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VERBS LIKE GUSTAR. ABRAN SUS LIBROS A LA P ÁGINA 148. Verbs / Singular Nouns. Plural Nouns. me gustan te gustan le gustan nos gustan les gustan. me gusta te gusta le gusta nos gusta les gusta. Por ejemplo Me gusta recomendar estudiantes para la beca .
Verbs / Singular Nouns Plural Nouns me gustan te gustan le gustan nos gustan les gustan • me gusta • te gusta • le gusta • nos gusta • les gusta Por ejemplo Me gustarecomendarestudiantesparala beca. I like to recommend students for the scholarship. A Susana le gustanlasfaldas. They like the skirts. GUSTAR REVIEW
Even though we translate gustar as “to like” it really could be translated as “to be pleasing” YOU NEED TO KNOW WHO IT IS “PLEASING TO” • The lets you know WHO: • me (I) • te (you) • le (he, she or it) • nos (we) • les (they) Why do they work like this?
Verbs like GUSTAR to delight to interest to be important to fit • encantar • interesar • importar • quedar What does this mean?
You need to conjugate (change) the verbs based on the thing that is pleasing, delighting, important, or fitting. So, if you want to say: The bakery delights me. En español: Me encanta la panadería. BUT… IF THERE ARE MORE THAN ONE Me encantan las panaderías. THE BAKERY STORES ARE DOING THE DELIGHTING. It means…
What’sthedifference? • Reflexive verbs are conjugated (changed) so that the person doing the action matches the person receiving the action. • The person who is being delighted (encantar) has no effect on what is doing the delighting. THIS IS NOTREFLEXIVE
me • te • le • nos • les • It only tells us who the thing is (or isn’t) fitting well. (quedar) HAS NO EFFECT ON HOW WE CHANGE THE VERB No tequedanbien los zapatos. Le quedaapretado el traje. Nosquedan mal lassandalias. Les quedala faldafloja. Porejemplo