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Leadership Defined. What is your definition of leadership?The art of generating followers and other leaders to translate a vision into effective action."What is your definition of management?The allocation and reallocation of tangible resources such as time, people, and money towards a defin
1. Laws of Leadership Contents:
Leadership defined, & how it differs from management
Junior Chamber International roles of Leadership
Brief review of Maxwell’s 21 Laws of Leadership
Detailed survey of selected 21 Laws of Leadership
Introduction…duh. Time is short, don’t spend time getting the participants intros…takes way too long.Introduction…duh. Time is short, don’t spend time getting the participants intros…takes way too long.
2. Leadership Defined What is your definition of leadership?
“The art of generating followers and other leaders to translate a vision into effective action.”
What is your definition of management?
“The allocation and reallocation of tangible resources such as time, people, and money towards a defined goal.”
When bringing up the first bullet point, get them involved in asking the definition of leadership. See what they come up with. After that do the same with the management line.When bringing up the first bullet point, get them involved in asking the definition of leadership. See what they come up with. After that do the same with the management line.
3. JCI’s Roles of a Leader JCI teaches six roles of a leader LEAD based idealsLEAD based ideals
4. Maxwell’s 21 Laws 1. Law of the Lid – Leadership Ability Determines a Person’s Level of Effectiveness
2. The Law of Influence – The True Measure of Leadership Is Influence, Nothing More, Nothing Less
3. The Law of Process – Leadership Develops Daily, Not in a Day
4. The Law of Navigation – Anyone Can Steer the Ship, But it Take a Leader to Chart the Course
5. The Law of E.F. Hutton – When the Real Leader Speaks, People Listen
6. The Law of Solid Ground – Trust Is the Foundation of Leadership
7. The Law of Respect – People Naturally Follow Leaders Stronger than Themselves
8. The Law of Intuition – Leaders Evaluate Everything with A Leadership Bias
9. The Law of Magnetism – Who You Are Is Who You Attract
10. The Law of Connection – Leaders Touch a Heart Before They Ask for a Hand
11. The Law of the Inner Circle – A Leader’s Potential Is Determined by Those Closest to Him or Her
Don’t take much time at all. Read these off. Answer any questions quickly and move on! Instructors will do the module of law 1 (lid) and 2 (influence). Each group will select one that they wish to learn. In total, that will make 6 laws we will do in detail. The first two will be effectively fused together. Don’t take much time at all. Read these off. Answer any questions quickly and move on! Instructors will do the module of law 1 (lid) and 2 (influence). Each group will select one that they wish to learn. In total, that will make 6 laws we will do in detail. The first two will be effectively fused together.
5. Maxwell’s 21 Law, cont. 12. The Law of Empowerment – Only Secure Leaders Give Power to Others
13. The Law of Reproduction – It Takes a Leader to Raise Up a Leader
14. The Law of Buy-In – People Buy Into the Leader, then Into the Vision
15. The Law of Victory – Leaders Find a Way for the Team to Win
16. The Law of The Big Mo – Momentum Is a Leader’s Best Friend
17. The Law of Priorities - Leaders Understand that Activity Is Not Necessarily Accomplishment
18. The Law of Sacrifice – A Leader Must Give Up to Go Up
19. The Law of Timing – When to Lead Is As Important As What To Do and Where to Go.
20. The Law of Explosive Growth – To Add Growth, Lead Followers. To Multiply Lead Leaders
21. The Law of Legacy – A Leader’s Lasting Valve Is Measured by Succession
Don’t take much time at all. Read these off. Answer any questions quickly and move on! Instructors will do the module of law 1 (lid) and 2 (influence). Each group will select one that they wish to learn. In total, that will make 6 laws we will do in detail. The first two will be effectively fused together. OR we will do 1 and 2 and other four ourselves if they choose not to pick ones they are more interested in
Don’t take much time at all. Read these off. Answer any questions quickly and move on! Instructors will do the module of law 1 (lid) and 2 (influence). Each group will select one that they wish to learn. In total, that will make 6 laws we will do in detail. The first two will be effectively fused together. OR we will do 1 and 2 and other four ourselves if they choose not to pick ones they are more interested in
6. The Law of the LidLeadership Ability Determines a Person’s Level of Effectiveness Discussion Question: Ever meet a good person that is was an ineffective leader?
