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Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course:<br>https://www.devrycourses.com/product/devry-engl-227-all-assignments-latest/<br>Devry ENGL 227 All Assignments Latest<br>Devry ENGL 227 Week 1 Assignment Latest<br>Written Assignment<br>Complete an audience profile, and write an effective response using an appropriate medium, responding to an employeeu2019s request for emergency leave. The written response will utilize effective document design techniques, including an appropriate <br>
Devry ENGL 227 All Assignments Latest Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: https://www.devrycourses.com/product/devry-engl-227-all-assignments-latest/ Or Email us help@devrycourses.com Devry ENGL 227 All Assignments Latest Devry ENGL 227 Week 1 Assignment Latest Written Assignment Complete an audience profile, and write an effective response using an appropriate medium, responding to an employee’s request for emergency leave. The written response will utilize effective document design techniques, including an appropriate font, an effective use of white space, and other formatting features such as lists, bold type, and italics, as needed. Please see the document titledWeek 1 Assignment Scenarioposted in Doc Sharing. Note:Successful assignments will meet the criteria outlined in the Rubric (See Rubric in Doc Sharing) for this assignment. Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these.next.ecollege.com/default/launch.ed?ssoType=DVUHubSSO2&node=184″>step-by-step instructions ENGL 227 Week 1 Assignment Scenario You are an upper-level manager in a large metropolitan hotel. One of your assistant managers, Jeff Clarke, has left you a voicemail message requesting emergency leave for the upcoming holiday weekend. Here’s what the message stated:I’m calling to request emergency leave again for this weekend. I know I’ve had three emergency leaves in the last two months, but my grandma isn’t feeling well again,
and she really needs me to take care of her.I’ll be in later tonight for my shift. Can you let me know then? Thanks. You know from previous requests for time off that Jeff’s grandmother is coping with a debilitating illness. Your other assistant manager, Nina Hernandez, has covered for Jeff three times in the last two months. She has been looking forward to having this weekend off, as she is going out of town to celebrate her grandson’s first birthday. You are already on the schedule this weekend, and if you allow Jeff’s emergency leave, you’ll be short-staffed. To make matters worse, there’s a professional conference this weekend for electrical engineers at a nearby convention center, and many of the attendees will be staying at your hotel. This is the first time the convention center has directed attendees to your hotel, and if all goes well, this could mean a lot more business throughout the year. Jeff’s absences are becoming more and more of a problem. You could call him back on the phone to deny his request, but you’re starting to think you may need a written record of some sort to document the problem in case Jeff’s employment needs to be terminated. Human Resources at Corporate are always emphasizing the need for documentation. 1.Complete the Required Audience Profile (below) for Jeff, with the understanding that someone in Human Resources may be a secondary audience for this written response at a later date. 2.Select an appropriate choice of medium: electronic or print. (See Chapter 4 for guidance in selecting an appropriate medium.) 3.Write a message to Jeff using an appropriate media choice denying his request and explaining the reasons why. You don’t want to fire Jeff, but you do want to be clear that you are denying the request. You really need his help this weekend. Submit the audience profile AND the written message to Jeff to the Week 1 Dropbox. Successful assignments will meet the criteria outlined in the grading rubric included in the Doc Sharing area. Required Audience Profile This audience profile is required as part of the week one assignment. Answer the questions below to create a thorough profile for your primary audience, Jeff Clarke, and your secondary audience, Human Resources. 1.Is my primary audience external or internal?
2.What are some key demographics about my audience, such as age, gender, family situation, etc.? 3.How much does my audience know about the topic? 4.How much formality does my audience prefer? 5.How do I expect my audience to react to this message? 6.What are my audience’s values in relation to this message? What do they care about most? 7.What do I want my audience to think, do, feel, or believe after reading my message? 8.Are there any benefits for my audience that is related to this message? 9.What information do I need to include for the secondary audience? 10.Which medium is most appropriate for this message and this audience? Why? Devry ENGL 227 Week 2 Assignment Latest Written Assignment This week’s written assignment is about resume development and critique. Write a Chronological Resume using the format located in Figure 18.5 (page 534) in the text. Make sure you include all the relevant parts per the example as well as ensure your content is accurate and correct. Please review the rubric that will be used to grade the assignment located in Doc Sharing before you begin.This assignment supports TCOs 8 and 11. Note:Refer to the Resume Evaluation form (in the Doc Sharing area) created by the DeVry Career Services as a guide for you in working with this assignment. Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these.next.ecollege.com/default/launch.ed?ssoType=DVUHubSSO2&node=184″>step-by-step instructionsor watch this Devry ENGL 227 Week 3 Assignment Latest This week’s assignment has two parts.In Part 1, you must answer questions guiding you through a three-step writing process. In Part 2, you must write a message based on a case study in the textbook. This assignment supports TCOs 2, 4, and 6. Part 1: Answer the required three-step process questions. These questions are located in our Doc Sharing tab as “Case Questions-3-Step Process.”
