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Axiomatic Semantics

Axiomatic Semantics. Will consider axiomatic semantics (A.S.) of IMP: <stmt> ::= skip | <assign> | <if> | <while> | <stmt>; <stmt> | <input> | <output> Only integer vars; no procedures/fns; vars declared implicitly References: Kurtz (ch. 11); Pagan (ch. 4.3)

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Axiomatic Semantics

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  1. Axiomatic Semantics • Will consider axiomatic semantics (A.S.) of IMP: <stmt> ::= skip | <assign> | <if> | <while> | <stmt>; <stmt> | <input> | <output> Only integer vars; no procedures/fns; vars declared implicitly • References:Kurtz (ch. 11); Pagan (ch. 4.3) • Summary:For each type of <stmt>, will define its a.s. via an axiomor rule of inference (or just rule). Using these, will be able to show (i.e., derive) that a given program behaves according to its specification. CSE 755, part3

  2. Preliminaries • State: State  of a program P is a function that maps the program variables of P to their values in that state.Example: <x = 1, y = 2, z = 3>; or: (x) = 1; (y) = 2; (z) = 3 (assuming P has 3 prog. var., x, y, z) • Usually have to deal with set of states: { <x = 1, y = 2, z = 1>, <x = 1, y = 2, z = 2>, <x = 1, y = 2, z = 3> } • Better: Specify an assertion (or predicate, or condition) satisfied by all the states in that set and no others: [ (x = 1)  (y = 2)  (1  z  3) ] • Important: Assertion  Set of states that satisfy assertion CSE 755, part3

  3. Assertions/sets of states • [ (x = 1)  (1  y  5)  (1  z  10) ] : set with 50 states • [ (x = 1)  (y = 2) ] : an infinite set • [ (x = 1)  (1  y  5) ] : an 'even bigger' set • [ x = y + z ] : ... • [ x = x ]: the set of all states true • [ x  x ]: the empty set false CSE 755, part3

  4. Assertions/sets of states Convention: p  P (p is an assertion; P the corresponding set of states [p  q]  P  Q [p  q]  P  Q [ p ]  −P (or, rather "P bar"; i.e., U − P; U: universal set) CSE 755, part3

  5. Assertions/sets of states (contd) "" (implication) can be thought of as a relation between two assertions: [p  q] : [P  Q] [p  true] : [P  U] [false  p] : [  P] Can also think of "" as a single assertion: [p  q] : (p  q ) Thus: [p  true] :true [false  p] :true [p  p ] :true (??) [p   p ] :false (??) [(x  1)  ( x = 2 )] : ?? The context will tell us whether to think of implication as a relation between assertions or a single assertion CSE 755, part3

  6. Assertions (contd.) "x < y" is a syntactic entity when it appears in a program Elsewhere it is an assertion (satisfied by some states and not others). A state  satisfies the assertion x < y if (and only if) (x) is less than (y) Notation:  |= (x < y) : " satisfies (x < y)" CSE 755, part3

  7. Key Notation The result {p} S {q} (where p, q are assertions and S is a statement) is operationally valid if: If we start execution of S in any state   P, the final state ' when S finishes execution will belong to Q Examples: {x = 1} skip {x = 1} : (Operationally) valid {(x=1)  (y=2) } skip {x = 1} : Valid {x = 1} skip {(x=1)  (y=2) } : Invalid (op. invalid) {x = 1} skip {(x=1)  (y=2) } : Valid {(x=1)  (y=2) } skip {x = 1} : ?? {(x=1)  (y=2) } skip { true } : ?? {(x=1)  (y=2) } skip { false } : ?? CSE 755, part3

  8. "Results" (contd.) {(x=1)  (y=2) } x := x+1 {(x=2)  (y=2)} : Valid {(x=1)  (y=2) } x := x+1 { (x = y) } : Valid {(u=1)  (v=2) } x := x+1 { (v = u+1) } : ?? {x=0} while (x < 10) do x := x+1 end {x=10} : Valid What if the loop doesn't terminate? {x  0} while (x < 10) do x := x+1 end {x=10} : ?? {x  0} while (x < 10) do x := x+1 end {x  10} : ?? CSE 755, part3

  9. "Results" (contd.) { p } S { q } is a partial correctness result It is valid if it is the case that: if we start execution of S in any state P, and if the execution terminates, then the final state ' satisfies q {x = 0} while (x  10) do x := x+1 end {x = 10} : Valid { true } while (x  10) do x := x+1 end {x = 10} : Also valid Axiomatic semantics: provides a non-operational approach --in the form of a set of axioms and rules of inference-- using which we can 'axiomatically derive' our results CSE 755, part3