Why were they ineffective?
You can find smart, talented, successful people who are able to go only so far because of their limitations of their leadership
To reach the highest levels of effectiveness, you have the raise the lid – one way or another…
Discussion Question: What are ways one can raise their effectiveness as a leader?
Get the people talking about ineffective leaders. Pop up the first bullet line. Show them the graphs as a visual on the easel. Then talk about the company that fires the top leader of each acquired company as an example. Go to the next bullet point. Then go to the second discussion question. The answer to the second question is simple…become more effective or get another leader.Get the people talking about ineffective leaders. Pop up the first bullet line. Show them the graphs as a visual on the easel. Then talk about the company that fires the top leader of each acquired company as an example. Go to the next bullet point. Then go to the second discussion question. The answer to the second question is simple…become more effective or get another leader.
7. 2. The Law of InfluenceThe True Measure of Leadership is Influence- Nothing More, Nothing Less Discussion Question: Ever meet a leader that inspired you to follow them?
If so, why? Let the groups brainstorm briefly and write down on the easel their ideas/answers to the discussion question.Let the groups brainstorm briefly and write down on the easel their ideas/answers to the discussion question.
8. 2. The Law of Influence,Cont.The True Measure of Leadership is Influence- Nothing More, Nothing Less What leadership is not and possible pitfalls to gaining/maintaining influence:
1. Management Myth: Leading equals management.
2. Entrepreneur Myth: Entrepreneurs and salespeople are leaders
3. Knowledge Myth: Those who possess knowledge and intelligence are leaders.
4. Pioneer Myth: Anyone out in front is a leader.
5. Position Myth: Leadership is based on position 1. We have already discussed that management is but one role of a leader. 2. Being an effective salesperson/entrepreneur is not in itself being a leader. 3. Knowledge is equal to power but power is not necessarily a leadership ability. 4. Pioneers and those out in front are good at leading themselves…is anyone following? 5. Positional…ever meet a title that you followed? People follow people not name badges.1. We have already discussed that management is but one role of a leader. 2. Being an effective salesperson/entrepreneur is not in itself being a leader. 3. Knowledge is equal to power but power is not necessarily a leadership ability. 4. Pioneers and those out in front are good at leading themselves…is anyone following? 5. Positional…ever meet a title that you followed? People follow people not name badges.
9. 3. The Law of ProcessLeadership Develops Daily, Not in a Day “Becoming a leader is like investing in the stock market. If your hope is to make a fortune in a day, you’re not going to be successful.”
“It is the capacity to develop and improve their skills that distinguishes leaders from their followers.” – leadership experts Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus
Briefly, if desired, repeat the importance of becoming a leader – recall the Law of the LidBriefly, if desired, repeat the importance of becoming a leader – recall the Law of the Lid
10. 3. The Law of Process, Cont.Leadership Develops Daily, Not in a Day Discussion Question: What ways can you think of to develop yourself as a leader in each of the four phases of growth?
Phase 1: Learn Fundamental Leadership, Learning to want to take charge
Phase 2: Learn more about basic leadership, Practice learning how to lead
Phase 3: Learn more about leadership, Practice leading, become a mentor
Phase 4: Learn more about leadership, Excel in leading, teach others, be a mentor
Let the groups brainstorm and come up with things to do for each of the four phasesLet the groups brainstorm and come up with things to do for each of the four phases
11. 4. The Law of NavigationAnyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course. “A good leader remains focused…controlling your direction is better than being controlled by it.” – Jack Welsh
12. 4. The Law of Navigation, Cont.Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course. Navigators (leaders) listen to what others have to say
-No matter how much you learn from the past, it will never tell you all you need in the present.
