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Learn about the operational details, important dates, and policy changes for the IHCDA EAP program in 2017-2018. Get ready for the new online application system and understand the income calculation guidelines.
AGenda Intent IHCDA Operations and Dates New Policies Other changes
Dates and cap 60 roll out Cap 60 Dates: Late August: IHCDA will send out spreadsheets for you to identify staff that will need to be trained September 5: Application will be live in Cap 60 Mid September: Cap 60 will train LSPs’ staff Mid September: LSPs will be able to enter application information October 1: Benefits Calculator and On-line application “Client Kiosk” will be live November 1: Transmittals can be made
Postcards and application mail out IHCDA Statewide Application Mail out : Last week of August Because of NASCAP training last week, we ask that LSPs DO NOT send out the Statewide Application yet. Post cards: Around September 18thindicating that clients can apply on-line Starting Oct 1.
EAP Benchmarks EAP Operation: EAP Benchmarks have been changed: January 31, 2018 First Benchmark: 45% of funds should be spent. March 16, 2018 Second Benchmark: 60% of funds should be spent. April 18, 2018 Final Benchmark: 75% of funds should be spent.
IHCDA claims/transmittals For the first year, Cap60 and DMS will not be bridged. All claims will be transmitted IHCDA Online. LSPs will enter client data in Cap 60 Cap 60 will create transmittals LSPs will download the transmittals from Cap 60 LSPs will use the downloaded transmittal to create a claim in DMS Checking to see if claims have been paid will be done in DMS There will be a demonstration on how to do transmittals and claims during the Cap 60 training.
Statewide application LSPs must use the State wide application. Optional: The Appendix E - Indiana Workforce Development Release of Information Landlord Affidavit Zero Income Affidavit The application instructions/ Rights and Responsibilities
EAP Income Calculation Calculated on the most recent three (3) months of income history available. However, the income history date range should not end more than five (5) months previous to the date the application was received. Count full months for the timeframe. DWD wage verification that is a quarter behind, may be used because the wage inquiry because it falls under the requirement of using the most recent three (3) months of income history available and that income history falls within the previous five (5) months. If an application is incomplete, and time passes between the date the application was received and the date the application is complete, which makes the income documentation out-of-date, the LSP may use the date the application was received in order to avoid having to collect new income information again.
Examples of EAP income timeframes A client sends in the application signed September 1, with income from May, June, July claiming that he can’t get information from August because he or she can’t access it anymore on-line but nothing has changed. This is OK because the information is within the past 5 months. A client sends in the application signed September 1, with a signed zero income affidavit for from June, July, August. The LPS opens the application on October 1. The LSP will run the DWD wage inquiry when processing on October 1, the results will be for Q2, April, May, June. This is OK because the information is within the past 5 months from the application date of September 1.
3 months instead of 12 Because we are counting income for the last 3 months, all other documents that were collected or considered over 12 months, should be counted over 3 months. Examples: All kinds of income (SSN, wages, dividends etc) Self employment Marriages Deaths Divorces
What is counted as income? Changes New sources of income: None!
What is NOT counted as income? Changes No longer counted as income: Assets: Income received in installments from the sale of property Profits or gains from the sale of assets Sale of a property Sale of a residence
What is NOT counted as income? Changes Other benefits: Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Child Care Assistance payments (Child care vouchers) Earning from VISTA service (previously had to be counted over a certain amount) Sheltered Workshops/Work Centers
What is NOT counted as income? Changes Lump Sum payments: Proceeds from lump sum (one time) insurance settlements Gifts and inheritances Divorce settlement Non-recurring lump sum payments (similar to gifts) Lump sum payments for Social Security, if the time frame of the lump sum cannot be determined.
Deductions from income Child support can be deducted from income.
Crisis Crisis Assistance Clients receiving Federal Crisis are allowed to return after March 15 for an additional crisis benefit • If there is a new documented crisis • The household has not yet reached the maximum crisis amount • The funds can be granted until the end of the heating season, but not during Summer Cool.
Crisis LSP can contact the vendor directly and get verbal confirmation of additional payments that may be needed to alleviate crisis (written confirmation is not necessary). Prepaid services are eligible for EAP regular and crisis benefits Bulk fuel clients can get the entire $400 Crisis amount at the beginning of the season.
State EAP State Crisis If the homeowner comes in after March 15th and has not already received the first $150 in assistance, he or she may receive the undistributed benefit up to $300 after March 15th, until the end of the program year (they can get it through summer cool). Homeowners may receive State EAP until the end of the program year (August 17). $60 in regular State EAP benefit $300 in State Crisis
ExampleS The client rents a home, got a regular Federal EAP benefit in November but didn’t get crisis. On May 1st the client comes back to the LSP with a documented crisis of $100. The client can receive a federal crisis benefit of $100 That same client comes back on July 1st. The client can’t get a crisis benefit because she isn’t a homeowner, so she only qualifies for federal EAP. Federal benefits cannot be utilized after the end of the heating season, May 18, 2018. However, she qualifies for the summer electric benefit if funds are available
Examples The client owns home, received regular Federal EAP benefit and a Federal EAP crisis benefit of $150 in November. This client also received her regular State benefit, but didn’t need State crisis, because Federal crisis covered the crisis amount. On May 1st the client comes back to the LSP with a documented crisis of $300. The client can receive a federal EAP crisis benefit of $50 and a State EAP crisis benefit of $250. A new applicant who owns her home comes in on July 1st. She has a crisis of $200. That client is a homeowner, so she qualifies for State EAP. She will get a summer cool electric benefit (if the program is running), State EAP and $200 of State EAP Crisis (As long as the LSP still has State EAP and crisis funds available).
