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STEM Recognition for Teachers

STEM Recognition for Teachers. November 12, 2014. TWO Types of STEM Recognition. Coweta County STEM Certification: ECHS had many STEM Certified Teachers honored at the STEM Symposium in Spring 2014. We earned the Highest GOLD Award for having such great participation among our faculty!

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STEM Recognition for Teachers

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  1. STEM Recognition for Teachers November 12, 2014

  2. TWO Types of STEM Recognition • Coweta County STEM Certification: ECHS had many STEM Certified Teachers honored at the STEM Symposium in Spring 2014. We earned the Highest GOLD Award for having such great participation among our faculty! • 2) Georgia STEM Laureate Program: This is a NEW program established by the Georgia DOE. • Because of this program, we have a COWETA STEM Laureate Program which has exactly the same requirements as the Georgia STEM Laureate Program. SO - if you participate in STEM Laureate, you will be submitting the same work for both Coweta County and the state of Georgia.

  3. Coweta County STEM Recognition 1) Include an element of STEM in the lesson. 2) Address a real-life problem. 3) Students CREATE or DESIGN something using Engineering Design Process Ex.:Engineer a bridge, boat, paper airplane,... -Posters & PowerPoints are not highly creative or high-tech activities.

  4. An Example of Digital Creation that you or your students can create Click on http://goo.gl/xYwf6rto view this booklet. It’s a quick guide to how YOU can create STEM lessons, regardless of your subject area!

  5. Join our Edmodo Group for Tech/STEM Ideas Group Code:https://edmo.do/j/43jpfg http://bit.ly/CCSSSTEMLessons

  6. -There is no need to Re-Certify!-Changes are coming out soon….-But, there is a NEW program for ALL of us…. Already STEM Certified in Coweta County?

  7. Georgia Educator STEM Laureate Program (GA DOE) • Submit STEM activities into Edmodo Group through Aug. 2015 • Register yourself : http://goo.gl/WcIfbZ • Dr. Gilda Lyon: GA STEM Director • http://stemgeorgia.org/

  8. Earn Badges (Points) for: -Students creating digital content -Business/community partnerships (guest speakers,...) -Writing Grants for Technology, ... -Professional Learning (i.e., Dr. White’s BYOT) -STEM Competitions (EMC Essay Contest, online contests) -Student Blogging (via Edmodo) = Authentic Writing

  9. Let’s get Georgia StudentsDoing STEM! • As Georgia educators, we are preparing students to enter the workforce in the fields of science and engineering. • We are providing a necessary service to our United States, which is in immediate need of strong-minded and capable young people. • As a state, we are growing into a STEM Powerhouse. • We are ready to challenge, inspire, and motivate our students!

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