Discussion Question: How to you learn for the present and future?
Navigators (leaders) examine the conditions before sailing
As a leader you are responsible…..
Count the costs before committing (sailing)
Does your vision have support? If so, from who?
What challenges do you anticipate?
Have you enough followers ready to help you?
Who is your replacement in case you are not available?
Can you and your people learn on the journey together?
Are you prepared with an extra compass, sextant, set of sails, etc…? In other words, if you can prepare for something, do so!
Answer to discussion question – listen to people. Ask people – new members, old members, VPs, chairpersons, potentials, rivals, people outside the organization – anyone that can give you information and insight.Answer to discussion question – listen to people. Ask people – new members, old members, VPs, chairpersons, potentials, rivals, people outside the organization – anyone that can give you information and insight.
13. 4. The Law of Navigation, Cont.Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course. Navigators make sure their conclusions are based on fact and faith
Discussion Question: How can such conclusions be based on both fact and faith?
It is a balance between realism and self-confidence.
You need to be realistic
You also need to be self-confident and have a POSITIVE ATTITUDE
Can you see the trip turning out well in your mind? If not, it will not happen in real life.
The key is to visualize as much as the trip as you can, your reactions to all the challenges you foresee, and your followers reactions. Don’t like something – fix it sooner rather than later…
14. 4. The Law of Navigation, Cont.Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course. Charting the Course…a helpful tool
Predetermine a Course of Action Allow Time for Acceptance
Lay Out Your Goals Head into Action
Adjust Your Priorities Expect Problems
Notify Key Personnel Always Point to the Successes
Daily Review your Plan
Read off the PLAN AHEAD section and then field the question. Write the answers on the easel…don’t take much time.Read off the PLAN AHEAD section and then field the question. Write the answers on the easel…don’t take much time.
15. 5. The Law of E.F. HuttonWhen the real leader speaks, people listen. Question: Have you ever been “the leader” and no one listens or follows you? Who is the real leader then?
Answer: The one that holds the power (influence), not necessarily the position
There are two types of leaders…the “positional” and the “real.” What are the differences? Discussion: Brainstorm the following
Speaking order
Influence needed
Influence range
16. 5. The Law of E.F. Hutton, Cont.When the real leader speaks, people listen. How to be come a real leader:
1. Character: True leadership begins with the inner person. People want a consistent, strong person, one that is trustworthy and sincere, and honestly concerned with others.
2. Relationships: You can only lead if you have followers. You must build relationships. The greater the challenge, the more depth needed in the relationships.
3. Knowledge: Information is vital. You must acquire facts, understanding of the organizational culture, understanding of yourself and your followers.
4. Intuition: Ability to sense beyond the rational facts, learning to feel your way.
5. Experience: The greater the challenges you have faced, the more likely followers will give you a chance in the future.
6. Past Successes: A good track record speaks volumes about your abilities.
7. Ability: When you prove you can deliver – the ultimate reason people will follow you.
17. 5. The Law of E.F. Hutton, Cont.When the real leader speaks, people listen. How do people react when you speak?
Do they really listen or just hear you?
Find out the answer to that question and you will get powerful insight into your current leadership abilities.
18. 6. The Law of Solid GroundTrust is the foundation of leadership To build trust, a leader must demonstrate competence, connection, and character.
Sound decisions are only part of effective leadership. Even with sound decisions, if your followers cannot connect, or doubt your character, your effectiveness is greatly diminished.
Ultimately, it is your character that people look to, and if they believe in that, they will begin to believe in following you.
“No man may climb out beyond the limitations of his own character.” – John Morley.
