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What is CIMS?. CIMS is the Navy's authorized source for career development, designed in partnership with the Fleet to provide a deck plate level tool for CCC's and CMC's to use in their day-to-day duties of managing career development for all Sailors.CIMS:Automates the Career Development process.
1. Career Information Management System(CIMS)
2. What is CIMS? CIMS is the Navy’s authorized source for career development, designed in partnership with the Fleet to provide a deck plate level tool for CCC’s and CMC’s to use in their day-to-day duties of managing career development for all Sailors.
Automates the Career Development process.
The Navy’s official source for Career Management to include ESR, Advancement (Stats and Profile Sheets), Gains (PCS Orders and Sponsor Assignment), Losses (PRD, EAOS and HYT), Unit tracking (Alpha, GENDET and PTS).
Creates and maintains a Sailor’s Career Development record.
NSIPS web-afloat currently onboard 146 ships.
3. Summary of Changes CIMS changes released since the 2008 NCA Symposium
Career Development
- PACT Sailor identification was expanded to include not only those non-rated personnel with a PACT Program Enlisted for Code (PEC), but also those non-rated personnel with and Active Duty Service Date (ADSD) greater than or equal to 01 October 2007 regardless of the PEC.
- A PACT Decision Code is required to be entered for all CDBs conducted on PACT Sailors.
- The requirement to do an 18 Month CDB for a PACT Sailor was removed once a PACT Decision code is entered which indicates that PACT program requirements have been completed.
- Removed the requirement to complete scheduled CDBs in chronological order, allowing counselors to skip over scheduled CDBs once a Reporting CDB has been verified.
- Added an Individual Career Development Plan (ICDP) print button which allows counselors to print the CDB ICDP form from the CDB page once it's saved.
- Corrected an issue where an incorrect warning message was issued when a CDB was created for Reserve personnel in a temporary rate.
4. Summary of Changes Rating Conversion Calculator
- The Hospital Corpsman (HM) rating eligibility minimum required ASVAB scores were updated to reflect those outlined in the most current directive.
Career Counselor Manage/Assign
- Added functionality which removes the Department/Division Career Counselor's name from all personnel to which they were assigned. This is done once they are permanently de-assigned from all Departments and/or Divisions they were assigned to as a counselor.
Selective Re-enlistment Bonus (SRB) Calculator
- Multiple rating values updated to reflect those outlined in the NAVADMINs issued throughout the year.
- Removed the Sponsor Assignment and Career Decision components from the Verify process. The requirement for the CCC to verify entries made by Department & Division Career Counselors was removed by BUPERS 333.
5. Summary of Changes Individual Career Development Plan (ICDP) Form
- Corrected various formatting issues on all ICDP form layouts, such as alignment, justification and centering of data used to populate the forms.
CIMS Listings
- Removed a message that kept occurring when an “End Date” was entered on any of the CIMS listings.
- Moved the MGIB-SR listing from the CIMS Inquire menu to the Unit Tracking menu.
Advancement Information Listing
- The Time in Rate (TIR) list now displays a "Y" in the SEL column when Active Duty personnel have been selected for the next higher paygrade.
6. Summary of Changes Gains Lists
- Added a DNEC column to display the Distribution Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) code from the projected gain orders.
- Added functionality which allows a Career Counselor to view all phone number and E-mail address information for a projected gain.
- Corrected an issue which prevented the Estimated Detach Date from being displayed.
- Added an option to display prospective gains from an Active Component (AC) to a Reserve Component (RC). The listing displays Active Duty personnel that are reporting to a reserve support facility for transition and affiliation to a Naval Reserve unit.
- Modified to allow selection of one or more UICs based on the user's permission.
- Corrected the Reserve Gains listing to display the rate/name of the sponsor once an assignment is made.
Losses Lists
- Added functionality on the PRD Listing which allows a Career Counselor to add or update work phone and email address information for personnel that have been issued orders.
- Modified to allow selection of one or more UICs based on the user's permission.