Part 2: The assigned case study is Case 21: “A Rash of Rashes: Alerting clothing customers to potential skin irritation,” located in Chapter 9, on page 276. Write the announcement, as directed in the “Your Task” section of Case 21. Use the appropriate formatting for this business message. The rubric for this assignment is located in the Doc Sharing Folder. Note: Submit your assignment in one file to the Week 3 Dropbox. Successful assignments will meet the criteria outlined in the Rubric (posted in Doc Sharing) for this assignment. This is an outline of the three-step writing process, which should apply to your analysis of a case study. Answer the case questions related to each step directly on this form. For the three-step process questions, you may use short phrases and sentences for your answers. Then add a page break, and write your response as directed in the case study and save the document as one file. Student name I.Plan 1.A.Analyze the Situation 2.1.What is your general purpose? 3.2.What is your specific purpose? 4.3.Exactly what do you want your audience to think, feel or believe after receiving your message? 5.4.Who is your primary audience? 6.5.What is their background? 7.6.How are its members different from one another? 8.7.How are its members similar to one another? 9.8.What are their reactions likely to be to your message? 10.B.Gather Information 11.1.What information do your readers need to receive? 12.2.What facts must you gather in order to create an effective message? 13.C.Select the Right Medium 14.1.What medium were you told to use in the explanation of the task at the end of your resume or case? 15.2.If you used a different medium, why did you? 16.D.Organize the Information 17.1.What is your main idea or career focus? 18.2.Will you use the direct or indirect approach?
19.3.Why are you using the approach you chose? II.Write 1.A.Adapt to Your Audience 2.1.How will you show sensitivity to your audience’s needs? 3.2.How much credibility do you already have with your audience? 4.3.How will you establish the additional credibility you need? 5.4.Will your tone be informal or more formal? 6.B.Compose the Message You DO NOT have to attach your first draft. • III.Complete 1.A.Revise the Message or Resume List three or more changes you made between your first draft and final draft suggested by the prompts in that checklist in Chapter 6, p.156: 2.1.First change? 3.2.Second change? 4.3.Third change? 5.4.Additional changes? 6.B.Produce the Message or Resume Use effective design and layout for a clean, professional appearance.Proofread the Message or Resume. Review for errors in layout, spelling, punctuation and other mechanics. You DO NOT have to list typos and mechanical errors. • 1.C.Distribute the Message or Resume Submit this and the final draft in the drop box in one file. 2. Devry ENGL 227 Week 4 & 5 Assignment Latest ENGL 227 GROUP PROJECT INSTRUCTIONS For this project, teams will work together to write an informal analytical report about a company and a sales letter with a visual aid to members of that company showing the benefits of using Kelly
Services. Instructors will form teams during Week 3, and students will work together during Weeks 4 and 5 to complete both parts of the project.This project supports TCOs 5, 7, 8, and 9. The situation:This assignment is based on Chapter 10, page 311, Portfolio Builder 24. You work for Kelly Services, which provides staffing solutions to more than 90 percent of the Fortune 500 companies. Click this link for more information about.kellyservices.com/Global/Home/”>Kelly Services. Your team has been asked to select a Fortune 500 company like Chrysler, Ford, Intel, or DuPoint. Your first task after you’ve selected the company is to research the company and write an informal analytical report. The audience for the report is people who write sales messages (typically marketing). In week 5, your team will write a sales letter to a decision-maker at the company you selected making recommendations based on your research convincing the decision-maker to use Kelly Services. Week 4 Informal Analytical Report–& Team Participation Memo Your team is to write a brief informal report (approx. 2 single-spaced pages, 500-750 words, plus references) on the background of the company you have chosen to solicit with your sales letter.Do NOTwrite solely about the background of your targeted company but also focus onwhyyou think this company could benefit from Kelly Services. The report should be directed to people who write sales letters (typically marketing). When the team has completed the report,oneperson from each team is to submit the agreed upon informal report to the Dropbox. Otherwise, if everyone submits the report, Turnitin will find that the report is copied.Additionally,eachteam member is to submit the team participation memo. Format the report as an informal report or memo report and organize your report according to the strategies suggested in Chapter 13. Focus on conclusions and recommendations Use logical arguments (the 2 + 2 = 4 approachorthe yardstick approach) Do more than provide information—Be sure toanalyzethe information to help your readers apply it in future sales messages Use atleast foursources, only two of which may be websites.At least two of your four sources must come from the DeVry Library.Ensure thatallsources are credible.Do NOTuse Wikipedia, dictionaries, or encyclopedias as your sources, as these are not appropriate sources for college or business writing.Recommended web resources can be found in the Webliography area of the course • • • •
