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Explore the core principles and success strategies of business excellence in this comprehensive guide. Learn how to grow and thrive in today’s competitive market by focusing on key factors like innovation, resilience, and relentless pursuit of excellence. Discover how to avoid common pitfalls and transform your business into a game-changer in the industry.
LONGTom Peters’EXCELLENCE. ALWAYS.Cims./Affinion/D’Angleterre/Copenhagen/05.10.2006
“In classical times when Cicero had finished speaking, the people said, ‘How well he spoke,’ but when Demosthenes had finished speaking, they said … ‘Let us march.’”—Adlai Stevenson
“I am often asked by would-be entrepreneurs seeking escape from life within huge corporate structures, ‘How do I build a small firm for myself?’ The answer seems obvious:Buy a very large one and just wait.”—Paul Ormerod, Why Most Things Fail: Evolution, Extinction and Economics
“Forbes100” from 1917 to 1987:39members of the Class of ’17 were alive in ’87; 18 in ’87 F100; 18 F100 “survivors” significantly underperformed the market; just 2 (2%), GE & Kodak, outperformed the market from 1917 to 1987.S&P 500 from 1957 to 1997:74 members of the Class of ’57 were alive in ’97; 12(2.4%) of 500 outperformed the market from 1957 to 1997.Source: Dick Foster & Sarah Kaplan, Creative Destruction: Why Companies That Are Built to Last Underperform the Market
Welcome to the “Club of Shattered Dreams”: Of Korea’s Top 100 companies in 1955, only 7 were still on the list in 2004. The 1997 crisis “destroyed halfof Korea’s 30 largest conglomerates.”Source: “KET Issue Report,” Kim Jong Nyun (14.05.2005)
S&P Stability Ratings*1985 2006Low Risk 41% 13% Average Risk 24% 14%High Risk35% 73%*Likelihood of stable long-term earnings growthSource: Fortune (2 October 2006)
“I don’t believe in economies of scale.You don’t get better by being bigger. You get worse.”—Dick Kovacevich/Wells Fargo
“When asked to name just one big merger that had lived up to expectations, Leon Cooperman, former cochairman of Goldman Sachs’ Investment Policy Committee, answered:‘I’m sure there are success stories out there, but at this moment I draw a blank.’”—Mark Sirower, The Synergy Trap
“Not a single company that qualified as having made a sustained transformation ignited its leap with a big acquisition or merger.Moreover, comparison companies—those that failed to make a leap or, if they did, failed to sustain it—often tried to make themselves great with a big acquisition or merger. They failed to grasp the simple truth that while you can buy your way to growth, you cannot buy your way to greatness.”—Jim Collins/Time/2004
Sluggish + Obese + Unimaginative + More Sluggish + More Obese + More Unimaginative + Even More Sluggish + Even More Obese + Even More Unimaginative =NISSAN + RENAULT + GM= Innovative Challenger for Toyota????
“Acquisitions are about buying market share. Our challenge is to create markets. There is a big difference.”—Peter Job, CEO, Reuters
“It is generally much easier tokill an organizationthan change it substantially.”—Kevin Kelly, Out of Control
Franchise Lost!TP: “How many of you[600]reallycravea new Chevy?”
“Ford, GM and Chrysler do not just make cars expensively … they make badcars expensively.” —Investec analyst, International Herald, 0805.06
Sir Richard’s Rules:Follow your passions.Keep it simple.Get the best people to help you.Re-create yourself.Play.Source: Fortune on Branson
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”—Charles Darwin
“One of my superstitions had always been when I started to go anywhere or to do anything,not to turn back,or stop, until the thing intended was accomplished.”—Grant
Forget>“Learn”“The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get the old ones out.”—Dee Hock
Excellence1982: The Bedrock “Eight Basics” 1. A Bias for Action 2. Close to the Customer 3. Autonomy and Entrepreneurship 4. Productivity Through People 5. Hands On, Value-Driven 6. Stick to the Knitting 7. Simple Form, Lean Staff 8. Simultaneous Loose-Tight Properties”
ExIn*: 1982-2002/Forbes.comDJIA: $10,000 yields$85,000EI: $10,000 yields$140,050*Forbes/Excellence Index/Basket of 32 publicly traded stocks
Business* ** (*at its best):An emotional, vital, innovative, joyful, creative, entrepreneurial endeavor that elicits maximum concerted human potential in the wholehearted service of others.*****Excellence. Always.***Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Communities, Owners, Temporary partners
“To me business isn’t about wearing suits or pleasing stockholders. It’s about being true to yourself, your ideas and focusing on the essentials.”—Richard Branson
“Analysts … preferred cost cutting,as long as they could see two or three years of EPS growth. I preached revenue and the analysts’ eyes would glaze over. Now revenue is ‘in’ because so many got caught, and earnings went to hell.They said, ‘Oh my gosh, you need revenues to grow earnings over time.’ Well, Duh!”—Dick Kovacevich, Wells Fargo