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Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece. World History. Questions to answer by the end of this lesson:. 1 . What are the 2 great epics that were written in ancient Greece and who wrote them? 2. Compare Greek religion with others you have learned about.

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Ancient Greece

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  1. Ancient Greece

    World History
  2. Questions to answer by the end of this lesson: 1. What are the 2 great epics that were written in ancient Greece and who wrote them? 2. Compare Greek religion with others you have learned about. 3. How did noblesget power in Greece? How did they lose it? What part did tyrantsplay? 4. What 4 things did all Greek city-states have in common?
  3. Why should we care about greece?
  4. Geography of Greece
  5. No unity because of geography Mountain ranges and water separated Communities. NO great river systems unlike other Ancient civilizations.
  6. Agriculture Climate good for crops (mild) Good pasture for sheep and goats BUT not enough flat land to grow a lot of crops So………………………………………..
  7. Greeks depended on sea trade
  8. Results of sea trade Greek traders gained knowledge from places like Egypt and the Fertile Crescent. Check up: How did geography influence the way of life of the early Greeks?
  9. Minoan civlization On Crete Minos= king Minotaur myth
  10. Developments in Minoan civilization Writing, running water in homes! Frescoes, art, bronze. Ivory, gold, silver Women has important roles Minoans playful, had festivals, worshipped bull and earth goddesses….
  11. Volcano! Weakened Minoan civilization. Eventually, Indo-Europeans came and took over.
  12. Dark ages War-like Mycenaeans conquered Crete. Illiterate. Knowledge of reading and writing disappeared until Phoenicians introduced alphabet around 750 BCE
  13. City-states = polis Influenced by geographic and tribal organization . polis- fort + city + land surrounding
  14. Common features of city-states Small size (300-500 sq miles) Athens is smaller than Rhode Island! Small population (usually less than 10,000 people). Citizens=free males. Women were citizens but had no political rights. Placed on a hill or mountain (Acropolis) Has a public market place (Agora)
  15. In each city state Unique for each city state: laws, calendar, money, system of weights and measures All city states: common language, descendant (Hellen), religious ideas, common temples and festivals like the Olympics! Prejudice against non-Greeks
  16. Greek gov’t and society Homeric Age: named after poet Homer who wrote epics: Iliad and Odyssey Story of both revolves around the Trojan War
  17. Religion and Morals Purposes: Explain the physical world Explain human passions Means for gaining long life, good harvest, and fortune People needed to speak to gods through priests and priesteses Oracle: could predict future
  18. Greek gods Human characteristics and weaknesses
  19. myths Explained the world
  20. Athletics Important because displays of strength pleased the gods. Only men!
  21. nobles Took over kingdoms because they controlled armies and had the power to take over! They owned land and farmers were allowed to live and work on land if they paid a small amount.
  22. Colonies spread greek culture Sometimes farmers couldn’t pay for their land so they were forced to leave. Some moved to cities to become merchants, some left to settle colonies . This also spread Greek culture around the Mediterranean and helped the Greeks to learn from other civilizations.
  23. trade Colonies imported goods from Greece and exported grain and other products to Greece.
  24. Aristocracies: Rule by the best City-states ruled by nobles = Aristocracies Eventually power of noblesweakened by hoplites (non-aristocratic soldiers who could afford their own weapons. They fought in phalanx (close rows) so they could withstand cavalry charges by aristocratic horsemen.
  25. Demands of hoplites More say in gov’t Poor citizens and farmers also wanted leaders who promised a better life: tyrants. Idea of popular gov’t led to democracy.
  26. Check up! Answer the following questions! 1. What are the 2 great epics that were written in ancient Greece and who wrote them? 2. Compare Greek religion with others you have learned about. 3. How did nobles get power in Greece? How did they lose it? What part did tyrants play? 4. What 4 things did all Greek city-states have in common?
  27. Sparta!
  28. ?s to answer by the end of the lesson Describe the gov’t of Sparta, incl the emphasis on militarism Define the following: helot, ephors, metics, archon,Draco, Solon, Persistratus, Cleisthenes. Define the features of the early government of Athens. What reforms occurred to transform this government into a democracy? What is the difference between direct democracy and representative democracy?