19. 6. The Law of Solid Ground,Cont.Trust is the foundation of leadership How do leaders earn respect? Again, it is character
Character demonstrates the following:
Consistency – are you reliable or only work when you feel like it? Do you followers know what to expect from you?
Respect – Do you admit your mistakes, make sound decisions, listen to others, and put what is best for the followers first? Can you do all of these? If so, you will earn respect from your followers and become a leader!
20. 7. The Law of RespectPeople naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves. “When people respect someone as a person, they admire them. When they respect him as a friend, they love them. When they respect him as a leader, they follow him.”
This law is a process:
1. When leaders first come together in a group they go their own way
2. People then change direction to follow the stronger leaders
3. People then naturally align themselves and follow leaders stronger than themselves.
21. 7. The Law of Respect, Cont.People naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves. The more capable the leader, the more he/she recognizes the strength or weakness of leadership abilities in others.
If follower perceive a leader to be weak, they will “leave” and pursue their own agenda. If the leader is perceived to be strong, they will gather behind them. (restatement of the Law of the Lid)
Discussion Question: How can you determine if you have earned respect with followers? Answer to discussion question: can you make change and have people follow you?Answer to discussion question: can you make change and have people follow you?
22. 8. The Law of IntuitionLeaders evaluate everything with a leadership bias. Discussion Question: What is your definition of intuition?
One possible answer: The ability to see beyond rational facts and figures to render an effective decision.
Leadership is intimately involved with understanding and reading people…and feelings and opinions are seldom understood with facts alone (outside of specific and scientific experiments).
The use of intuition, like all other human activities, is biased upon certain preconceived notions and experience. So what is the guiding principle of a leader’s intuition?
Leaders evaluate everything with a bias of leadership ability!
23. 8. The Law of Intuition,Cont.Leaders evaluate everything with a leadership bias. So how does a intuitive leader think?
1. Leaders are readers of their situation – they see elusive details that others often miss. Some say they have the pulse of the people..they feel things.
2. Leaders are readers of trends – Things that happen around us are guided by even larger effects. Leaders can see these bigger effects in context
3. Leaders are readers of their resources – good leaders see every situation in terms of resources. It is like the old military expression “amateurs study tactics, experts study logistics.”
4. Leaders are readers of people – good leaders can sense a person’s abilities and how to grow them and utilize them.
5. Leaders are readers of themselves – good leaders can trust their instincts about their own strengths, weaknesses, how their mood may affect their thinking, and their true inner feelings.
24. 8. The Law of Intuition,Cont.Leaders evaluate everything with a leadership bias. Three levels of Intuitive Leaders:
1. Those that Naturally See – These folks have shown a natural instinctive ability to read people and lead because of it. Sometimes it is manifested from an early age. Their level of intuition is typically quite refined.
2. Those that are Nurtured to See – These folks don’t have the natural born instincts or have a less developed instinct but learn to think like a leader through positive action on their own part. These folks typically have some level of intuition and can become very adept at using it.
3. Those that will Never or Choose Not to be able to See – These are the people that may or may not have the instinct but choose not to pursue leadership development because they don’t understand or don’t see the value. Others simply have no intuitive ability at all and are not good at learning it either.
“Natural ability and learned skills create an informed intuition that
make leadership issues jump out at leaders.”
25. 9. The Law of MagnetismWho you are is who you attract Discussion Question: Think of what you consider to be an ideal Jaycee. What qualities would they have?
Compare that list of qualities to your own assessment of those qualities…do they match?
The irony of this Law is that what you attract is NOT what you want but rather who you are. This is because people are naturally attracted to persons like themselves…for good or bad.
Think about your close friends and colleagues you choose to work with. They are likely to be quite similar in fundamental ways to yourself such as in ATTITUDE, AGE (similar), BACKGROUND EXPERIENCES, CORE VALUES, LEADERSHIP ABILITY
26. 9. The Law of Magnetism,Cont.Who you are is who you attract It is quite possible and desirable to recruit people to your team that are not like yourself.
