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RINJ volunteers provide assistance to women in distress, victims of disasters, and survivors of armed conflicts, regardless of background. Services include free medical care, victim advocacy, and proactive evidence gathering. The foundation also supports the prosecution of perpetrators through funding for counseling, rape kits, and legal advocacy. RINJ educates on consent, healthy relationships, and offers volunteer workers to aid in war crime investigations. Objectives focus on raising awareness about sexual violence prevention and supporting survivors through counseling and treatment programs.
RINJ volunteers provide assistance to women in distress, to victims of natural or man-made disasters and to victims of armed conflict. RINJ encourages and teaches non-violent and caring ways to be a man, for example through sustained school-based or sports-based education programmes, as well as working with young people with a particular focus on boys and adolescents to understand consent and healthy sexuality and to foster respectful relationships. RINJ does this work irrespective of race, religion, creed or political convictions.
RINJ is a private, international association of humanitarians including nurses, midwives, medics, EMS workers, doctors, lawyers and investigators. Purpose:- To exist for the benefit of the general public.- To help prevent rape and sexual assault crime.- To assist those who have become survivors of these crimes. The RINJ Foundation has adopted a mission while supporting and caring for survivors, to also gather and compile detailed information on parties to armed conflict that are credibly suspected of committing or being responsible for acts of rape or other forms of sexual violence. The RINJ Foundation vows to be especially vigilant in its Sexual Assault Clinics (RSAC) and aggressively gather evidence where a pattern of sexually violent conduct appears to prove the crime of genocide. The RSACs offer free medical care to women and children and their families. Community related services such as victim advocacy, crisis hotlines, community outreach, & education programs are provided based on each RSAC's resources at the discretion of the local RSAC nurse-led team.
In the conduct of its mandate The RINJ Foundation has learned the best way to achieve its objectives is to offer full medical care to the community served by RSAC mobile units and to establish long-term relationships with female and child clients for the purpose of establishing and understanding in absolute privacy the complete range of needs of the patient. Any patient seen at our doorstep can be assumed to be a health care patient. Patients who report sexual assault crimes are canvassed for as much information as possible about perpetrators so that any assistance they may provide is made available to investigators. All communication is absolutely private. The patient has the option of reporting the crime and seeking a prosecution in which they will participate. If that is the patient's decision the nurse follows the prescribed intake and forensic evidence collection procedure as set out in pre-intake, primary exam and forensic kit protocols. https://rinj.org/documents/medical_forms RINJ is pioneering "Team-Based Health Care". Mobile RSAC Team Leads are most likely to be an RN (Registered Nurse) but regionally they report to and are delegated by a Nurse Practitioner (NP). NPs are an integral part of The RINJ Foundations primary care teams strategy and lead the move to team-based medical practice in community settings. NPs are especially effective in refugee and combat regions as well as rural settings where there are shortages of doctors, and with patients who suffer a multitude of chronic illnesses and are ill-suited for a traditional seven-minute doctor's appointment.
Helping Rape Survivors & Encouraging the Prosecution of Rapists: 1. The RINJ Foundation collects donations and offers funding assistance for counseling; medical aid; reconstructive surgery; and special care and attention otherwise unavailable owing to funding or specialist resource issues. 2. The RINJ Foundation raises funds for the purchase of 'rape kits' and/or the funding of rape kit testing. First responders and hospitals must have rape kits and completed rape kits must be immediately tested with results sent posthaste to police and prosecutors. 3. RINJ shares learning for the betterment of court processes; a. provides data to the public about 'wanted' sex offenders/suspects or recently released-from-prison rapists who may be of interest to the community; b. encourages a more diligent execution of duty by law enforcement investigating sexual assault / rape complaints; and c. plays a role in overseeing how sexual assault / rape survivors in war-torn countries find remedy. The RINJ Foundation sends volunteer workersto assist United Nations War Crime investigators catalog crimes of rape in war zones.
The RINJ Foundation Objectives To educate and increase the public's awareness of the basic principle of The RINJ Foundation, that "Rape Is No Joke". 2. Educate the public and professionals about prevention of, and responses to, rape and all sexual abuse against all people by offering courses, seminars, conferences and meetings and by collecting and disseminating information on that topic. 3. Assist those affected by rape and sexual abuse through counseling and treatment programs. 4. Train police officers, military personnel teachers, social workers, and crisis response workers on how to recognize and respond to sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, online sexual exploitation, and to assist those affected. 5. Assist institutions where possible in using the most modern methodology for gathering and evaluation evidence for the prosecution of rape crime. 6. Assist and encourage a new United Nations' effort to end the use of rape as a weapon of war. 7. As a global association to assist the United Nations efforts of monitoring and investigation of reports of the rape of persons in regions of conflict or war and to assist agencies bring support to victims and (through accurate and impartial evidence gathering by volunteers and paid workers) bring justice to perpetrators.