7. Summary of Changes Career Counselor Roster List
- Allows Command Career Counselors to de-assign Department and Division Career Counselors directly from the Career Counselor Roster. This includes de-assignment of Department/Division Career Counselors that have transferred, retired or been discharged.
- Corrected an issue on the Career Counselor Roster in which a Dept/Div Career Counselor was de-assigned from all departments and divisions, rather than just the one the CCC selected.
CDB Notification List
- Corrected an issue that displayed skipped CDBs on the CDB Notification "Due" list.
- Added a hyperlink to each record on the CDB Notification "Due" list that when "clicked", opens the Sailors' Career Development page in a separate window.
NOTE: Department/Division Career Counselors can not open records for individuals that the CCC has not given them access to.
8. Summary of Changes
CDB Notification List (continued)
- Added a hyperlink to each record on the CDB Notification "Pending" list that when "clicked", opens the Sailors' Career Development page in a separate window.
- Added a hyperlink to each record on the CDB Notification "Complete" list that when "clicked", opens the CDB in the CIMS Verify menu using a separate window, allowing the CCC to verify it.
- Added a hyperlink to each record on the CDB Notification "Verified" list that when "clicked", opens a separate window to the CIMS Inquire menu to display the CDB selected.
NOTE: If the CCC does not have access to the Sailor's record because they have transferred, separated, retired, etc., CCCs will not be able to activate the link to the CIMS Inquire menu.
9. Summary of Changes
PTS List
- Corrected an issue which prevented PTS eligible personnel from being displayed on the PTS listing. The list was not displaying personnel that had a NAVPERS 1070/613 on file.
- An issue was also corrected that prevented a Sailor from appearing on the PTS list when the Program Enlisted For (PEF) code did not have a description.
- Modified the list to display all personnel in career group zone A, B and C, rather than just first term personnel.
- Added a column on the PTS list to display the Sailors’ Zone. If a PTS Intention NAVPERS 1070/613 was prepared, the date prepared and date verified will be displayed as applicable.
- Added a hyperlink to the PTS list that when "clicked" allows users to create a NAVPERS 1070/613 for those individuals listed when they have a PTS status of "INRATE" or "CONVERT". This is done by opening the NSIPS PG 13 component in a separate window for the record selected without making the Career Counselor have to close the PTS list.
- Modified the PTS list so that the PRD was displayed in MM/DD/YYYY format, rather than mmmmmm yyyy format.
10. Summary Of Changes Verify
Removed the Sponsor Assignment and Career Decision components from the Verify process.
Gains Lists
Added a DNEC column to display the Distribution Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) code from the projected gain orders.
Career Counselors can view all phone numbers and E-mail address information for a projected gain. This information is displayed from the Sailors ESR.
Losses Lists
Added functionality on the PRD Listing which allows a Career Counselor to add/update Command phone number, Work Center phone number and work email address information for personnel that have received orders.
Unit Tracking
Moved the MGIB-SR from the CIMS Inquire menu to the Unit Tracking menu.
Command Career Counselors can now de-assign Department and Division Career Counselors from the Career Counselor Roster.
Once de-assigned from the last Dept/Div, the Dept/Div counselor is removed from all personnel to which they were assigned.
Includes counselors that have been transferred, retired or discharged.
11. Summary of Changes
ERM Security Administration
- Added the Enterprise Records Management (ERM) Security Administration menu to the CIMS Command Career Counselor and Department/Division Career Counselor Roles which allows those users to pull up, modify and resubmit their original System Authorization Access Request (SAAR).
12. Planned Updates
CIMS changes set for release 1.2.14
Personnel Information
- Modified to allow selection of one or more UICs based on the user's permission.
Unit Tracking
- Modified to allow selection of one or more UICs based on the user's permission.
Advancement Information Listing
- Modified to allow selection of one or more UICs based on the user's permission.
PTS List
- Modified to add ADSD
EAOS Listing
- Corrected issue that prevented the Career Decision type and date from being displayed.