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The Subcommittee on Hydrology aims to improve the availability and reliability of surface water information for hazard mitigation, water supply management, and environmental protection. Meetings are held quarterly, and work groups focus on hydrologic frequency analysis, hydrologic modeling, hydrologic radio frequency, and satellite telemetry. Current work includes developing guidance for flood frequency analysis and exploring opportunities for joint conferences.

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  1. SUBCOMMITTEE ON HYDROLOGY • Overall Goal – from purpose statement: “To improve the availability and reliability of (surface water) information needed for hazard mitigation, water supply and water use management, and environmental protection”

  2. SUBCOMMITTEE ON HYDROLOGY • Meetings held Quarterly • Winter and Spring 2003 in Washington, DC • August 7, 2003 in Denver, CO • Next Meeting October 2, 2003 in Washington, DC

  3. SUBCOMMITTEE ON HYDROLOGY • Present Officers • Donald Frevert, BOR, Chair • S. Samuel Lin, FERC, Vice-Chair • Terms Extend through September, 2004

  4. Current Member Organizations Agricultural Research Service American Forests Association of State Floodplain Managers Bureau of Land Management Bureau of Reclamation Defenders of Property Rights Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Federal Highway Administration Current Member Organizations (continued) National Hydrologic Warning Council National Science Foundation National Weather Service Natural Resources Conservation Service US Army Corps of Engineers US Environmental Protection Agency US Forest Service US Geological Survey SUBCOMMITTEE ON HYDROLOGY

  5. SUBCOMMITTEE ON HYDROLOGY • Current Work Groups • Hydrologic Frequency Analysis Work Group, • Rocky Durrans (U. of Alabama), Chair • Hydrologic Modeling Work Group, • Arlen Feldman (COE), Chair • Hydrologic Radio Frequency Work Group, • Scott Jackson (NWS), Chair • Satellite Telemetry Interagency Work Group, • Jim Doty (BOR), Chair

  6. SUBCOMMITTEE ON HYDROLOGY • Hydrologic Frequency Analysis Work Group • Most Recent Meetings – October 16, 2002 and July 24, 2003 • Next Meeting Planned for January, 2004 in Washington, DC • Work group formed to address three main issues: • Preparing a list of “Frequently Asked Questions and Answers” about Bulletin 17B - Guidelines For Determining Flood Flow Frequency (Interagency Advisory Committee on Water Data, 1982) • Developing guidance for “Flood Frequency Estimates” on ungaged watersheds • Developing guidance for “Flood Frequency Analysis” for regulated watersheds • List of “Frequently Asked Questions and Answers” now posted on the work group web site • Paper entitled “Evaluation of Flood Frequency Estimates for Ungaged Watershed” now posted on the work group web site

  7. SUBCOMMITTEE ON HYDROLOGY • Hydrologic Frequency Analysis Work Group (continued) • Benefit: Provides a forum for discussion of flood frequency analysis issues among experts throughout the country • Ongoing Tasks: • Preparing regulated watershed flood frequency analysis report • Making references, cited in Bulletin 17B, more available to the public • Possible update of “skew estimation” procedures for Bulletin 17B • Possible guidance development for estimation of frequently occurring floods and meteorological events • Investigation for possible “code of ethics” for hydrologic frequency analysis

  8. SUBCOMMITTEE ON HYDROLOGY • Hydrologic Modeling Work Group • Most Recent Meeting – Fall, 2002 Conference Call • Next Meeting – October, 2003 Conference Call (tentative) • Held 2nd Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference • July 28 – August 1, 2002 in Las Vegas, NV • Attended by approximately 350 participants from • Federal, State and Local Governments • Private Industry • Stakeholder Groups • Universities or Research Institutes • Approximately 160 Technical Presentations and 40 Posters • Five Short Courses on State-of-the-Art Technology – all well attended

  9. SUBCOMMITTEE ON HYDROLOGY • Hydrologic Modeling Work Group (continued) • Next Hydrologic Modeling Conference Scheduled for 2006 • Initial planning now underway • Investigating a possible joint event with Federal Sedimentation Conference • Dialogue continuing with Subcommittee on Sedimentation • Decision on joint conference and site selection to be made in next four to six months

  10. SUBCOMMITTEE ON HYDROLOGY • Hydrologic Radio Frequency Work Group • Narrow Banding of VHF and UHF bands underway • Coordinated Agreement in Place with Canada • Coordinated Agreement with Mexico being Negotiated

  11. SUBCOMMITTEE ON HYDROLOGY • Satellite Telemetry Interagency Work Group • Forum for sharing information on the use of NOAA GOES satellites for collection of environmental data using the Data Collection System (DCS) capability of these satellites. • Includes BOR, USGS, Corps of Engineers, BLM and NOAA • Meets two to three times a year, two meetings so far in 2003 • Possible meeting in fall, 2003 • Supporting Domestic Satellite Distribution System (DOMSAT) which relays all GOES data messages over a commercial satellite at significant savings for member agencies.

  12. SUBCOMMITTEE ON HYDROLOGY • Key Websites: • http://water.usgs.gov/wicp/acwi/hydrology/index.htmlfor general subcommittee information • http://water.usgs.gov/wicp/acwi/hydrology/hydrol_members.html for rosters • http://water.usgs.gov/wicp/acwi/hydrology/mtsconfwkshops/index.htmlfor conference and workshop information

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