Discussion Question: Why is it desirable to find people unlike yourself?
Answer: To complement your weaknesses and/or to add a different perspective.
However desirable it may be to attract unlike members to your team, remember that it is not natural for unlike persons to be attracted to your team. You may have to work harder to recruit them.
Answer to discussion question – to complement your weaknesses or add a different perspective. Distinguish between naturally and possible with the analogy of a hot cup of coffee cooling in a room. It is natural for it to cool. It is possible to heat it up…with a suitable source of energy. One is natural The other is possible.Answer to discussion question – to complement your weaknesses or add a different perspective. Distinguish between naturally and possible with the analogy of a hot cup of coffee cooling in a room. It is natural for it to cool. It is possible to heat it up…with a suitable source of energy. One is natural The other is possible.
27. 9. The Law of Magnetism,Cont.Who you are is who you attract If who you are is who you attract, think about the following:
“If you think your people are negative, better check your own attitude.”
“If you think the people you attract could be better, then it is time for you to improve yourself.”
“The better leader you are, the better leaders you will attract.”
28. 10. The Law of ConnectionLeaders touch a heart before asking for a hand Discussion Question: Think about the Law of Influence. Where there any qualities that related to how a person connects to an other?
Answer: Of course. Personal connection of one person to another is the beginning of understanding. Understanding brings compassion.
As a leader, it is your job to initiate communication.
Even in a group, relate to individuals.
The tougher the challenge, the greater the connection must be
To lead yourself, use your head. To lead others, use your heart as well.
29. 11. The Law of the Inner CircleA Leader’s Potential Is Determined by Those Closest to Him or Her Discussion Question: What are the characteristics of the people currently in your inner circle?
30. 11. The Law of the Inner Circle, A Leader’s Potential Is Determined by Those Closest to Him or Her Who do you want in your circle?
Try to bring 5 types of folks with you on your leadership quest:
1. Potential Value – those that lead and motivate themselves
2. Positive Value – those that raise morale in the organization
3. Personal Value – those that raise up the leader
4. Production Value – those that raise up others
5. Proven Value – those that raise up people that raise up other people
31. 12. The Law of EmpowermentOnly Secure Leaders Give Power to Others Discussion Question: Give reasons as to why a leader would transfer power and authority to others? Give some reasons as to why a leader would not transfer power and authority to others.
Barriers to Empowerment:
1. Desire for security – “will I become dispensable if I transfer power and authority”
2. Lack of Self-Worth – “This is my job and I get my esteem and personal value from it. If I transfer power and authority, what will I do for my self-worth?”
3. Resistance to Change – “It is my job and we will do it my way, with my ideas. If I let someone else do it, then it will not be my way.”
4. I’m the best at it – No one can do it better than me. If I transfer power and authority to another, then they will screw it up.” Talk about the answers to the discussion question. Ask people about how good they feel when they are empowered..use work as an example. Go over the barriers. Talk about the answers to the discussion question. Ask people about how good they feel when they are empowered..use work as an example. Go over the barriers.
32. 12. The Law of EmpowermentOnly Secure Leaders Give Power to Others Barriers to Empowerment are evidences of insecurity…
Lets look at these more:
1. Desire for Security: Stop thinking of yourself for one. Advance others genuinely and you will have a more powerful team. This frees you up for more useful tasks. You want to become indispensable…do you really want to chair the same project over and over again? Do you to be on the board year after year?
Problems: Alienate others, appear timid, miss mentoring opportunities, burn-out, not getting help when you want it.
33. 12. The Law of EmpowermentOnly Secure Leaders Give Power to Others 2. Lack of Self-Worth: Have you considered finding some sort of spiritual development or release? Life is not just about your work and contributions in a particular organization. You might need a confidence boost but hoarding power is removing one powerful obstacle to developing your confidence. Giving it away will empower your people and in turn they may empower you later with recognition.
Problems: Alienate others, appear timid, become angry at others, burn-out from doing everything, over focusing on yourself because you are really scared deep down, miss the larger picture.
34. 12. The Law of EmpowermentOnly Secure Leaders Give Power to Others 3. Resistance to Change : Not getting your way enough, eh? Have you asked why you are a ‘control freak?’ Fear change? Guess what, change is a constant when dealing with people and organizations. Change is what keeps organizations thriving. Sincere character and consistency of character is critical when dealing with people but things will change no matter how much you resist. If you are going to resist, you better be prepared to back it up with facts and supporters that agree with you…knowing that you may be shown to be wrong after all.
Problems: Alienate others, labeled as a control-freak, miss out on potential chairpersons, appear as backward or behind the times, labeled as negative by new people with new ideas.
35. 12. The Law of EmpowermentOnly Secure Leaders Give Power to Others 4. I’m the best at it : Are you really that good at it? Are you the local expert? Anyone else out there you can get a hold of that is just as knowledgeable as you? If so, work with them to better the both of you. Ultimately, you may be the best at something…but can you do all of those things plus the stuff you aren’t as good as? Feeling a bit pinched for time because you are so good you gotta do everything?
Problems: Alienate others, labeled as a control-freak, miss out on potential chairpersons, labeled as arrogant, pass up teaching opportunities, miss out on opportunities to gain more time for other activities. At the end of this read the example of the letter Lincoln read to Gen. Hooker that relates to Empowerment.At the end of this read the example of the letter Lincoln read to Gen. Hooker that relates to Empowerment.
36. 13. The Law of ReproductionIt takes a Leader to Raise a Leader “We teach what we know and reproduce what we are”
37. 13. The Law of ReproductionIt takes a Leader to Raise a Leader Leaders attempting to build other leaders:
See the Big Picture: Building leaders should be a high priority for a variety of reasons.
Attract Potential Leaders: (see Law of Magnetism)
Are Environmentalists: Building an environment where leadership development is valued and purposely taught becomes a powerful asset.
Encourage creativity, allow for risks, offers incentives, provide
guidance, provide accountability, teaches leadership, etc…
38. 14. The Law of Buy-InPeople Buy into the Leader and then into the Vision Consider Alexander the Great:
He took over the Kingdom of Macedon in 334BC from his father. Alexander’s vision was to conquer the Persian Empire. The nobles had no such vision but believed in Alexander and thus followed him in his conquest of Persia…his vision became theirs.
Consider Gandhi:
Many people of the British colony of India longed to be a free nation again. The vision was
shared by many people. But how to become free? Violence was the preferred method. Along came Gandhi who practiced what he preached – non-violent civil disobedience. It was when the people came to respect Gandhi that a new approach to an old vision become reality.
Consider Robert E. Lee:
At the close of the American Civil War, the Confederate forces were planning on a guerilla campaign that might have gone on for years. But Lee, an admired and respected general, by surrendering and declaring allegiance to the United States again, encouraged his former troops to do the same and thus helped to prevent the very real and dangerous campaign that may have followed.
39. 14. The Law of Buy-InPeople Buy into the Leader and then into the Vision Leader + Vision = Result
Don’t Buy-In Don’t Buy-In Get another leader
Don’t Buy-In Buy In Get another leader
Buy In Don’t Buy-In Get another vision
Buy-In Buy-In Get behind the leader
40. 15. The Law of VictoryLeaders find a way for the team to win. Discussion Question: What separates and winning team from a losing team?
Answer: There are many small things but ultimately it is the team that wants it bad enough and willing to do whatever it takes to get it.
“Victorious leaders feel the alternative to winning is totally unacceptable, so they figure out what must be done to achieve victory, and then they go after it with everything at their disposal.”
So…what does it take to make victory possible?
