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This seminar explores the importance of Integrated Territorial Projects in Italian regional development, highlighting their structure, benefits, and impact on local economies. It discusses the strategic objectives, operations, and expected outcomes of such projects, providing examples from the Salentino-Leccese region. The text also delves into the selection procedures, financing sources, and approval process of these projects within the framework of European Union Regional Operational programs.
Integrated Territorial Projects in Italian Cohesion Policy Tito Bianchi Department for Development and Cohesion Policies Ministry for Economic Development of Italy Seminar "Territorial cohesion: what scales of policy intervention? “, Bruxelles March 12 2010
has taken a clear territorial orientation seeks the contribution of local actors, adjusts to specific territorial needs and ambitions SF programming drives/catalyzes other forms of public expenditure for economic development at each territorial scale In 2000-2006 this was done done mainly through Integrated Territorial Projects in the Italian South Since the mid 1990s, italian regional development Policy
2000-2006 Community Support Framework introduced in Italy…. Integrated Territorial Projects definition “Composite project for the development of an area, which includes a set of different operations that all contribute, in interaction with each other, to a common development strategy, devised by local actors in response to concrete needs and opportunities.”
Few Central–level guidelines provided by the Framework. Integrated Territorial Projects (ITP)… • Must include operations that add up to an “adequate critical mass”; • Must identify a core-objective, a centre of responsibility, a territory; • should not amount to an additional funding line or measure, but represent a special mode through which existing program measures operate
Example of an ITP focused on tourism development CORE OBJECTIVE (Strategic idea: provides coherence, integration) Example: To increase cultural tourism Unified Project Management (one municipal govt. chosen to lead the project) Operations of different nature Historic preservation Environment (restoring buildings, cleaning polluted sites) Infrastructure (Roads, telecommunications Tourist Info points) Productive sector (Support to local manufacturers of typical products) Human Resources (training in skills needed in the tourism sector) Measurable Expected Outcomes: Increased N. of visitors, Employment, reduced out-migration
How multi-sector INTEGRATION of ITPs is made compatible with sectoral organization of Regional OPs REGIONAL PROGRAM measure measure measure measure measure measure measure measure PROJECTS INTEGRATED TERRITORIAL PROJECT
Two types of identification and selection procedures B: negotiated, top down A: competitive, bottom-up Regions divide up all territory, aggregate municipalities, allocate funds ex-ante Regions established bidding criteria for municipalities and published a call for projects Municipalities jointly prepare project following Regional geographical, financial, and sectorial decisions Municipalities associate. Prepare and submit detailed project proposal Regions appraise and approve projects, on the basis of project quality and other criteria Regions appraise and approve projects once they reach a quality threshold
ITPs approved by Region, sources of funding, and incidence on resources of EU Regional Operational programs
Example:ITP n.9 Region Puglia Core Objective:“To consolidate and innovate the local productive system based on diffused manufacturing” ITP Salentino-LecceseTerritorial Area
ITP Salentino-LecceseBackground Traditional garment- and shoe manufacturing base is in crisis. In late 1990s, municipalities associate to promote industrial diversification Integrated Strategy MANUFACTURING SYSTEM
ITP Salentino-LecceseMain Operations Infrastructure Industrial Areas Worth€ 3.987.000
ITP Salentino-LecceseMain Operations Infrastructure Projects: Logistic PlatformWorth€2.800.000I
ITP Salentino-LecceseMain Operations Projects in Vocational High Schools ESF:(apprenticeship, school to work)Worth€ 5.868.000
Subsidies to firms’ Investment (ERDF+ESF):Worth9.2 M€ ITP Salentino-Leccese Main Operations 11 enterprises invested, their plans including training and industrial research.Sectors:Food processing, Pharmaceuticals, Bathroom Furniture, B to B Software, digital filing systems
Extends to both convergence and competitiveness regions; with less national level guidance, becomes less standard across regions; In most regions, integrated projects for urban settings follow different procedures from those designed for marginal areas The experience on integrated projects carries on in 2007-2013:
Structural Funds are compatible with sub-regional scale of economic development planning; Strength (I): sectoral lines of economic development intervention are reconciled at the local scale Strength (II): Local public institutions develop capacity to plan economic development in an integrated fashion; Covering all territories is overly ambitious Integrated terrritorial approach encounters some resistance, adds one level of coordination Cohesion programs should not build special ad-hoc institutions, but involve “ordinary” local governments Concluding remarks: