1. Curriculum and Instruction
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
3. Doctoral Internship: Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction Certification Internship Proposal
Faculty Needs Assessment
Curriculum Internship Log
Literature Reviewed
Paper presented at NEERO
Presentation to P.M.A.S.D. Faculty
Praxis Score Report
4. Scholarly Works: Publications Laverick, D. M. (in press). Starting school: Welcoming young children and families into early school experiences. Early Childhood Education Journal.
Jalongo, M. R., Fennimore, B. S., Pattnaik, J., Laverick, D. M., Brewster, J., & Mutuku, M. (2004). Blended perspectives: A global vision for high-quality early childhood education. Early Childhood Education Journal, 32(3).
Laverick, D. M. (2004). Interview and annotated bibliography in Early Childhood Today.
Laverick, D. M. (2004). Home visits and more: How to ease the transition to kindergarten. Classroom Leadership, 1(9), pp. 3, 8.
5. Scholarly Works: Presentations
The keys to success: Unlocking the expertise of exemplary early childhood teachers instructional practices for literacy. (2005). Presentation at the annual meeting of the New England Educational Research Organization.
The literacy portfolio: A powerful tool for communicating success. (2004). Presentation at the annual conference of the Keystone State Reading Association.
Assessment and data collection: Driving the execution of quality instructional decisions. (2004). Presentation at the annual meeting of the New England Educational Research Organization.
Kindergartners reading? Fostering emergent literacy in a developmentally appropriate manner. (2004). Presentation at the annual meeting of the New England Educational Research Organization.
6. Other C & I and Professional Artifacts Honors and Awards: Graduate Merit Scholarship
Graduate Student Research Award
Syllabi Developed: Reading in the Elementary School Primary Reading Pedagogy I
Teaching Associate Application
and Presentation