  29. Structure of Sparta Est. by Dorian invaders. Highly militarized 3 social groups: Equals: citizens descendant to Dorians. Land dist equally among them and worked on by helots. Half-citizens: free, paid taxes, served in army, but no political power. Some were farmers and some lived in towns and were merchants. Helots: slaves of Sparta city-state. Outnumbered other groups! Spartans terrorized helots to keep them from rebelling.
  30. government Assembly: all adult male citizens Council of elders 2 kings 5 ephors (overseers) elected by assembly for 1 year term. Monitored kings and citizens. Unlimited power as guardians of the state.
  31. Military machine Training from birth! Every adult male had to be in the military Weak baby boys sent to die 7 year olds went to live in military barracks Had to steal food to live: punished only for being caught. EXPECTED to steal!
  32. Rules of the military Service from age 20-50! Can marry @ 20 but can’t live at home or go to the marketplace until you’re 30. No trade or business: love of money gets in the way of military discipline
  33. Spartan girls Had to be strong to raise soldiers! Boys and girls: studies music to learn discipline and coordination
  34. Sacrifices of military might -No individual freedom, no art, no literature, no philosophy or science
  35. Athens: birth of democracy Dif from Sparta: passed up by Dorian invaders. Infertile land: they became traders, coined money, city inland Typical polis: on a hill, protected by city walls.
  36. Social standing Citizens: All adult men had full rights NOT women Non-citizens: metics: worked as merchants or artisans. Free but couldn’t vote or own land. Slaves: considered a necessity. Captured in war At Athens' peak, over half of the population were meticsand slaves!
  37. Early government in Athens Aftermonarchy, aristocraticcitizens with a certain amt of land held office. Elections: All adult males met in assembly and elected generals and 9 archons (rulers). Judges interpreted the laws and applied them to specific situations.
  38. Political reform Late 600s: economic discontent, Arbitrary decisions made by aristocratic judges.
  39. Laws Greeks began writing down laws so everyone knew what they were. Draco’s laws: 1st law code-harsh. Today Draconian = harsh law or rule
  40. More problems: inequality Nobles and metics were wealthy but peasants and farmers were poor and unhappy so………
  41. New leader: solon Solon became a leader in 594 BCE and mediated between debtors and auditors. Awesome things Solon did: Cancelled debt for poor, outlawed enslavement for debt, freed those who had been enslaved for non-payment.
  42. More things Solon did: Solon divided citizens into 4 groups based on wealth 3 wealthiest groups could hold public office. All citizens could sit in assemblyto elect officials. Limited power of judges: set up court composed of many citizens who could appeal unfavorable decisions. Unrest NOT over! Nobles formed rival political groups and struggled to control gov’t
  43. Tyrant Peisitratusseized power Improved economy and exiled nobles who disagreed with him. MAY have distributed land to poor farmers.
  44. Democratic state Cleithenes (508 BCE): turned Athens into a democracy. Divided citizens into 10 tribes and subdivided them into 100 smaller units widely spread out. Unit of Power: self-governing states. Representatives chosen by lot. Members of the Council of 500 (50 members from each tribe) Rules: members serve 1 year and can’t serve more than twice Laws: proposed by council to assemby at least 10x/year. Source of ultimate
  45. Courts democratic Jurors chosen by lot Equality of all citizens for government service Each man pleads own case. Jury votes by secret ballot.
  46. Under Cleisthenes Direct democracy: all citizens participate in making decisions. CONTRAST to U.S! Representative Government: Citizens vote for government representatives to make decisions.
  47. Check up: Answer the following: Describe the gov’t of Sparta, incl the emphasis on militarism Define the following: helot, ephors, metics, archon,Draco, Solon, Persistratus, Cleisthenes. Define the features of the early government of Athens. What reforms occurred to transform this government into a democracy? What is the difference between direct democracy and representative democracy?
  48. Athens Society
  49. Daily life in athens Farming: Over ½ citizens Used terracing Farming not good, so Athens depended on trade.
  50. ?’s to answer at end of lesson Defineterracing, pedagogue, rhetoric Why was Athens so dependent on trade? Describe Greek attitudes toward women as shown in marriage, rights of citizenship, social life and education. What does Greek education reveal about their society?
