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We supply to trade/retail outlets and directly to other organisations within the afore mentioned fields, we also supply directly to individuals on a retail basis. You will not have access to wholesale or organisational price structures until your account has been approved and activated.
About US We are also the UK Distributor for the Unbreakable® Self Defence Umbrella by Krisenvorsorge of Germany. Plus an accredited UK Trade agent for the Petromax range of outdoor products. We supply to trade/retail outlets and directly to other organisations within the afore mentioned fields, we also supply directly to individuals on a retail basis. You will not have access to wholesale or organisational price structures until your account has been approved and activated. We were formed in 2011 and are steadily growing. We aim to provide quality products and take great care in our quality control and handling.
19th century product The Petromax is probably the best-known high-pressure light in the world For more than 100 years, this weather-resistant and reliable lamp has been used in many different situations Fishermen, for example, have been taking advantage of its powerful 400 watts to cast for fish at night In the middle of the 19th century, the craftsman Albert Graetz and the businessman Emil Ehrich founded the lantern factory “Ehrich & Graetz.” With the goal of manufacturing lanterns with a brighter light than candles and standard kerosene lamps, the founder Albert Graetz carried out several experiments to find a solution – but he had no success. In 1889, the company management was shared by his two sons Max and Adolf. In 1910, Max Graetz invented a kerosene lamp that worked on the principle of a carburettor, a tank under pressure, and a gas mantle. Since Max went by the nickname of “Petroleum-Maxe” (Kerosene Maxe), a name for the lantern was found very quickly: Petromax. Immediately, the Petromax lantern became a successful best-seller. Today, it is perhaps the best known pressure lantern in the world.
Bonart Fancy Brown Carved Leather 8oz Hip Flask from Dhustone A very high quality brushed 18/8 stainless steel base flask Carries the desired liquid refreshment whilst out & about The flask side has a hinged screw lid to keep your favourite tipple fresh The flask has a Brown carved Leather covering around the middle with a polished metal oval The top and edges are of a highly polished finish Comes with a stainless steel filler funnel for the flask to avoid spills PictBonart Fancy Brown Carved Leather 8oz Hip Flask from Dhustone
Perkomax 9 Cup Tea and Coffee Percolator from Dhustone • The percolator, invented in 1819, is a special way of making coffee. Percolators are well-known in the Netherlands, UK and US. As a traditional company, Petromax wants to bring some of these cultures to you. The working principle of a coffee percolator is very interesting. • In the first step, the perforated chamber of the Perkomax is filled with coffee granules or tea leaves. Afterwards, the desired amount of water is put into the percolator. A small vertical tube connects the bottom of the percolator with the perforated chamber. After the percolator is placed on a heat source (e.g. cooker or stove), the water begins to boil and the rising bubbles will force the liquid up the tube. The hot water is distributed over the perforated chamber that contains the granules or tea leaves.
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