Organization - The RINJ Foundation, an incorporated Non Profit, Non Government Organization. Members of the Organization Any person 18 years or older may be a member of The RINJ Foundation. Most members are people who support the RINJ Foundation by joining as members in social media (people who join, like, follow, support The RINJ Foundation on Facebook.com, Twitter.com, Google Plus, MySpace, Pinterest, and more) and who sign up as supporters on the RINJ.org web site. 1. Any person who considers themselves to be a member of RINJ Foundation is prima facia accepted as such unless their conduct would indicate otherwise. 2. Members have no entitlement to any asset, share or real property of The RINJ Foundation. 3. Each member may have one vote in matters to be decided by plebiscite. 4. Each member shall have the ability to communicate their ideas, views and opinions to the Board of Directors c/o the Executive Director of The RINJ Foundation by viable means provided by The RINJ Foundation.
Organization Structures The structure of the RINJ Foundation is comprised of a Board of Directors, an Executive Director with CEO-quality functions and various appointed Project Managers reporting to the Executive Director. The Executive Director shall appoint Project Managers. The Executive Director shall prepare budgets and financial plans for the Foundation and keep the Board of Directors informed in all aspects of the execution of its strategies. The Board of Directors is comprised of 3 to 9 persons from the general business community and is responsible for the general guidance of the Executive Director and setting overall strategies for the Foundation. The Board of Directors may, on a vote, when asked to do so by the Executive Director or following a motion and vote by the board, appoint new board members up to a total of nine. The main procedure of operational level decision-making in the organization is by general consensus of project managers with the Executive Director and where no consensus can be achieved the Board of Directors through its Executive Director, makes the decision. Strategic direction is established by the Board of Directors under advice from the Executive Director. The annual general meeting of The RINJ Foundation shall be held late August to Mid-September each year. Any member may attend. Elections and appointments for the different structures of the organization shall happen and shall be deemed to have happened when the Board of Directors so directs. All decisions of the Board of Directors shall be final.
General Work of The RINJ Foundation Volunteers A volunteer: 1. monitors media content; 2. educates social media and other media outlets about the perils of misogyny and rape culture; 3. monitors and reports international law news; 4. monitors and reports on global court proceedings related to sexual assault; 5. promotes a more learned and open discussion of the issues of sexual assault; 6. promotes education for the safety of the person; 7. seeks a higher adherence to safe community standards. 8. seeks stiffer penalties for rapists; 9. promotes the creation of a better criminal justice system; and 10. seeks to advance a RAPE-averse social conscience. Project Managers Project Managers may be assigned operating instructions, budgets and full autonomy within those two constraints notwithstanding full oversight and control by the Executive Director.Achieving the work of The RINJ Foundation is the responsibility of the Executive Director.
Executive Director • The Executive Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the RINJ Foundation and shall be responsible for the day-to-day. Engage and disengage and train all staff and contractors. • Organize and achieve all fundraising. • Shall serve as the face of the organization by attending important functions within the community and establishing relationships in the business community. • Act as financial controller and engage in fiscally safe financial practices on behalf of the foundation to ensure it operates within budgetary guidelines. • Work as a visionary or leader for the organization. • Develop both short- and long-term strategies for raising funds, developing community awareness and promoting participation in the organization by members who may be serving on a volunteer basis. • Lead the organization forward by implementing various programs that encourage an active organization. • Valuate funding requests for certain extreme emergency cases in need of medical evacuation; reconstructive surgery and other care and attention otherwise unavailable owing to funding issues. • Determine how funds are dispersed.