  51. Manufacturing and trade Small, in homes
  52. Homes Simple Money spent on community buildings not private property Streets: dirty
  53. Family Marriage=important because of having kids Arranged. Girls usually 13 or 14, husbands 2x age Women's rights: inferior but citizens. Couldn’t own or inherit land (In Sparta they could inherit land). Rarely in public places. Housework. Didn’t go to school
  54. Education and military Literacy and education=good Many boys went to school to learn literature, poetry incl. Iliad and Odyssey by heart. Also learned from pedagogue: Greek slave who took boys to school and looked after them. Around 400 BCE Older men: sophists: wise men who learned and discussed politics, ethics, math poetry and rhetoric: the study of oratory. Military training at 18. Those who could afford armor: hoplites Education spread Greek language and civilization all over. Mediterranean traders spoke Greek commonly
  55. Expansion of Greece Questions to answer: Identify Darius, Xerxes, Themistocles, Pericles How did the Persian Wars begin and what were the results? Why did the Peloponnesian War start? Why are the Battles of Marathon, Salamis, and Plataea considered decisive in the history of the world? What happened in the Battle of Thermopylae?
  56. Persia conquered Greece Ruled by Darius Dariusraised taxes. Greeks rebelled all over Asia Minor 500-429BCE
  57. Battle of Marathon Outnumbered Greeks won! 490 BCE Uneasy peace for 10 years
  58. Xerxes takes over for his father darius Brought Persian army to try to take over Athens Greeks from many city states united to fight.
  59. Battle of thermopylae Movie: 300 300 Spartan soldiers fought huge Persian army and all Spartans died fighting. Greeks (Sparta) lost BUT inspirational story. When Persians got to Athens the people had all evacuated. Persia destroyed Athens.
  60. Battle of Themistocles Leader of Athens attacked Persia in small strait where they had no where to escape. Greeks won!
  61. Significance of greek victories Persia remained powerful but defeating Persia in the Persian Wars gave Greece confidence to create their own empire in the Aegean and have a period of unparalleled cultural achievement.
  62. Athens as leader Rebuilt city with temples and other public buildings Athens successful with Delian League: system of alliances (140 other city states). Each city-state contributed money and/or ships
  63. Age of pericles 461-429 bce Great general and orator Time of Athen’s greatest power and prosperity
  64. Height of democracy under pericles All male citizens could hold public PAID office. Most offices chosen by lot. No one had an advantage.
  65. thucydides Historian. Called Athens a tyranny against other city states because they used Delian League money only for Athens. Forced city states to join league and crushed revolts if they tried to challenge Athen’s power.
  66. Peloponnesian war 431 bce Athens and Sparta responsible. Very competitive and eager to fight
  67. Plague 430 bce Many died, including Pericles
  68. The end of the war Athens democratic gov’t discredited and aristocratssiezed power. Persia blocked food from Athens. Athens, starving, surrendered in 404BCE After war, Persia, Sparta and Thebes tried to get power. Meanwhile, civilization achieved greatness!
  69. Check for Understanding: Identify Darius, Xerxes, Themistocles, Pericles How did the Persian Wars begin and what were the results? Why did the Peloponnesian War start? Why are the Battles of Marathon, Salamis, and Plataea considered decisive in the history of the world? What happened in the Battle of Thermopylae?
  70. Brain pop! http://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/worldhistory/athens/
  71. Quiz next time! Make sure you can answer the following: Define the following terms: democracy, polis, agora, terracing, myth, aristocracy, tyrant, popular government, helot, metic, rhetoric, direct demopcracy, representative democracy, Minoans, Mycenaeans, Dorians What are the 2 most famous Greek epics and who is credited with writing them? How did nobles get power in Greece? Why did they lose power? What role did tyrants play? Describe the government in Sparta (incl emphasis on militarism) Describe the featurs of the early gov’t of Athens. What reforms occurred to transform this gov’t into a democracy? (hint: See p120) How did the Persian Wars begin and what were the results? What is the Age of Pericles? Why did the Peloponnesian War start? What 4 things did all Greek city states have in common? Essay questions on NEXT slide!
  72. Essay QUestions 1. Describe the democratic system in Athens. Try to answer the following questions in your essay: What were the three major characteristics of Athenian democracy? How did the Athenian democracy protect people against injustices by leaders? What was a major deficiency in the Athenian system of democracy? 2. Why are the Battles of Marathon, Salamis, Plataea, and Thermopylae considered decisive in the history of the world. Choose one of these battles to discuss in detail and explain why it is important to know about to understand Greek history.
  73. Greece’s golden and hellenistic age Athens: center of Greek culture During the 400s known as “Greece’s golden age” Hellenistic Culture: culture founded on Greek ideas and features from other cultures of the Mediterranean region.