  10. Terminology (*important*!) Assertion: may be Satisfied or Not Satisfied by a particular state Result: may be Valid or Invalid in a given (operational) model Result: may be Derivable or Not Derivable in a given axiom system Some meaningless statements: "{p} S {q} is true" (note: true is a particular assertion) "{p} S {q} is valid for some states" "(The assertion) p is not valid" CSE 755, part3

  11. Relation Between A.S. & Model If a given result is derivable in a given axiom system A, will it be valid in an operational model M? Not necessarily. Soundness (also "consistency"): An axiom system A is sound/consistent with model M if every result derivable using the axioms/rules of A is valid in M; i.e.: |-A{p} S {q}  |=M{p} S {q} Completeness: An axiom system A is complete with respect to model M if every result that is valid in M is derivable using the axioms/rules of A: |=M{p} S {q}  |-A{p} S {q} CSE 755, part3

  12. Axiomatic Semantics of IMP A.S.: A collection of "axioms" and "rules of inference" ("rules") specified using the same {p} S {q} notation A0: skip axiom { p } skip { p } where p is any assertion Using this, can derive: { (x = 1)  (y = 2) } skip { (x = 1)  (y = 2) } by taking p to be the assertion (x = 1)  (y = 2) & using A0 Cannot derive: { (x = 1) } skip { (x = 1)  (y = 2) } which is good (why?) Cannot derive: { (x = 1)  (y = 2) } skip { (x = 1) } which is bad (why?) CSE 755, part3

  13. Axiomatic Semantics of IMP R0: Rule of Consequence: { p } S { q' }, q'  q ------------------------------- { p } S { q } (p, q, q': any assertions: S: any stmt) Using R0 (and A0) we can derive: { (x = 1)  (y = 2) } skip { (x = 1) } Another form of rule of consequence: p  p', { p' } S { q }, ------------------------------- { p } S { q } (p, q, p': any assertions: S: any stmt) Consider other forms of consequence (including inconsis. ones? CSE 755, part3

  14. Axiomatic Semantics of IMP (contd) A1. Assignment axiom: { pxe } x := e { p } where p is any assertion; pxe is obtained from p by (simultaneously) replacingall occurrences of x in p by e. (Note: pxe  p[x/e] ) We can derive: { x+1 = y+z } x := x+1 { x = y+z }(take p to be x = y+z ) { y+z  0 } x := y+z { x  0 } (take p to be x  0 ) Operational Justification: If we want the state following the asgnmnt to satisfy p, the state before it should satisfy the same assertion - except with the value of e satisfying the conditions expected of the value of x { y+z = y+z } x := y+z { x = y+z } (take p to be x = y+z ) CSE 755, part3

  15. Axiomatic Semantics of IMP (contd.) Caution: In axiomatic derivations, you are only allowed to use the axioms and rules of the system; no appeals to operational intuitions. If you make such appeals, you have an operational argument, not an axiomatic derivation Summary: The axiomatic semantics of a language consists of: An axiom for each atomic statement A rule (of inference) for each compound stmt + Logical rules CSE 755, part3

  16. Axiomatic Semantics of IMP (contd) R1: Sequential Composition: { p } S1 { q' }, { q' } S2 { q } ---------------------------------------- { p } S1; S2 { q } (p, q', q: any assertions; S1, S2: any stmts.) Using this, skip axiom, & assignment axiom, we can derive: {x+1 = y+z} skip; x := x+1 {x = y+z} Operational Justification: If state before S1 starts execution satisfies p, then, { p } S1 { q' } guarantees that the state when S1 finishes will satisfy q'; hence { q' } S2 { q } guarantees the state when S2 finishes will satisfy q; hence conclusion of rule follows given these two results. Caution: In (axiomatic) derivations, no appeals to operational intuitions! CSE 755, part3

  17. Axiomatic Semantics of IMP (contd) write e  out := out ^ e A2. write axiom: { p[out / out^e] } write e { p } (where p is any assertion) read x  ( x := head(in); in := tail(in) ) { (p[in/tail(in)])[x/head(in)] } x := head(in); { p[in/tail(in)] } in := tail(in) { p } A3. read axiom: { (p[in/tail(in)])[x/head(in)] } read x { p } (p: any assertion) CSE 755, part3

  18. Axiomatic Semantics of IMP (contd) Problem: Derive the following result (axiomatically):{ (in = <3, 4>)  (out = <>) } read x; read y; write (x+y); { out = <7> } Derivation (or "proof") outline: { (in = <3, 4>)  (out = <>) } (rule of cons.) { out^(head(in) + head(tail(in)) = <7> } (read axiom) read x; { out^(x + head(in)) = <7> } (read axiom) read y; { out^(x + y) = <7> } (write axiom) write (x+y); { out = <7> } CSE 755, part3

