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Annual Work Plan & Budget 2013-14. W E L C O M E. UTTARAKHAD SABHI KE LIYE SHIKSHA PARISHAD STATE PROJECT OFFICE UTTARAKHAND. Vital indicators. Progress Overview Rs. In Crore AWP&B for 2012-13 SSA :562.58 NPEGEL :1.31 KGBV :5.44
Progress Overview Rs. In Crore • AWP&B for 2012-13 • SSA :562.58 • NPEGEL :1.31 • KGBV :5.44 • Total : 569.33 • Previous Balance : 72.16 • GoI Share due : 344.06 (65%) • State Share due : 185.26 (35%) • GoI releases : 179.41 • State releases : 100.92 • 13th Finance release : 40.00 • Others : 0.21 • Till Dec. 2012 Till Jan. 2013 • Total funds available from all sources : 392.69 : 392.69 • Expenditure of the year 2012-13 : 285.91 : 325.81 • Balance funds : 106.78 : 66.88 • Expenditure against available fund : 72.81 % : 82.97 % • Expenditure against AWP&B : 50.23 % : 57.23 % SSA IN UTTARAKHANDSSA- Financial Progress( 2011-12)
Status on basic Performance Indicators Educational Indicators Access: • Total habitations in the State: 25050 (for the purpose of school facility, a hamlet is also considered habitation) • PS facility within 1 km : 24411(97.45%) • Unserved habitations: 639 (2.55%) • UPS facility within 3 km : 24664(98.46%) • Unserved habitations: 386 (1.54%) (Forest Area, Industrial Area, Recently Developed Urban Slums and migratory population and scattered habitation in hill areas.) Source : DISE 2009-10 DISE 2011-12 BASED
Population and Enrolment Year 2012-13 Trendshowingreductioninoutofschoolchildren
Coverage of Out of School Children (Rs. in lakhs) Proposed strategy of Enrollment for OOSC - 2013-14 (Rs. in lakhs)
Admissionsunder section-12(1)(c) & Per Child Expenditure • Per child expenditure is determined on 2nd April, 2012. • Per child expenditure against tuition fee is Rs. 1383.00 per month and Rs. 16596.00 per year (Maximum) is given to the schools through Bank A/C. • Per child expenditure against free entitlement is given below & given through Bank Account of the children.
The State notified RTE rules on 31st Oct, 2011. • The SCERT, Uttarakhand notified as Academic Authority on 16th September, 2010. • A Government Order issued on 9th Feb, 2011 to constitute SMCs in schools. • Orientation workshops for Education Officers, awareness through NukkadNataks and advertisements organized / issued. • Guidelines were issued on 7th April, 2011 to admit the children of disadvantaged group and weaker section under sec-12(1)(c). • The SCPCR constituted on 10th May, 2011. Action Taken Under RTE Act, 2009
Guidelines issued on 8th July, 2011 to ban Capitation fee, Screening procedure, Detention, Expulsion, Physical punishment, Mental harassment, Private tuition and Board exam. • State Advisory Council constituted on 9.12.2011. • Guidelines and procedure for redressing the Grievances of the rights of children issued on 1st Nov, 2012. • The determination of working hours for a teacher in a week under process. Cont.... Action Taken Under RTE Act, 2009
Quality initiative • State has followed NCF- 2005 and NCFTE 2009. • Review and development of curriculum and textbooks for elementary classes in the light of NCF-2005 & RTE-2009 done. • Every effort made to inculcate constructivism in the new text books developed by academic authority (SCERT) Uttarakhand. • State has developed curriculum and training material for pre service teachers as per NCFTE 2009 for making teachers reflective. • Comprehensive child-friendly assessment process adopted under CCE. 44 Schools covered under Pilot Project in year 2012-13. • TLM exhibitions and Bal Shodh Mela for sharing best practices at cluster level, BRC level, District level.
CONTD………Quality initiative • G.O for accountability of teachers as per section-24 of RTE Act issued. • Educational Leadership and Management Training (ELM) for head teachers arranged incorporating the principles of management, teacher management, curriculum management, financial management and time management. • Sports and music kit for enhancement of co-scholastic activity distributed. • Project work - an innovative practice for problem solving and critical thinking undertaken. • Intensive inspection drive carried-out for ensuring teachers’ attendance. • Kunjapuri Approach to Active Group Learning (KAGL)- Expansion of KGAL to104 clusters from 26 (Two cluster of each district).