  74. ?’s to answer at end of lesson Define Hellenistic Culture. What teaching method did Socrates use? What were the main characteristics of the ideal gov’t in Plato’sRepublic? How was Aristotle’s view of gov’t different from Plato’s? What value do ancient Greek mathematicians and scientists have for us today? List some famous playwrights How did Euripides and Aristophanes feel about war?
  75. architecture Beautiful temples, gymnasiums and theaters
  76. Painting Much destroyed, but evidence on vase painting.
  77. sculpture Also much destroyed but there are Roman copies!
  78. Style of art Glorified human beings Pride for city state (gods thanked for good fortune) Ideals of simplicity in life Combine beauty and usefulness
  79. Philosophers and writers Cosmologists: wanted to understand the nature of the universe. Philosopher: lover of wisdom Famous philosophers: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
  80. Socrates 470-399BCE Examine life, think for yourself, Persistent questioning = Socratic method Criticized democracy because it is unwise for unskilled people to hold power. Downfall: Socrates was criticized for not showing gods respect and corrupting youth. He was put to death.
  81. plato Learned from Socrates. Wrote imaginary dialogues about government, education, justice, virtue and religion The Republic: ideal org of society. People should do the work best suited to them Ideal gov’t = aristocracy based on intelligence, education, reasoning, and high ideals.
  82. Plato’s allegory of the cave Theory of forms: Everything physical is an imperfect expression of a perfect universal form or idea.
  83. Aristotle Student of Plato. Collector and organizer of facts Wrote Ethics: what brings people happiness? Poetics: looked at Greek drama and defined what was good and bad. Ideas about government: Middle class important! Perfect gov’t=mix of aristocracy, monarchy and democracy. UNLIKE Plato, A believed that lower class people could rise above their position in life WITHOUT the help and guidance of intellectual leaders who rep higher authority.
  84. Math and science Pythagoras: Pythagorean theorem Medicine: Hippocrates: Hippocratic oath, disease comes from natural causes not the gods Herodotus: 1sthistoryian in western world Thucydides: wrote History of the Peloponnesian War. Tried to be unbiased.
  85. Drama Greeks 1st to write drama Performances in outdoor theaters built into hillsides. Tragedies: main character struggles against fate and fails. Tragic heroes have hubris. (excessive pride) Some writers: Aeschylus, Sophocles (Oedipus Rex), Euripides (Trojan Women) Euripides: anti-war. Used his plays to challenge the ideals of war.
  86. comedies Unlike dramas, central characters usually succeed in solving problems. Famous comedy playwrights: Aristophanes: Clouds: made fun of Socrates and his methods of educating youth of Athens Aristophanes disliked war and used his comedies to make Athenians think about its causes and consequences.
  87. Check for understanding Define Hellenistic Culture. What teaching method did Socrates use? What were the main characteristics of the ideal gov’t in Plato’sRepublic? How was Aristotle’s view of gov’t different from Plato’s? What value do ancient Greek mathematicians and scientists have for us today? List some famous playwrights How did Euripides and Aristophanes feel about war?
  88. Alexander the Great
  89. ?’s to answer by the end of the lesson Define infantry, phalanx, orator, Philip of Macedonia, Demosthanes, Alexander the Great. How did Philip of Macedonia prepare for the spread of Hellenistic culture? What specific qualities did Alexander the Great have as a leader? What did he do? Why did Alexander the Great’s empire collapse after his death?
  90. Macedonia Brought unity to Greece NOT Persia. Philip II of Macedonia: Hostage of Thebes as a kid, admired Greek (Hellenistic) culture Armed forces: cavalry, infantry, phalanx, archers
  91. Varying opinions about philip Some thought he was great because he brought unity to Greec Others like orator Demosthenessaid that he was a menace to liberty.
  92. Demosthenes tried to organize a defense of Greek city0states but failed to unite everyone. Some city-states had traitors paid by Philip for military secrets.
  93. Battle of Chaeronea 338 bce Philip won control of Greece. He took away Greek freedom and was assassinated in 336 at his daughter’s wedding. His son, Alexander the Great took over
  94. Alexander the great Military training in Macedonian army and was educated by Aristotle. Unique preparation for leadership.