  19. Axiomatic Semantics of IMP (contd) R2: If-then-else: { p  b} S1 { q }, { p  b} S2 { q } -------------------------------------------------- { p } if b then S1 else S2 { q } Operational Justification: Suppose we start in a state P. There are two ways to proceed: if  b, execute S1; if not, execute S2. In either case, the hypothesis (assuming they are valid) guarantee that the final state will satisfy q. Hence conclusion follows. Caution: In (axiomatic) derivations, no appeals to operational intuitions! CSE 755, part3

  20. Axiomatic Semantics of IMP (contd) Problem: Derive the following result (axiomatically):{ y = 1} if (y = 1) then x := 1 else x := 2 { x = 1 } 1. { (y = 1)  (y = 1)} x := 1 { x = 1} (by Ass. ax, rule of conseq.) 2. { 2 = 1 } x := 2 { x = 1} (by Ass. ax, rule of conseq.) 3. { (y = 1)  (y  1) } x := 2 { x = 1} (by (2), rule of conseq.) 4. { y = 1} if (y = 1) then x := 1 else x := 2 { x = 1 } (by (1), (3), and if-then-else rule) Derive: { true} if (y = 1) then x := 1 else x := 2 { (x = 1)  (x = 2) } { true} if (y = 1) then ... { [(y=1)(x = 1)]  [(y1)  (x = 2) }

  21. Axiomatic Semantics of IMP (contd) R3:while rule: p  q, { q  b } S { q }, (q  b)  r ------------------------------------------------------- { p } while b do S { r } The following rule, given rule of conseq., is equivalent: { q  b } S { q }, ------------------------------------------------------- { q } while b do S { q  b } I.e.: Any result derivable using R3 is derivable using above Operational justification: ... R3 is complete ... somewhat surprising: we can always find an appropriate loop invariant CSE 755, part3

  22. Problem: Derive the following result (axiomatically):{(x  0)  (y  0)} q := 0; r := x; while ((r-y)  0) do q := q+ 1; r := r - x; end { (x = q*y + r)  (0  r  y)} Take loop invariant p to be: p  [(x = q*y + r)  (0  r)  (y  0)] Derivation outline: {(x  0)  (y  0)} q := 0; r := x; {(x  0)  (y  0)  (q=0)  (r=x)} { p } while ... {p  ((r-y)  0)} { (x = q*y + r)  (0  r  y)} Key step 1: { p  (r-y)  0} q:=q+1;r:=r-y {p} (by ass. ax, seq. comp, conseq.) Key step 2: [p  ((r-y)  0)}  [(x = q*y + r)  (0  r  y) (by math logic/oracle)

  23. Derive:{in = <1,2,3, ..., 100>  out = <> } read x; while (x  100) do write x; read x; end { out = <1, 2, ..., 99>} Take loop invariant p to be: p  [out^x^in = <1,2, ..., 100>] Derivation outline: {in = <1,2,3, ..., 100>  out = <> } read x; {(x=1)  (in = <2,3, ..., 100>)  (out = <>) } {out^x^in = <1,2, ..., 100>} while (x  100) do write x; read x; end {(out^x^in = <1,2, ..., 100>)  (x = 100)} { out = <1, 2, ..., 99>}

  24. Derive:{in = <1,2,3, ..., 100>  out = <> } s := 0; read x; while (x  100) do write s := s+x; read x; end { s = k=0,..99 k} Take loop invariant p to be: [(#in=100-x)  k.[(0  k  #in)  (in[k]=x+k)]  (1  x 100)  (s = k=0,..(x-1) k)] A more intuitive loop invariant: [(in = <x+1, ..., 100>  (1  x 100)  (s = k=0,..(x-1) k)] Key step: {p  (x  100)} s := s+x; read x; {p} Note: (head(in)=x+1) [implied by p] is important in showing that (p  (x  100)) implies p' [obtained by taking p back]

  25. (In)Completeness R3:while rule: p  q, { q  b } S { q }, (q  b)  r ------------------------------------------------------- { p } while b do S { r } A simpler rule: p  q, { q } S { q }, (q  b)  r ------------------------------------------------------- { p } while b do S { r } Using this rule, we can derive: { x=0 } while (x10) do x := x+1 { x = 10} Take p to be (x=0) and q to be true CSE 755, part3

