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Start. Jamesville-Dewitt Middle School. Introduction to Technology. Today’s Goals. Define Technology Discuss different types of technology Site examples of the different types. 1. What is technology?. Problem solving Our major means of adjusting to our environment.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Start...

  2. Jamesville-Dewitt Middle School Introduction to Technology

  3. Today’s Goals • Define Technology • Discuss different types of technology • Site examples of the different types

  4. 1. What is technology? • Problem solving • Our major means of adjusting to our environment

  5. 2. Influence of Technology Technology promotes quality of life and makes our lives easier • Some technologies that impacts all our lives include the telephone, T.V., plastic, and automobiles. What are some technologies you could not live without? Why?

  6. 3. Extends Natural Abilities Technology allows people to do things that are not humanly possible. Give an example of how some super heros use technology to create their “super” power.

  7. 4-6. The three types of Technology • Biological • Physical • Informational

  8. 7. Biological Technology The use of living systems and organisms to develop or make useful products • Food processing • Medicine • Agriculture

  9. 8. What type of biological technology does this represent?

  10. 9. What type of biological technology does this represent?

  11. 10. What type of biological technology do these represent?

  12. 11. Physical Technology Technology that interacts with the physical form and function of a living thing • Shelter • Transportation • Clothing

  13. 12. What type of physical technology do these represent?

  14. 13. What type of physical technology does this represent?

  15. 14. What type of physical technology does this represent?

  16. 15-18. Information Technology Satisfies the need to communicate ideas and process information. • Graphic Communication: Uses a Combination of images and text to communicate. The most common form of communcation • Electronic: Devices that use electricity to communicate like TV, radio, and cell phones. • Photographic: Using pictures to communicate

  17. 19. Which of the three types of communication does this represent?

  18. 20. Which of the three types of communication does this represent?

  19. 21. Which of the three types of communication does this represent?

  20. 22- 23. Information Technology Answer these questions in the blank space at the bottom of the page. 22. Why is informational technology so important to the way we live? 23. Do you think we have access to too much information? Why do you feel that way?

  21. The End

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