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SLIMCAT model: SO 2 and NO x aircraft emissions.

SLIMCAT model: SO 2 and NO x aircraft emissions. UcamDChem. Centre for Atmospheric Science. SLIMCAT CTM. 24 levels from ground to 60km. Choice of horizontal resolutions:T21

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SLIMCAT model: SO 2 and NO x aircraft emissions.

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  1. SLIMCAT model:SO2 and NOx aircraft emissions. UcamDChem Centre for Atmospheric Science

  2. SLIMCAT CTM 24 levels from ground to 60km. Choice of horizontal resolutions:T21 Calculates the behaviour of 48 species and includes more than one hundred photochemical reactions as well as nine heterogeneous reactions on PSCs and sulphur aerosols. The reaction rates are based on the JPL2002 recommendations (Chipperfield 1999). Microphysical module for stratospheric sulphuric aerosol (SAMM, Tripathi 2004).

  3. Sulphur in SLIMCAT SO2 and OCS tropospheric sources give production of H2SO4 via gas phase chemistry. SAMM simulates homogeneous binary nucleation, condensational growth, coagulation, and sedimentation of sulphuric acid-water particles in order to predict the composition and size-distribution of stratospheric aerosols. In SAMM, homogeneous nucleation and condensation are coupled in a manner that allows realistic competition between the two processes for the limited amount of vapour. With geometrically related size bins (50 bins for sulphuric acid-water particles in the range 0.3 nm to 1.5 mm).

  4. Aircraft SO2 emissions: SLIMCAT results. QUANTIFY aircraft emissions EISO2=0.8g/kg SO2 SO2: +0.008 ppb NH 12 km due to aircraft emissions. Water vapour included in the emissions Ozone: -0.22 ppb mid-latitude NH 12km (-1.%)

  5. Aircraft SO2 emissions: SLIMCAT results. SAD: +1.8x10-9 cm2/cm3 due to aircraft SO2 and water vapour emissions.

  6. Aircraft NOX emissions: SLIMCAT results. NOx impact from aircraft: +4.5ppbv ozone at 10km NH.

  7. Conclusion:SLIMCAT results SLIMCAT chemistry and sulphuric acid aerosol microphysic are adapted for UTLS and stratospheric studies (aircraft emissions). Aircraft SO2 and H2O emissions impact from QUANTIFY: ∆SADmax = 0.18µm2/cm3 ∆O3max = 0.22ppb (≈-1%) at the UTLS

  8. OSLO CTM2 Ivar S.A. IsaksennonCO2 workshop Oxford 07 2008 Studies performed within the EU projects QUANTIFY and ECATS and the NRC project MAMI

  9. Impact of aerosols from aircraft on ozone Effect of aircraft aerosols on O3 (ppbv). 3 years simulations Reeduced amount of NOx – reduced ozone production in LS

  10. Impact of aerosols from aircraft on ozone Effect of aircraft aerosols on O3 (%). (S1-R1)/R1

  11. Effect of aircraft NOx and H2O on O3 (ppb and %).

  12. OSLO CTM2 • Stratosphere (18/20km) -30ppb -2% • UTLS -5ppb -3% • SO2 EI? • Fuel database? • Microphysics? • ΔSAD ?

  13. Possible Studies • Model with sulphate aerosol microphysics? • Producing ΔSAD from SLIMCAT results as monthly means.

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