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Maplewood Country Day Camp & Enrichment Center in Easton Ma is a fun and exciting place for preschool to 9th grade kids. Their mission is to create a warm, welcoming, creative environment year ‘round that makes everyone feel like family. With caring counselors and specialists, children are guided as they take on new challenges in every step of the way. For further information visit: http://www.maplewoodyearround.com/<br>
As a parent, the time between when school gets out and you get home can be one of the most stressful times of the day.
While you may know that you can trust your child, getting home, completing homework and staying safe are all tremendous responsibilities for a child at any age.
Fortunately, after school programs are tremendous assets for parents that you can use to reduce the worry for both you and your child.
Here are the most important benefits that your family can enjoy when you enroll your child in an after school program.
One of the first reasons why you may consider an after school program is to ensure the safety of your child.
Young children are often not equipped to handle emergencies that may arise, and a quality after school care program will include staff members with CPR and First Aid training.
In addition to the close supervision that your children will receive, you can also know that they have safe transportation available when you choose a local after school program that offers this option.
Nutritious snacks and physical activities will also help to give your child the fuel they need for healthy development.
Busy parents know that trying to prepare dinner, complete homework and connect with their child can all seem impossible to do in the few hours left after work.
For this reason, after school programs focus on providing targeting academic instruction that can help your child focus on the areas of learning that they need most.
From homework completion to individual tutoring, you can arrange for academic services that will increase your child’s chances for success.
However, young children who go home after school have limited options for releasing their energy and exploring new interests.
In an after school program, children have opportunities to expand their learning with activities that include gymnastics, robotics and drama.
Outdoor fun is also encouraged, and activities such as learning to rock climb or planting a garden can teach valuable skills that transfer to academic success.
When children attend an after school program that encourages taking risks and exploring the world around them…
… they get excited about learning and cannot wait to see what will happen each new day.
During their early years, a child’s confidence is developed through their academic and after school experiences.
Therefore, it is important for children to know that they have the support of other adults outside their family who understand the importance of developing self-esteem.
At an after school program, children are encouraged to strive for their greatest potential, and trained staff members scaffold their learning while offering opportunities for greater independence.
Helping other students, mastering a new skill and being recognized for their achievements all help children to be empowered to reach new heights.
Finding the right childcare arrangements for after school is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent.
By enrolling your child in an after school care program you can enjoying hearing all about your child’s fun afternoon when you get home …
… while knowing that they received the full benefit of a well-rounded program that supports their learning and development.
Let your kids enjoy the after school program experience at Maplewood Summer Day Camp.
Experienced staff will keep your child both safe and busy with arts and crafts, games, water sports, gymnastics and more.
Maplewood Country Day Camp and Enrichment Center 150 Foundry St. (Route 106) PO Box 88 (Mailing) South Easton, MA 02375 Email: info@maplewoodyearround.com Telephone: (508) 238-2387 FAX: (508) 238-1154