41. 15. The Law of Victory,Cont.Leaders find a way for the team to win. Three Components of Victory:
1. Unity of Vision: Is everyone really in agreement with the vision? How about the plan of action? Ready with a back up? Are you all really in it to win and prepared to sacrifice time and energy? If there is dissent, you may lose the edge.
2. Diversity of Skills: Getting the best people for all the different jobs is paramount. Do you think one type of solder can win on the battlefield? Doesn’t it take pilots, ship captains, tank gunners, infantry, and artillery, etc..? In sports, not everyone can and should be a goalie. You need goalie(s), offensive and defensive members, etc…
3. Dedicated to Victory and Raising all to their Potential: Do you want to win? Want to win with a team? How can a team be at their best unless you are dedicated to making them the best they can be?
42. 15. The Law of Victory,Cont.Leaders find a way for the team to win. Just because you do each of these three things is not a guarantee of winning all the time. But a lack of dedication will ensure defeat at some level…maybe even total.
“You’ve got to have great athletes to win, I don’t care who the coach is. You can’t win without good athletes, but you can lose without them. This is where coaching makes the difference.” – Lou Holtz.
43. 16. The Law of MomentumMomentum is a leader’s best friend Every leader worth their weight will be looking to create positive change.
If a ship is analogous to an organization, is it possible to change direction if you are not moving?
Of course not. You have to be moving…and the further off course you are from where you wish to be, the longer it will take to turn you ship about.
Discussion Question: In a sports game, if the opposing team is winning, why does the losing team often call a time out?
Talk about the physical definition of leadership, mass times velocity…bring up the bowling analogy. Mass = Excitement and Enthusiasm or the organization. Speed = Speed of heading towards the goal. If there is little excitement or enthusiasm, people don’t want to do much. If they take forever to getting around to getting things done, no matter how excited they might be, there will be insufficient action and results. If you have momentum going for you, it allows you to free up more time for important items (Law 17). It also allows you to make more mistakes with it costing you less in the emotional bank account. If your chapter is doing well, the leader(s) can make a mistake that is easily shook off. But if morale is low, the simplest issues become giant mountain ranges and then the drama will ensue. Talk about the physical definition of leadership, mass times velocity…bring up the bowling analogy. Mass = Excitement and Enthusiasm or the organization. Speed = Speed of heading towards the goal. If there is little excitement or enthusiasm, people don’t want to do much. If they take forever to getting around to getting things done, no matter how excited they might be, there will be insufficient action and results. If you have momentum going for you, it allows you to free up more time for important items (Law 17). It also allows you to make more mistakes with it costing you less in the emotional bank account. If your chapter is doing well, the leader(s) can make a mistake that is easily shook off. But if morale is low, the simplest issues become giant mountain ranges and then the drama will ensue.
44. 16. The Law of Momentum,Cont.Momentum is a leader’s best friend If momentum is so important, how can it be created?
Think of a ball in a soccer game. How to you get it to the opposing goal?
Do you look at it?
Do you wish magically into the goal? (VISION w/o ACTION IS ONLY DREAMING)
No, someone has to give it a kick. (ACTION APPLIED)
Is it easier to manage once it is moving? (try thinking of it sitting on the field doing nothing while the opposing team is about to kick it themselves). Hard to take away their initiative if you do nothing.
Like the soccer ball, once kicked, the team starts to control it and manage its forward direction, speed, etc.. But you gotta start it moving. Like the soccer ball, once kicked, the team starts to control it and manage its forward direction, speed, etc.. But you gotta start it moving.
45. 16. The Law of Momentum,ContMomentum is a leader’s best friend Here are some cold facts about momentum:
1. Only a leader can create it. Followers will catch it, managers will sustain it. You need to be able to motivate others.
“If you can’t stand making some heat, get out of the kitchen.”
2. Momentum helps leaders look better than they are. It is easy to overlook small obstacles and shortcomings. Bumps go by faster. It changes people’s perspective about the leader for the positive.