Submit the report toTurnitin.com.If the originality report shows sources that were not cited, or too much information copied from a website, this should be fixed prior to submitting to the Dropbox for grading. Use APA when citing sources and be sure to use both in-text parenthetical citationsandan end-of text list of references Using the template in Appendix A, the team is to write a memo which explains each person’s contributions to the project. Each person is to submit the team participation memoand one team member should submit the informal report to the week 4 Dropbox. • • • • Week 5 Sales Letter with Visual Aid & Team Participation Memo Using the information about the company you gathered during week four and the information about Kelly Services from the website and the case study, write a 1-2 page sales letter which includes a visual aid to a decision-maker at the company your team researched and convince him/her to use Kelly Services. The sales letter should focus on thefeatures and benefitsthat Kelly can offer to your targeted company and should include a visual aid. One member of each team is to submit the agreed upon sales letter to the Dropbox, and each member is to submit the team participation memo to the Dropbox. Organize your letter according to the strategies presented in Chapter 10. For our purposes, assume that Kelly Services does not have competition from other companies. The sales letter should include the following: Assess customer needs.Include information from the case such as background information, supplier awards, and importance of outsourcing. Determine key selling points and benefits Anticipate purchasing objections Use the AIDA model Maintain legal and ethical standards, and demonstrate your awareness by writing a message tailored for your business • • • • • For your visual aid,you will need more than an attractive picture. Create atableor achartthat helps convey your sales message. For example, you might include a table that succinctly displays the types of employees Kelly Services offers, a table that highlights employer and employee benefits, or a pie chart showing the percentage of Fortune 500 companies that use Kelly Services, or a graph showing another important statistic. Your visual aid should be attractively designed and should adhere to the guidelines set forth in Chapter 12 such as the following:
The visual aid must be ethical and must not distort information The visual aid must be clearly labeled The type of visual aid must be suitable for its intended purpose The visual aid must beintegratedwith the text of the sales letter in a way that will make sense to the audience The visual aid should demonstrate the same awareness sensitivity as the letter itself. The sales letter must be submitted to Turnitin.com and any corrections made before submitting to the Dropbox for grading. Using the memo template provided in Appendix A, the team is to write a memo explaining each person’s contributions to the project.Each person is to submit the agreed upon team participation memo and the sales letter to the week 5 Dropbox. • • • • • • • Note about Expectations for Group Work Team members are expected to participate equally. Document ALL contributions in the Team TDAs located in Weeks 3, 4, and 5.Instructors do not have access to email messages, phone conversations, or IM chat logs. While it is fine to use these other means to communicate with team members, all decisions and actions taken in the group projectmustbe documented in the Team TDAs. Team contributions will also be documented in the memo to your instructor each week. Negotiating differences is part of the group project and an important part of fulfilling TCO 7. However, if a problem arises that a team cannot work out, please contact your instructor. If it is determined that a team member is not contributing satisfactorily, that team member’s grade will be handled separately. How the Project is Graded The Group Project will be graded according to the criteria set forth in the Week 4 and Week 5 Rubrics located in Doc Sharing. APPENDIX A .png”>Memorandum To: [INSTRUCTOR NAME] From: [names of the team members] Date: 12/9/2014 Re: Week X (4 or 5) Team Participation
During week X, our team worked together to write the informal report which you requested. Second paragraph should explain in detail who contributed what to the project. You may choose to write in paragraph form, or you may use a bulleted list. In this paragraph, close out the memo with some sort of positive close. Every member of the team should save this memo and upload it as well as the report to the appropriate Dropbox. Devry ENGL 227 Week 6 7 and 8 Assignment Latest Formal Report In this assignment, students will work independently to write a short formal report that analyzes a situation and provides recommendations. This course project will satisfy TCOs 4, 6, and 8. OVERVIEW In this assignment, students will analyze two possible career choices, and then write a formal analytical report effectively presenting a recommendation to pursue one of the careers. This project has two parts: Part 1, the Table of Contents and Introductory Section is due at the end of Week 6. Part 2, the report in its entirety is due at the final project deadline in Week 8. Students are encouraged to begin work on this project no later than Week 5, reading the project directions, reading Chapters 13, 14, and 15, and, if time permits, doing preliminary research. • • • GUIDELINES Download theFormal Report Instructionsin the Doc Sharing area, and read the requirements and the due dates of each part. The grading rubrics for Part 1 and Part 2 are located in the Doc Sharing area. • • Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these.next.ecollege.com/default/launch.ed?ssoType=DVUHubSSO2&node=184″>step-by-step instructionsor watch this Tutorial.next.ecollege.com/default/launch.ed?ssoType=DVUHubSSO2&node=232″>Dropbox Tutorial.
