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Workshop 08A02 - Managing assessment of ex-ante conditionalites in the framework of the European Structural and Cohesion Funds 2014-20. First experiences 8 October 2013. Managing the assessment of ex ante conditionalities: the Italian Experience. Sabina De Luca
Workshop 08A02 - Managing assessment of ex-ante conditionalites in the framework of the European Structural and Cohesion Funds 2014-20. First experiences • 8 October 2013 Managing the assessment of ex ante conditionalities: the Italian Experience Sabina De Luca Department for Development and Economic Cohesion
Italy supported the introductionof ex-ante conditionalitiesbecause: They can be • A powerful leverage to promote the efficiency of public action, and the effectiveness of investment • An instrument to involve all the relevant actors, not just the ones managing the funds, in the fulfilment of the conditionality To that scope the draft Regulations entered two main typologies of ex-ante conditionalities: • Regulatory ones (e.g. consistency with the EU Directives provisions) • Planning/strategic ones (e.g. National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, National Transport Plan, Smart Specialisation Strategy) :
Italy experience • Italy is implementing the assessment of ex-ante conditionalities fulfilment. • Seven working groups, grouping the thematic and horizonatl ex-ante conditionalities, mobilised all relevant national and regional actors to check the state of the art and the actions needed to fulfil the ex-ante conditionalities • In our experience both typologies of ex-ante conditionalities (regulatory, and strategic/planning) are useful and are producing positive effects: • Regulatory ex-ante conditionalities are speeding up the transposition of relevant provisions of EU Directives that are needed to establish a common and well defined framework for the implementation of interventions • Planning/strategic ex-ante conditionalities are supporting public administration in the adoption of coherent and focused interventions
In the Italian specific case: • Regulatory ex-ante conditionalities, (e.g. on Energy Efficiency) • the transposition of Directive 2012/27 has been accelerated, and as a consequence of the introduction of ex-ante conditionalities, the public buildings mapping for their energy efficiency refurbishment is going to be completed • Planning/Strategic ex-ante conditionality • on transport sector, the preparation of a national planning framework that includes also operative choices (mature projects’ pipeline) has been accelerated • But this is not enough ...
What it’s still necessary • The PA and OPs should include the relevant additional mechanisms that make operational those improvements in the framework conditions and in the strategic choices generated by the adoption of ex-ante conditionalities • As an example, on Smart Specialisation, Italy is focusing not only on the strategic design but also on specific tools that can support the implementation of the Strategy: • introduce multi-stage calls for project funding, based on intermediate results indicators and outcome indicators. Independent reviewers can assess the progress of interventions and link the funding to the actual results achieved. • lists of international peer-reviewers for projects evaluation shared between Central and Regional Administrations
What it’s still necessary • To ensure the effectiveness of investments, together with ex-ante conditionalities, we need Programs that are really and fully operational • Italy adopted for 2014-2020 a revised methodological approach, based on 7 principles that altogether should provide a more precise definition and timing of the implementation of the programmes, a clearer definition of each actor’s role, a better informed citizens control on public expenditure • Clearly identified expected results • Concrete actions needed for their achievements • Scheduling of reliable timetable of planned interventions • Full use of opendata systems to open to the public a transparent information on the use of the funds • Stronger Partners mobilization (Code of conduct) • Better Policies’ Impact Evaluation • Stronger national overseeing
Conclusions • Italy appreciates the intention of the Commission to launch a more transparent and shared assessment process (Commission Guidelines elaborated taking into account MS opinion, and the strategic dialogue on the preparation of the PA and Ops) • The assessment process should be flexible enough to take into account the specificities of territorial contexts, while remaining within a framework of homogeneous interpretation of the fulfillment criteria, and of equal treatment for all MS • The assessment should fully respect the subsidiarity principle, and leave to the Member States the responsibility to decide on the specific and adequate policy measures, including the content of strategies.
Thank you for your attention! sabina.deluca@dps.gov.it