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The Eco Campus Award Scheme: Encouraging and Rewarding Universities for Moving Towards Environmental Sustainability Through Good Operational and Management Practice . Sara Macey & Arnaud Lecourieux Nottingham Trent University. Introduction. Eco Campus - Overview
The EcoCampus Award Scheme: Encouraging and Rewarding Universities for Moving Towards Environmental Sustainability Through Good Operational and Management Practice Sara Macey & Arnaud Lecourieux Nottingham Trent University
Introduction • EcoCampus - Overview • EcoCampus - Pilot progress • Questions • Why EcoCampus/EMS - strategic drivers
EcoCampus Pilot Scheme • The EcoCampus scheme was launched on the 9th January 2006. • The 10 pilot institutions were announced on the 8th May 2006 these include: Bath Spa University London School of Economics Nottingham Trent University (NTU) Oxford Brookes University University of Bradford University of Bristol University of Derby University of Hertfordshire University of Kent University of Worcester. • The first of 9 EcoCampus workshops (to date) took place at NTU on the 18th October 2006.
EcoCampus Overview • EcoCampus is a national environmental management system (EMS) development programme and award scheme for the higher and further education sector (HEFCE funded institutions). • EcoCampus has been designed and developed by the HE sector for the HE sector. • EcoCampus helps improve institutions environmental performance in ‘bite sized chunks’, using a phased and modular approach.
EcoCampus Overview • EcoCampus enables universities and higher education colleges to be recognised for addressing key issues of environmental sustainability through the schemes four awards. • EcoCampus Platinum Award (highest) is equivalent to the international standard ISO14001. • EcoCampus will ultimately benchmark the sector by rewarding environmental improvement, linking to indices such as the BITC and People and Planets Times Higher Green League.
Support Materials EcoCampus Handbook Contacts Mailings & Significant Events e - Training Material EcoCampus Toolkit Software EcoCampus Awards Project Management Significance calculator Review Software EcoCampus Forum Document Control Case Studies
Pilot Institutions’ Achievements • All 10 pilot institutions have undertaken a thorough environmental review. • All 10 pilot institutions have started to identify their environmental aspects and associated impacts. • 90% have written a formal Environmental Policy. • Most pilot institutions are developing environmental objectives and setting targets for improvement. • 30% are now starting to make progress on the Operating phase of the scheme.
EcoCampus Awards 30% of the pilot institutions are ready to be audited for the Silver phase of the scheme.
Comments from Pilot Universities • “To consolidate what we are already doing and identify areas for improvement. To hopefully create a specific EMS for the University of Derby that is audited and accredited” University of Derby. • “To gain the framework to help a small but rapidly growing university to become recognisably Green. This will help this ‘new’ university compete in the marketplace” University of Worcester. • “To assist in achieving the objective of ISO14001 certification and to develop environmental awareness and actions across the institution” Bath Spa University.
Beyond the Pilot Scheme • We are expecting interest for a new cohort of institutions - commencing Autumn 2008. • Visit our stand at the conference • For more information, please visit our website at: www.ecocampus.co.uk
How EcoCampus can help Institutions Overcomebarriers to the implementation of an Environmental Management System
Strategic Drivers • Good corporate image giving competitive advantage. • Save costs in major areas such as energy use. • Address sustainable development and climate change. • Part of good ‘corporate’ governance. • Manage the risks. • Comply with legal & other requirements.
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