3. Momentum helps followers perform better than they are. Followers begin to believe in themselves more. They become more effective. They become inspired to do more because things don’t appear as tough as they would have otherwise.
46. 16. The Law of Momentum,ContMomentum is a leader’s best friend 4. Easier to steer then to start. If followers are doing their job it is probably easier to train, motivate, and inspire them if they have some successes under their belt. Try doing all that with a follower doing nothing…
5. It is a powerful agent of change. Simple conclusion of facts 1-4. If you are already moving, your followers think they can do better, are inspired to do so, the leader looks better to others, and the leader is creating more and more momentum, doesn’t this sound like a recipe for enacting change? (Assuming other laws of leadership are not violated, particularly that of Buy-In and Solid Ground)
Ask the people if this makes sense.Ask the people if this makes sense.
47. 16. The Law of Momentum,ContMomentum is a leader’s best friend A few final thoughts:
If you have momentum going for you, it allows you to free up more time for important items (Law 17). It also allows you to make more mistakes with it costing you less in the emotional bank account. If your chapter is doing well, the leader(s) can make a mistake that is easily shook off. But if morale is low, the simplest issues become giant mountain ranges and then the drama will ensue.
If you happen to be in a situation where momentum is working against you, call a time out. Re-evaluate your priorities and re-invigorate your people. Get them on track. Remind them and yourself of the grand vision you once had. If there is no vision, get one and get the fire lit. Find those with the passion to create action. If none of this appears to work, you cannot excite them, change them, you have one choice…begin replacing the leaders possibly yourself if need be.
48. 17. The Law of PrioritiesLeaders understand activity is not necessarily accomplishment “A leader is the one climbs the tallest tree, surveys the situation, and yells, ‘Wrong Jungle!’” – Steven Covey.
Discussion Question: What is the difference between accomplishment and activity?
Activity: is every bit of energy expended, fruitful or otherwise, to meet the goal.
Accomplishment: is the end result of the fruitful energy expended.
And they are not equal….
Think of all the energy expended in chairing a project. How much is done that really is wasted or is needed but is part of the learning curve. In the end, a leader wants results (accomplishment). Use as much energy as possible to meet the results but unless it is less wasteful, you may find yourself falling behind or getting burnt-out. Revisit or use the story of Steven Covey and the jungleRevisit or use the story of Steven Covey and the jungle
49. 17. The Law of PrioritiesLeaders understand activity is not necessarily accomplishment Focus your time on the top 20% of things in order of importance and you will get an 80% return on your efforts.
To be effective, leaders must order their lives according to the following three questions:
1. What is required? Anything required that is not necessary for you to do personally should be delegated or eliminated.
2. What gives the greatest return? If something can be done 80% as well by someone else in the organization, delegate it. If the something in question can be potentially done by someone else in the organization, develop that person.
3. What brings the greatest reward? That which ignites passion. Passion makes action!
Revisit each of these from time to time.
50. 18. The Law of SacrificeA Leader Must Give Up to Go Up Discussion Question: What are YOU willing to give up to go up?
51. 19. The Law of TimingWhen to Lead Is As Important As What to Do and Where to Go. Discussion Question: Can the right thing be done at the wrong time?
52. 19. The Law of TimingWhen to Lead Is As Important As What to Do and Where to Go. Wrong action at the wrong time leads to disaster
Right action at the wrong time leads to resistance
Wrong action at the right time is a mistake
4. Right action at the right time is a success
53. Conclusions Take the time to develop yourself as a leader
Take the time to develop followers
Learn all you can about leadership
Personnel determine the Potential of the organization.
Relationships determine the Morale of the organization
Structure determines the Size of the organization
Vision determines the Direction of the organization
Leadership determines the Success of the organization.
Resources used:
21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, John C. Maxwell
Junior Chamber International, LEAD course material, roles of leadership model
Management Mess-Ups, Mark Eppler