Crisis timeline tracking The start date of the crisis timeline must be the date that the application is received. This is the “application received” date. The date that the application is completed should also be recorded as “application complete” date. LSPs must be sure to track crisis timelines closely through use of case notes. Cap 60 will also be able to track this.
Weatherization referral process Weatherization will be developed in Cap 60. Weatherization staff will continue to work in IWAP. Previous applications will still pull from RIAA. Any home started in RIAA/IWAP should be finished in IWAP. No homes should be brought over from IWAP, to avoid duplicates. Guidance will be issued.
EAP BENEFIT MATRIX Number of maximum points: No change from last year. Section 201.4 of the 2016-2017 Housing Status has been eliminated from the Matrix. One additional point has been added to the On-Time benefit
On time benefit A household can get: One point for the main heating source One point for electricity All electric household gets 2 points Renters qualify if their rent is current. If there is no way to determine whether the rent is current, consider it current unless you see evidence that it is not.
Renters policy Renters Policy If a household’s rent payment includes utilities in the rent, the applicant is eligible for an EAP Regular Benefit. Because the client does not have a utility account, EAP benefits will be paid directly to that individual in the form of a check or ACH/direct deposit. Benefits for Renters with utility included in rent are calculated in the same way clients who do not have utilities included in the rent. There is no difference made for subsidized or non-subsidized housing. Renters qualify for on-time benefit is the rent is current. Renters with utility included in the rent are noteligible for crisis. Renters whose utility is included in rent will also be eligible for summer cool. Direct payment will be made to households with electric included in their rent.
Who should be counted in the household? Anyone living in the household for the past three (3) months (instead of 12 months). If a household member is pregnant and can provide a medical proof of pregnancy, the child can be considered part of the household, regardless of the projected date of birth. Non-custodial parents may include their minor children (under age 18) as household members because the non-custodial parent still has an energy burden on behalf of the children when the children are present.
Who should not be included in the household Proof of absent household members is not necessary. The applicant must fill out the Appendix J - Declaration of Household Members, and the intake worker must make notes in the EAP database. Death certificates for deceased household members are not necessary. A live-in care attendant related by blood, marriage, or adoption to any member of the household is not considered a household member.
State EAP: Life estate Life Estate owners are considered homeowners.
Photo identification: once every 3 years The applicant is required to provide a copy of a photo identification. Once an applicant has furnished a photo ID and a copy of the card has been made, the LSP will only need to see the original card every three (3) years. Copies of the cards from previous years should be copied and put in current year files.
Social security cards: once every 3 years Social Security Number Applicants must provide proof of Social Security Number once every three (3) years. Once an applicant has furnished a social security card and a copy of the card has been made, the LSP will only need to see the original card every three (3) years. Copies of the cards from previous years should be copied and put in current year files. Redacted copies are OK, if the last 4 of the SSN matches what the participant has reported. SSN documentation that reads Authorized for work use only is acceptable.
Recertification Recertification of Fixed Income Applicants Households with fixed incomes may recertify for EAP without providing the documentation needed for a full application. Applicants may recertify for two (2) years and must send in paperwork every third year. Timeframe: Applied in 2016-2017 Only needs a signed application in 2017-2018 Only needs a signed application in 2018-2019 Will need to resubmit documents in 2019-2020
Recertification – Who qualifies Only households who have income from the following categories: • Social Security • Veteran’s Benefits • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) • Retirement Pension/Annuity No household changes may occur.
Utility payments Proof of Utility Payments Utility payments should always be in a household members name over 18. LSPs should help households get utilities in their name. However, as an exception, if utilities are listed in someone else’s name because the applicant could not get the utilities listed in his or her name due to reasons such as credit problems or unpaid bills, the applicant may still be eligible if service address corresponds with the his/her residence, and an explanation is given as to why the utilities are not in the his/her name. LSPs should document the reason why the utilities are not in the applicant’s name. The applicant must sign Appendix D - Utility Affidavit.
Combined utility bills Combined gas, water, waste water bills must be split. LSPs must ensure that it is paying only on heat and/or electric utilities.
Inoperable Heating Source If the client’s primary heat source is inoperable and is heating with an alternative safe heating source (such as a wood burning stove), the primary benefit may be applied to that heating source. LSPs should be sure that secondary heating sources are safe before approving a benefit. Appendix AA – Declaration of Inoperable Heating Source
Removed policies Appendix D - Things for you to Remember: Has been removed The Drastic Loss of Income policy Crisis: All sections saying clients cannot come back for crisis have been taken out Housing Status: This is no longer part of the benefit matrix
Removed sections All language concerning asset tests. All language about proving citizenship have been removed, because social security cards are necessary for all household members over 18. All sections related to RIAA have been taken out All sections related to Family Development have been taken out. Agencies can still do Family Development
Performance Measures Data Collection LSPs should collect the name of the electrical provider if electricity is not the main heating source. LSPs should collect 12 months of electric data in dollars (cost to the participant) whenever possible.
Other programmatic changes LSPs must internally monitored ten percent (10%) of files within the forty-five (45) days. MOA’s with Vendors will be signed every two years (instead of every year).