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Details the joint efforts of Norway and Moldova to strengthen healthcare systems, emphasizing cooperation in hospitals, primary care, eHealth, and public health initiatives.
Cooperation in the field of Health and Medical Sciences, between the Ministry of Health and Care Services of the Kingdom of Norway and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova Mr.Zaza Tsereteli, MD, MPH –International Technical Advisor Ms.Maren Widme Ringstad – Senior Advisor
Background Information • Norwegian Delegation from the Ministry of Health and Care Services visited Moldova in February 2014 • Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministries was signed in Geneva, in May 2014 • Several fields for possible cooperation were suggested by the Moldavian Health Authorities • Second delegation from the Norwegian Ministry and the Public Health Institute to Moldova in October 2014 • Draft Action Plan for 2015-2017 is under discussion
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) The Parties will exchange information on public health services, the development and organisation of hospitals and primary health care, including eHealth. Further, the Parties will encourage cooperation between subordinated bodies, as the national institutes of public health Runs until 2020, but possible to prolong the MoU. The MoU is made in general terms, and concrete actions shall be developed in Programme of Works for two years.
The aim of cooperation • To support the Moldavian Health authorities in meeting needs for health and well-being, strengthening the health system of the Moldova and reinforcing health promotion and prevention. • In addition to that it is foreseen that this cooperation programme will support the Ministry of Health of the Moldava in meeting its commitments to the policy framework of Health 2020
Development of the Programme of Work • The Ministries of Health of two countries are jointly developing the Programme of Work. • The process of programme development is based on an assessment of Moldavian development challenges and health needs, its policies and expectations, and existing projects and programmes of other development partners. • The development process included consultation with the Ministry of Health in both countries, other relevant government organizations, WHO, multilateral and bilateral partners, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).
Development of the Strategic Priorities • Criteria for inclusion as a Strategic Priority : • Identification by Moldovan Government and by Norwegian Ministry of a specific priority area of intervention; • Norway’s added-value in providing support, or comparative advantage over other possible sources of support; and • Identification of adequate human and financial resources, to ensure productive involvement of Norwegian Health Institutions
Priority Areas • Strengthening the health systems, including the organisation of the hospitals for example in health trusts and university hospitals, eHealth at the hospital level, rehabilitation and long term care at the local level. • Strengthening Public Health management on the local level, including capacity building for management and implementation of activities for prevention and control of NCDs, and promotion of healthy lifestyles
Priority Areas (continuation) • Strengthening the collaboration between the Norwegian Public Health Institute and the Moldavian National Public Health Centre, including the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response system • Explore the possibilities of building capacity of the Public Health system through collaboration between the Faculty of Public Health and School of Public Health Management at the UoCh and the Norwegian medical faculties
Strenghtening the Health Systems in Moldova • To get acquainted with the system of hospital trusts. • Share information about the Norwegian coordination reform and what experiences Norwegian hospitals have with their cooperation with the municipalities. • To get acquainted on how rehabilitation after hospital intervention is organized in Norway. • Learn how the different activities at the hospital are prized • Participants: Ministry of Health, hospital managers, Moldavian health insurance fund
Actions in 2015 • Delegation from Moldova visit Norway to study how hospitals is managed there • Delegation from Norway visit Moldova to share experiences in current projects • Visits to Norway/have an internship to get more knowledge about the Norwegians system for the long term care and rehabilitation at the local level. • Arrange a workshop in Moldova about the concepts of long care (competence and quality of care)
E-Health • Contribute to the preparation of implementing a electronic health record system in Moldovan hospitals. • Norway has several relevant activities: Pre-project of “One patient – one record” carried out by Norwegian Directorate of Health. A study of possible solutions for achieving a common health information platform in Norway. The regional health authorities in Mid Norway is about to choose a new Electronic Patient record for all hospitals and primary care in the region. • Information security and privacy. Code of conduct
Model of collaboration between different sectors in setting priorities, planning and organizing local health promotion and NCD prevention activities • The aim is to strengthen public health through municipal-wide disease prevention and health promotion action of high quality. • Local empowerment and capacity building. • Knowledge on situation in the own municipality • Improve knowledge and exchange of experience with a/some Norwegian municipality (ies) • Plan for activities and implementation of methods for different needs • Financing for developing a sustainable preventive work in the municipality
Plan of activitites in 2015 • Activities in 2015 • o Exchange of knowledge • o Study visits and/or workshops • The direct output of the first year will be a plan for further project
Cooperation between the national institutes of public health • Public Health CapacityBuilding. Collaboration betweentheFaculty of Public Health at University of Chisinau and Norwegian faculties (UofO or other) to develop and improve a MPH and training in Moldova. • Objective 2: Preparedness and response for publichealthemergencies. Supporting Moldova in implementingthe IHR..
Actions in 2015 • study tour with 4 people from NIPH and from Moldova Public health Institute. The main focus will be to look at the first bullet point (IHR) and to draft a follow-up plan for future collaboration.