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Gender Statistics

Explore Jordan's progress in addressing gender issues through improved data collection, analysis, and policy formulation. Learn about challenges and plans for promoting gender equality. Support for women's empowerment and social inclusion.

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Gender Statistics

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  1. Gender Statistics 2007

  2. Introduction Over the years, gender and women issues have received great attention by researchers, donor agencies and the government. This is evidenced from the writings on gender and women issues especially relating to improving the women’s status in social, economic, legal and political areas. Another development in this area since the end of the United Nations Decade for Women is the establishment of a number local Non- governmental Organizations (NGOs) dealing with gender, human rights and women issues. These initiatives and actions are testimony of the seriousness with which the women and gender question is now being understood and tackled by Jordanian women and government.

  3. Activities carried out to improve the availability and quality of statistics to address gender issues • The DoS aimed at enhancing the collection of data on gender through different censuses and surveys conducted by the directorates. In addition, some survey’s questionnaires included questions on gender issues such as: social network, attitudes towards woman economic participation and their participation in the social life, attitudes towards marriage, .. etc.

  4. Review of data sources to assess the availability and quality • Definitions, concepts, methods of measurement related to Gender indicators were used by the DoS staff based on the International Definitions used by International Org. • The DoS established a comprehensive database on gender topics, including the followings: Demography, health, Education, Economics, Fertility and mortality and other related issues.

  5. The Challenges Based upon the analysis of studies on women in Jordan, there is need to document (research), analyze and disseminate data on gender- role socialization patterns and practices. This is with a view not only to taking stock of the progress made towards the equality and integration of women, but also to highlight the gaps between women’s and men’s opportunities. The situation analysis can guide in devising strategies and policies, which will promote gender equality.

  6. A critical analysis of the Jordanian society shows that there are strong traditional and cultural forces that impinge on the participation of both men and women in development endeavors. • Indications are that despite government efforts, disparities still exist between men and women in actual power sharing, participation and control over decision- making process. These favor men and put women in subordinate positions. There is low representation of women in decision- making positions.

  7. The Plans • Due to important need of having an updated data on gender, the Department of Statistics is planning to integrate The gender dimension in all surveys and censuses. • Dos aims at increasing the capabilities of the employees involved in gender statistics through training courses and other activates such as conferences,workshops and seminars.

  8. Thank you for listening

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