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CLUB OFFICIALS' CHAIRPERSON CLINIC. September 2011. Thanks for Becoming an Club Officials’ Chairperson (COC). Officiating in Ontario. Today’s Topics The role General Responsibilities Club Official’s Development Plan New on-line officials registration administration Hosting Clinics
Thanks for Becoming an Club Officials’ Chairperson (COC) Officiating in Ontario
Today’s Topics • The role • General Responsibilities • Club Official’s Development Plan • New on-line officials registration administration • Hosting Clinics • OSOA On-line clinic process • Staffing a Swim Meet • Up the Ladder • Questions 3
The COC Role: • Is an integral part of every club and OSOA • Plays a major role in the development of club parents and interested volunteers • Mentors the “Up the Ladder Process” • Has accurate documentation process • Assigns the on-line clinic “keys” as required • Monitor the club development plan • Ensures “new” on-line officials registration is up-to-date • Organizes club clinics and assists in the communication process of Regional clinics • Plays a major role in the staffing of swimming competitions hosted by their club. 4
COC Responsibilities • Regular contact with Regional Officials’ Representatives (ROR) • Officials’ roster club listing – current • Capable of conducting & organizing clinics as required • Complete Officials’ Certification Form • Provide/present “Up-the-ladder” level pins • Obtains Officials’ to host meets 7
At the beginning of each swim season COC shall: • Request from Swim Ontario a supply of officials’ record cards and an appropriate number of pins for Levels I & II; • Download / print from the officials area of the Swim Ontario website: Officials Clinic Certification Forms, Powerpoint clinics, questionnaires, answer sheets, Up the Ladder booklets and blank PTRs (may be downloaded / printed on an “as required” basis); • Update the current list of active club officials, with their status identified (i.e. Level I, II, etc.).
At the beginning of each swim season COC shall: • Prepare a list of possible candidates for Level I clinics from the names of new recruits or parent volunteers not currently involved in officiating. • Arrange a series of clinics to cover Level I and all positions in Levels II and III. • Contact clinic presenters to teach the various positions and make the necessary bookings (rooms, equipment, etc).
During the Season • Maintain good contact with the Regional Officials’ Representatives. They are there to help. • It is not necessary for the COC to attend every clinic; but it is essential that the presenter be supplied with all the necessary materials. • When the Officials Certification Form has been completed, send a copy to the Regional Officials’ Representative. A second copy should be maintained in the club files • The COC is usually responsible for obtaining officials for a swim meet as required by the Meet Manager, in accordance with CSW 1.2.1.
During the Season • When preparing a roster of officials for a meet, the COC should ascertain which officials need deck evaluation at given positions, and which officials need to have PTR’s completed for their next level. It is not always possible to accommodate everyone’s wishes, but it is important to provide as many opportunities for evaluations as possible. It is imperative to remind candidates that deck evaluation at any position is only possible if the evaluator(s) (attending Senior and Master officials) are aware of the potential certification before the session begins. • Submit all level change notifications to the Regional Officials’ Representatives as they occur. • It is the COC’s duty to ensure that the appropriate pin presentations are made. • The Level III pin may not be presented without the Regional Officials’ Representatives’ approval.
CLUB OFFICIALS DEVELOPMENT PLAN • The Plan: Encourages clubs to promote their officials progression up the officiating “ladder”. • Purpose is to: Enhancing a club’s ability to host and/or assist at meets. • With the End In Mind being: Better officiating means better and more efficient meets.
Plan Clarification The requirement does not apply to developmental and regional meets. Regional Officials Representatives (ROR) maintain a list of club affiliated and alumni officials (Levels II to V) for their region. Regional Sanction Officers will be given a list of clubs meeting the sanction requirement at the beginning of each swim season (i.e., September). A club’s hosting eligibility, once assessed, stands for the season. Any club not meeting the sanction requirement, and wishing to host a meet, must submit an officials’ development plan to the regional officials’ chair for approval. Clubs can meet their requirements at any time during the year.
Clarifications, continued 4. Clubs may opt to combine resources when co-hosting a meet. If a club is not eligible for a sanction on their own, it must contact their ROR to confirm combined eligibility. The ROR will notify the regional sanctioning officer. 5. The family count only includes active “competitive” families. 6. Clubs with less than 20 families are exempt, but are encouraged to participate and promote the training of officials moving up the ladder. 7. Level IV and V officials may be parents of active swimmers OR alumni. Alumni must declare with a single club for the year, and must agree to work at meets hosted by the declared club.
Further Plan Clarification • The family count only includes active "competitive" families. • Requirement does not apply to development or regional meets. • Level IV / V official may be parents of active swimmers, or “Alumni”; “ • Alumni” must declare with a single club for the year, and must agree to work meets hosted by the declared club.
Club Sanctioning requirements • Club affiliated and alumni officials (Levels II-V) updated list available and current • Regional Officials Representatives (ROR) maintains a list provided annually • Regional Sanction Officer is given a list of clubs meeting the sanction requirement (September of each swimming season)
Hosting “ability” Any club not meeting the sanction requirement, and wishing to host a meet must: • Submit an officials’ development plan to the regional officials’ chairs for approval. Clubs can achieve their requirements at any time during the year. b. Clubs may opt to combine resources when co-hosting a meet. If ineligible to host on their own, clubs must contact their ROR to confirm “combined” eligibility; ROR will notify Sanction Officer
Handout from PowerPoint In Print mode, under Print What, select Handouts Then, under Handouts, Slides per page, select 3 Then under Color/grayscale, choose Grayscale.
Level V Level IV Level III Level II Level I Close each clinic by providing/signing each participants’ certification card and retain the sign-in sheet and input in data base.
New Clubs Official Registration • All Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Officials • Officials are required to register • Annual profile update • COC Identify who is working on next Level • COC and/or ROR to be assisting in this process
New Swim Officials’ Registration • Designed to allow Swim Officials to record and track their Officiating progress electronically
The Features: • Ability to find & register clinics • Ability to track & record deck evaluations • Ability to track your moving “Up the Ladder” • Integrate user names & passwords between two sites • Completed online clinic information in one place
Benefits of the Website • Designed to aid all levels for Officiating • For the Individual • For the Club • For the Region • For the Province
COC RESPONSIBILITIES: Important responsibilities to administer your Club Officials using the Swim Officials Registration website. • Validating new Accounts • Adding your Club Hosted Clinics • Verifying hosted clinic attendance • Verifying Deck Evaluations • Verifying Past Clinics