  26. (In)Completeness (contd.) The rule is incomplete: p  q, { q } S { q }, (q  b)  r ------------------------------------------------------- { p } while b do S { r } Cannot derive: { x=0  y=0 } while (x0) do y := y+1 { x=0  y=0 } Proof: Suppose we could. Then there must exist q such that: a. (x=0  y=0)  q b. {q} y := y+1 {q} c. (q  x=0)  (x=0  y=0) Then <x=0, y=0, z=0>  Q [by (a)] Hence <x=0, y=1, z=0>  Q [by (b)] Hence <x=0, y=1, z=0>  Q  (x=0) [why?] But <x=0, y=1, z=0> is not in (x=0  y=0) Hence such a q cannot exist! CSE 755, part3

  27. Consistency/Completeness How do you show a system A is consistent and/or complete (with respect to a model M)? Generally tedious task. Special case: If we are told that A' is consistent/complete and A is obtained from A' by making some changes to some rules of A', we may be able to use the following approach: Completeness: Show that all results derivable in A' are also derivable in A. Then completeness of A' implies completeness of A (with respect to same model). Consistency: Show that all results derivable in A are also derivable in A'. Then consistency of A' implies consistency of A (with respect to same model). CSE 755, part3

  28. Axiomatic Semantics of IMP (contd) Suppose we change the if-then-else rule: { p  b} S1 { q }, { p  b} S2 { q } -------------------------------------------------- { p } if b then S1 else S2 { q } To: { p  b} S1 { q  b}, { p  b} S2 { q  b } ------------------------------------------------------------ { p } if b then S1 else S2 { q } The resulting system will be consistent: show that every result derivable in the new system is derivable in the original system Completeness? CSE 755, part3

  29. Total Correctness How do we derive:{ in = <> } read x {false} ? (1) We can't! A better axiom for read: (p  in  <>)  (q[in/tail(in)])[x/head(in)] -------------------------------------------------- { p } read x { q } With this axiom, we can derive (1). Also suggests total correctness axiom for read :p  [ in  <>  (q[in/tail(in)])[x/head(in)] ] ----------------------------------------------------- <p | read x | q> CSE 755, part3

  30. Total Correctness (contd.) Similar considerations for assignment:{ (x=0)  (y=3) } z := y/x {false} ? (1) We can't! A better axiom:(p  D(e))  (q[x/e] -------------------------------------------------- { p } x := e { q } With this axiom, we can derive (1). Also suggests total correctness axiom: p  [D(e)  q[x/e] ] ----------------------------------------------------- <p | x := e | q> CSE 755, part3

  31. Total Correctness (contd.) Total correctness rule for while:(p  b)  (f > 0)<p  b  f=k | S | p  (f  k) >-------------------------------------------------- < p | while b do S | p  b > a. Why does f have to be an integer function of the state? b. What if b is not well defined? c. What would happen if we change "<...|..|..>" in the second line to "{...}..{..}"? The other rules are essentially the same as the corresponding partial correctness rules: <p | S1 | q1>, <q1 | S2 | q> -------------------------------------- <p | S1; S2| q> CSE 755, part3

  32. Total Correctness (contd.) Derive: < s=0  x=0 | while x  10 do x:=x+1; s:=s+x; end | s = 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 10 > Loop invariant:p  (0  x  10  s =  n=0..x n ) Progress function (also called: "progress metric", "convergence function" etc.):f(x,s)  (10  x) Check: (p  (x  10))  (f  0) : easy Derive:<p  (x  10)  (f=k) | x:=x+1; s:=s+x | p  (f  k) > : exercise Hence original result follows from rule for loops CSE 755, part3

  33. Non-determinism Guarded commands: • Selection: [b1  S1 | b2  S2 | ... | bn  Sn ] To execute: choose any bi that evaluates to true and execute corresponding Si; if all bi are false, errore.g.: [ x  y  z := x | y  x  z := y ] : sets z to larger of x,y • Repetition: *[b1  S1 | b2  S2 | ... | bn  Sn ] To execute: choose any bi that evaluates to true and execute corresponding Si. Repeat until, after some no. of iterations all bi evaluate to false; at that point, stop. Loop may not terminate, or may terminate in 0 iterationse.g.: *[ x1  x2  exch(x1, x2) | x2  x3  exch(x2, x3) | x3  x4  exch(x3, x4) ] : sorts [x1, x2, x3, x4] CSE 755, part3

  34. Axiomatics of non-determinism Selection:{ p  b1 } S1 { q }, { p  b2 } S2 { q },..., { p  bn } Sn { q }--------------------------------------------------------------------------- { p } [b1  S1 | b2  S2 | ... | bn  Sn ] { q } Repetition:{ p  b1 } S1 { p }, { p  b2 } S2 { p },..., { p  bn } Sn { p }--------------------------------------------------------------------------- { p } [b1  S1 | ... | bn  Sn ] { p  b1  b2 ...  bn} In selection rule, what if none of the bi's evaluates to true? Total correctness rules? CSE 755, part3

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