  95. Alexander’s military campaigns Crushed city-state rebellions and declared himself master of Greece. Then tried to conquer the world! Went as far east as the Indus Rover. Wanted to capture more of India but many soldiers died because the trip was too difficult. Growing discontent in his empire. He died of disease when he was 32 years old
  96. Impact of alexander’s empire Spread Greek culture as army traveled Encouraged integration of Macedonians and Persians into one ruling group He married a Persian princess and officiated at a mass wedding of 9000 of his troops to Persian women! 3. He wanted his subjects to consider him a divine monarch.
  97. Breakup of alexander’s empire Generals murdered his family and divided his empire into Macedonia, Syria and several smaller kingdoms. Roman legions invaded and conquered most of Hellenistic empire around 200 BC.
  98. Check for understanding Define infantry, phalanx, orator, Philip of Macedonia, Demosthanes, Alexander the Great. How did Philip of Macedonia prepare for the spread of Hellenistic culture? What specific qualities did Alexander the Great have as a leader? What did he do? Why did Alexander the Great’s empire collapse after his death?
  99. The spread of Hellenistic culture What changes occurred in society during the Hellenistic Age? What ideas about ethics did the philosophers of the Hellenistic Age have? In what ways did Hellenistic scientists add to the existing body of knowledge? What were the primary ideas of the 4 major Hellenistic philosophies?
  100. The economy Small class of wealthy: rulers of gov’t owned most of the land Large class of VERY poor In between=middle class: thrived because many opportunities for acquiring wealth.
  101. trade Most profitable activity Trade routes connected most of the Mediterranean world
  102. Cities built by alexander Had town squares, public buildings (libraries, gymnasiums, theaters) Alexandria: largest city state: center of learning and commerce.
  103. Changing attitudes With middle class, education spread. Novels, status of women improved, New definition of Greek (Hellenized Egyptian of Syrian also considered Greek)
  104. Hellenistic religion and philosophy Decline of polis People felt less control over their lives and turned to religion or philosophy for comfort
  105. 4 schools of philosophy Cynicism: live according to nature. Scorn pleasure, wealth, social position Skeptic: No definite knowledge is possible because everything is always changing. People can’t know how things really are. Today, skeptics bout generally accepted ideas. Stoic:Est by Zeno: divine reason directs the world. Accept what nature brings you. Happiness = discovering how to best fulfill the role given to you by the spark of the divine. Influenced Roman and Christian thinking Epicurius: Aim of life: seek pleasure and avoid pain. Limitless desires. Don’t try to fulfill all of them. Today epicure is someone who enjoys the pleasures of the senses. Postpones worry.
  106. Math and physics Euclid: dev geometry into a system. Wrote Elements. Archimedes: greatest scientist on Hellenistic Age. Used geometry to measure spheres, cones, cylinders. Calculated the value of pi, ratio of circumference to diameter. Built lever, compound pulley, Archimedes Screw.
  107. Medicine People in Hellenistic Age dissected bodies of executed criminals. Figured out that the brain is the center of the nervous system.
  108. Astronomy and geography Calculated the position of stars and planets (Aristarchus)- earth and planets revolve around the sun. Hipparchus: 1st to use trigonometry for science. Calculated times of the eclipse of the sun and moon and the length of a year accordingly. Geographers knew earth was round. Erasthothanes: calculated the circumference of the earth. Scientists learned about hoe the work worked using simple instruments. They showed little interest in making labor saving devices perhaps because slaves did all of the hard labor in Greece.
  109. Check for understanding What changes occurred in society during the Hellenistic Age? What ideas about ethics did the philosophers of the Hellenistic Age have? In what ways did Hellenistic scientists add to the existing body of knowledge? What were the primary ideas of the 4 major Hellenistic philosophies?
  110. Quiz next time on the following: Define the following: Hellenistic culture, hubris, philosophy, phalanx, Golden Age of Greece, Parthenon, stoics, skeptics, cynics, epicurius, Hellinistic culture, Know the following people: Phidias, Socrates, Herodotus, Sophocles, Aristotle, Eratoosthenes, Philip II of Macedonia, Hippocrates, Archimedes, Euclid, Plato, Euripides, Aeschylus, Aristophanes. In what ways did Aristotle’s view of the principles of gov’t differ from Plato’s? What special qualities made Alexander the Great a great leader? How large was his empire? How did his empire collapse? Essay Question: Write an essay describing Alexander the Great’s plan for a new culture. Consider the following: What was Alexander’s dream? How did he plan to carry out that dream? What actions did the take to carry out his three-step plan? How has he influences leaders today?
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