutions, Un Agencies, and others development partners) has developed and are implementing a common programme on gender statistics in the african region called : Africa Programme on Gender Statistics (APGS) This Programme aims at bringing all such efforts under one umbrella programme.

  6. Objective of the African Programme on Gender Statistics The main objective of this project is to increase the availability of timely, up-to-date and comparable gender statistics at the national, regional and international levels in Africa

  7. Progress so far The outline of the APGS was presented in the gender statistics meeting held in Accra in December 2011 As per the resolution of the meeting the APGS was presented by the Africa Group on Gender Statistics to the Statistical Commission (StatCom) for Africa held in January 2012 The StatCom endorsed the APGS and requested the Africa Group on Gender Statistics (AGGES) to coordinate its implementation

  8. Progress so far The StatCom also requested the AGGES to report on the progress of implementation of the APGS in each of its sessions A project document on APGS is prepared and discussed in the gender statistics meeting in Tunis in 2012

  9. What is the Africa Programme on gender statistics? A regional programme with: Multi-pronged strategies A Five year plan of action 2012 -2016 developed by all stakeholders and containing key activities to be undertaken Activities are grouped under 4 mains categories : Partnership and Regional coordination; Capacity Building and Research; Data Reporting, storage and dissemination Advocacy

  10. What is the Africa Programme on gender statistics? A programme owned by all partners in the region – with clear roles and responsibilities Clear timelines and costed A governance and implementation mechanism A monitoring and evaluation framework

  11. Strategies Continue efforts in sensitization and advocacy with national statistics systems for enhancing political commitment to provide for the necessary legal, institutional, organizational and financial support for the development of gender statistics programmes in the countries; Undertake a review of gender statistics programmes in national statistics office for a development of gender statistics programme in Africa;  Promote the development of gender statistics programmes in countries and help garner unified support of the various partners in implementing and monitoring of the programme;

  12. Strategies (contd.) Coordinate efforts at regional level in order to have stakeholders of gender statistics working in synergy to implement a commonly agreed work programme on gender statistics in Africa; Build capacities of member states through training, knowledge sharing and advisory services; Develop Monitoring and Evaluation framework for gender statistics programme ; Create mechanisms for efficient reporting, storage and dissemination of gender statistics; Promote quantitative and methodological research on gender issues.

  13. Regional partnership and coordination mechanism The process of development of the regional plan has rallied partners and donors to converge their efforts in Africa The African Group Gender Statistics (AGGES) will guide and coordinate the development and implementation of the plan AGGES to set up a Task Group to monitor the implementation of the APGS This group will also provide periodical report to the AGGES UNECA will be the Secretariat for both the AGGES and the Task Group

  14. Implementation mechanism StatCom Guide/coordinate the development and implementation of the plan Provide guidance to the Task Group Report to the StatCom AGGES Task Group Coordinate and Monitor Implementation of Plan Report at pre-decided intervals to AGGES Implementing activities as per the APGS Implementing partners

  15. Implementing partners

  16. Thank You for Your Kind Attention!

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