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Also known as
1. Essential Tremor, diagnosis and treatment: Implications for the elderly Fenna Phibbs M.D.
Assistant Professor of Neurology
2. Also known as….. Familial tremor
Benign essential tremor
Intention tremor
Hereditary tremor
3. What is Essential Tremor? A neurological disorder characterized by rhythmic, involuntary shaking of a part or parts of the body
Most commonly seen in the arms/hands
Can also be seen in the head, voice, legs
and trunk
4. What is Essential Tremor? Action/Kinetic Tremor
Occurs during voluntary action such as eating, drinking, writing
Postural Tremor
Occurs in positions against gravity such as holding your arms out in front of your body
Internal sense of tremor
5. What is affected Body parts affected:
Hands 69%
Voice 40%
Head 17% (no-no 79%)
Leg 13%
Jaw 7%
Others-face trunk and tongue
Can start at any age, which does not have bearing on the rate of progression
Slowly progressive, defined as increased tremor amplitude and/or extension to previously unaffected body parts
Not associated increased mortality
6. Genetics of ET 50% of patients have a family history
Autosomal dominant pattern, most common
7. Prevalence Rate
4 to 5.6 percent of people aged 40 to 60 have ET
Age 60 and older is estimated at 6.3 to 9%
8. (Benign) Essential tremor Disability
Worse with anxiety, fatigue and illness
Socially withdraw
Physical disability related to age, tremor amplitude, ability to execute fine motor tasks such as writing and eating.
Anxiety and depression
Gait changes, possible dementia
Medication side effects