Innovative activities SC/ST and Minority : Steps taken • Special training for these children. • SRG constituted. • Strengthening of ‘Ashram Padhyati Schools’ and Maktab, Madarsas. • Life skill programmes for these children. • Special mass campaign for the community. CAL: • 2348 UPS covered under CAL. • Interactive learning materials CDs developed in collaboration with SCERT & APF. • Teachers training with help of IT department. Progress 2012-13 (Rs. in lakhs) Proposal for 2013-14 (Rs. in lakhs)
Community Mobilization • Mobilization and motivation of parents/community about demand for quality education wrt aptitude and ability. • Integrated community camps (Health- education camps) to be organized at all levels to enable feeling of ownership. • Toll free No. 1800-180-4132- for complaints and suggestions. • SMC constituted as per norms specified, and more number of parents, local bodies members nominated. • Multipurpose vehicle with help of corporate / PSU Sector to spread awareness. • Different events like; Nukkad Natak, Bal mela, Kala Jatha, Radio Samvad, Television programme organise the Village level. • Community mobilization through BGVS. • Compaign through Bus panel of UTC. (Rs. in lakhs) (Rs. in lakhs)
Social Equity (IE for CWSN: ) : • 41976 teachers oriented to IE in in-service trg. • 305 teachers provided 90 day foundation course. Proposal 2013-14 • Updation of Child profiling. • Severe and profound (CP & MD) to be covered under Home Based Education (HBE). • Individual Educational Plan in collaboration with the parents & RTs. • Development of resource room. • Resource support through RTs.
Gender Equity • 231 Model Cluster School in 19 EBBs. • Convergence with Mahila Samakhya in 13 MCS in 02 districts. • 74708 girls benefited under NPEGEL and 91075 girls covered under innovation head . • 1207 girls enrolled in 28 KGBVs. • Initiatives taken by State Government for forward linkage of KGBV girls at secondary level in 9 KGBV. • 6472 ECCE centers catering to 146727 children. • 4580 anganwadi workers trained. Progress (2012-13) (Rs. in lakhs) Proposal (2013-14) (Rs. in lakhs)
Progress & Proposal • Two sets of uniforms @ Rs. 400 proposed for children. • The uniform will be procured in the spirit of decentralized mode by the respective SMCs themselves. • Ashram Type Schools (ATS) and Rajeev Gandhi NavodayaVidyalayas (RGVN) being provided uniforms by the state government. Uniform (Entitlement) (Rs. in lakhs)
Progress & Proposal • Transport/Escort is being proposed for the children residing in sparsely populated habitations in far flung areas and in some urban areas of the State, where the schools cannot be established as per norms or the land constraint for construction of building. ESCORT/TRANSPORT (entitlement) (Rs. in lakhs)
Cumulative Progress of civil works as on 31st Jan., 2013 (Physical Status)
(Rs. in lakhs) Annual Work Plan and Budget 2012-13 Progress till January 2013
Annual Work Plan and Budget 2012-13 Progress till January2013 (Rs. in lakhs)
Issues Under RTE-SSA • 1 Salary norms need to be revised in keeping with the average salaries of teachers in the state. Average salaries of teachers in the State are as hereunder:- • - Assistant Teacher(PS)- Rs. 36000/- • -Assistant Teacher(UPS) Rs. 42000/- • - Head Teacher(UPS)/ BRP & CRP- Rs. 45000/-. • 2 Children enrolled in unrecognized Maktab/Madrsas are not getting entitlements as MDM, Textbooks etc and there is a big clamour for this. • 3 The amount of Rs. 400/- for 02 sets of uniform is inadequate. • 4 The Honorarium of Rs. 6.00 Lakh p.a. is grossly inadequate for the human resource in KGBVs. Warden’s p.m. salary alone is to the tune of Rs. 45000/-. Warden's role is very critical, round the clock. Appointment of regular teacher as warden is a must as safety and security of girl children is non-negotiable.
5 Fee reimbursement for children admitted to private schools u/s 12(i)(c) is a huge financial burden on the state. 6 Release of central financial allocation must not be split into small amounts. 7 Central share should be released in two installments only with reasonable predictability. 8 Without assured fund flow, progress of civil works can not be ensured. For civil works to start & progress on time, availability of sufficient funds in the first quarter, in no case later than second quarter is a sine quo non. 9 SORs prevailing at the start of civil works should be applicable to all unstarted & restarted works due to non availability funds or forest land. Cont.......
Cont....... • 10 State still not fully ready for the justiciability of various provisions of the RTE Act. Justiciability of the Act needs to be put on hold. State already burdened with litigation. • 11 Review of the RTE act is desirable in view of whittled down financial commitment from the centre. • 12 Strict enforcement of RTE act in private schools likely to result in closure of maximum number of such schools which is detrimental to the cause of quality education. • 13 Low enrollment shown in DISE is due to non supply of information by some private schools. • 14 Rationalization of PTR is taking time due to non availability of subject specific teacher, since only primary teachers are promoted into upper primary schools. • 15 Urban area survey is a challenge because children of migrant families do not have permanent settlement
Proposal for 2013-14 (Rs. in lakhs)