It's people who make the difference. Lunch room at Baguio City RSAC & Nurse Training School
We have noticed “rape” is a bad word when we try and advertise our services. Most organizations and media don’t want us to say “rape” or complain about women and children being raped. But you can talk to us about anything. Funny story. We got thrown out of a church for walking in and asking if we could talk about their rape crisis. “Rape” is a bad word. It’s the fastest growing crime in the world. Maybe that is too embarrassing for most countries to admit. I guess maybe the “battle of the sexes” (genders) is spreading to the developing nations. Gangs of men are raping women and kids to prove they have the power and are in control. Wow. Here is what we do: Anything.We will do anything we can to help you. We have people who fight for the safety of women and children. We have legal and health advisors to counsel those in distress and where possible provide full health care and forensic evidence gathering for prosecutions. We prosecute rapists individually or groups. Yes. A group of women talking about rape and other violence against women and kids and raising hell to stop it. Yeah. For men too. A few men get raped too …sad thing is that the few men who are raped are raped often and the damage is severe. We know. We can help. We won’t get upset if you use bad words. We might share your tears but we are not going to be offended. You were raped? Don’t despair. We can help. We love you. We exist for you.
RINJ claims full and unfettered freedom in the exercise of its functions RINJ volunteer/members undertake to respect their professional code of ethics and maintain complete independence from all political, economic or religious powers. RINJ operates 100% on funds from individual private funders to ensure RINJ* freedom to offer humanitarian assistance when & where needed; &* maintain RINJ independence from political, religious & economic influence. Impartiality & neutrality are not equal to silence. When RINJ witnesses extreme acts of violence against individuals or groups, the organization may speak out publicly. RINJ may seek to bring attention to extreme need and unacceptable suffering when access to justice or lifesaving medical care is impeded, when medical facilities come under threat, when crises are neglected, or when the provision of aid is inadequate or abused. RINJ volunteers/members understand the risks and dangers of the missions they carry out and make no claim for themselves or their assigns for any form of compensation other than that which The RINJ Foundation might be able to afford them.
You’ll feel rich … Givingto others increases your capacity for love. It makes you realize that even if you don’t have much, you have enough to share with others. In fact, analysis of giving data shows that poor people donate a larger percentage of their income to charity than rich. Donating used clothes to a shelter, new shoes to foster kids, or money to a worthy organization will make you feel rich. Please Help Rape Survivors, Donate Now Be part of something bigger Donating a little bit of money or time may not seem like much. But if your donation is joined with others, it becomes something much bigger. If you want to do something but can’t donate, Volunteer. Thanks! Join a cause Foundations need research money to discover ways to cure diseases or solve social problems. Other non-profit organizations help different groups of people like rape survivors with specific needs. A lot of this money is raised through donations. You probably know people who run or bike a race to support a cause close to them. If you feel passionate about a cause like RINJ, donate money or time. Set an example If you have children, donating to charity will show them you care about others and want to make the world a better place. If you involve your children in choosing charities, you will instill a desire to share and serve that will last throughout their lives. Grandchildren, nieces and nephews can also be influenced by your generosity towards others. A grateful heart When I donate to charities, I feel grateful. I’m glad to have clean water to drink, cook with and use in my home. When I’ve made kits of supplies to be sent to disaster areas, I’m reminded how blessed I am to have a safe home and emergency supplies on hand. As you give food to a local food bank, or write a check for an organization that helps people in need, you can’t help but feel thankful for the blessings in your own life. Tax deduction In the United States, the money you donate to charity can be taken as a deduction on your tax return. Although this isn’t the main reason for donating to charity, it is a nice bonus. Keep records of money or property you donate so you can itemize correctly on your tax forms.
You’ll feel rich … • The RINJ™ Foundation attempts to locate and assist rescue of child sex slaves in the human slave trade especially where children have sought help but have no willing parents or family to help them. The RINJ Foundation offers funding for extreme emergency rape cases in need of medical evacuation; reconstruction surgery and other care and attention otherwise unavailable owing to funding issues. RINJ™ offers survivors financial support for counseling & medical aid.The RINJ™ Foundation delivers training and educational support for police, military & EMS responders, as well as for school teachers, and all crisis response professionals.The RINJ Foundation seeks stricter penalties for rapists.RINJ teachs law enforcement how to identify and respond to sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual exploitation and rape.The RINJ Foundation raises funds for the purchase of ‘rape kits’ and/or the funding of rape kit testing. RINJ will help assure that first responders and hospitals have rape kits and that kits are immediately tested and the results reported to police and prosecutors. RINJ shares learning, knowledge and publishes news in pursuit of improvements in the way courts administer punishment to rapists; providing information about locations where ‘wanted’ sex offenders are on the lose; reporting on the manner in which law enforcement investigates complaints; and investigating/disseminating information about how survivors in war-torn countries find remedy.
Join the fight for the safety of WOMEN and CHILDREN • Please contact: • RINJ@rinj.org • 0939-993-0166