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information. ENGL 227 FORMAL REPORT INSTRUCTION In this assignment, students will work independently towrite a short formal report that analyzes a situation and provides recommendations.This course project will satisfy TCOs 4, 6and 8. Overview In this assignment, students will analyze two possible career choices of their choosing, and then write a formal analytical report effectively presenting a recommendation to pursue one of the careers.This project has two parts: Part one, the Table of Contents and Introductory Section, is due at the end of week 6. Part two, the report in its entirety, is due at the end of week 8. Students are encouraged to begin work on this project no later than week 5, reading the project directions, reading Chapters 13, 14, and 15, and, if time permits, doing preliminary research. • • • Formal Report Topic This assignment is based on you choosing two possible career choices you wouldrecommendto an employee, client or professional contact. Here’s the situation:You are to choose two possible career choices. Your report should include the following: Information and background about your two career choices.Research from at least six credible sources to inform your audience and to support the recommendation(s) APA citations for all researched information (in-text parenthetical citations and a reference list at the end of the report) Formal report formatting • • • You will need to conduct outside research and cite your sources using APA citations. Conclude the formal report by making recommendations to your audience. Your report MUST be formatted as a formal report. Part One (Due Week 6) Table of Contents and Introduction Your assignment this week is to write your formal report’s table of contents and introduction, using formal formatting. To complete this assignment, you will need to have a good plan in place for your
formal report. I encourage you to use the three-step process we’ve been studying this session. (The formal report is due in its entirety at the end of week 8. In week 6, only the table of contents and introduction are due.) .gif” alt=”Text box: formatting help view this week’s tutorial, which will show you how to use the outline view of ms word to create a table of contents. using the outline view will make formatting your table of contents and report much simpler than formatting the entire toc manually! notice that there are slight differences between formal reports and formal proposals. when referring to chapters 13-16, make sure you refer to the passages that pertain to formal reports. “> In week 6, your assignment should include the following: A table of contents using formal report formatting. (Note that page numbers are not necessary this week, as you will not have written the actual report yet. Page numbers should be added next week, though, when you complete the report.) The table of contents should include first- and second-level headings, like the example on page 437 in chapter 15. Include an introductory section featuring the following four parts (see page 439 in chapter 15 for an example. oIntroduction oPurpose, Scope, and Limitations oSources and Methods oReport Organization Identify at least six credible sources you will use in your proposal in the “Sources and Methods” section. Use formal report formatting. Be free of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. • • • • • • Part Two (Due Week 8) Formal Report in Full In week 6, you planned the formal report and wrote the Table of Contents and Introduction. In week 8, you will complete the formal report. (You may need to revise the Table of Contents and Introduction, based on the feedback you receive from your instructor.) In week 8, your assignment should contain the following: Be formatted as a formal report, following the guidelines for formal reports in the text (including the guidelines for headings and subheadings found on pages 435-448); •
Include appropriate prefatory, text, and supplemental parts (The formal report should contain appropriate prefatory, text, and supplemental parts, including the following: a cover and/or title page; a letter of transmittal; a table of contents; the four-part Introductory Section from week 6; appropriately labeled body sections; and appendices, such as the client interview and list of references.Your report does not need to contain all of these parts, but should contain most of them.); Fully answer thequestion of what career would you recommend to an employee, client or professional contact.The word count for the intro, body, and conclusion should be1250- 1750 words); Useat least sixcredible researched sources appropriately and effectively; Include proper documentation using APA style (both in-text and end-of-text citations– please check your work using turnitin.com); and Be free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. • • • • • Note: Visual aids are entirely appropriate for this kind of report, but they are not required. If you decide to use visual aids, be certain to adhere to the standards we have studied previously in this course. How the Formal Report Assignment is Graded The Formal Report Assignment will be graded according to the criteria set forth in the Rubrics for weeks 6 and 7/8, located in Doc Sharing. Download File Now