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Readers Workshop . Goal: Readers build theories about characters and gather evidence to support their ideas . Teacher Point: Readers step outside of the story to help them grow theories about characters. . Structure of Reader’s Workshop.
Readers Workshop Goal: Readers build theories about characters and gather evidence to support their ideas. Teacher Point: Readers step outside of the story to help them grow theories about characters. .
Structure of Reader’s Workshop • Simple and Predictable (Have STAR STUDENT TIME Numbers (1-5). • Same as writing • 1) Mini Lesson (10 minutes)Goal: Today I will teach you that when we retell, we take “Big Steps” through the story and tell the most important parts of the book. • Demonstrate and now students try (Clarify, Clarify-phonics, Breakdown) Off you go kids!!!!!!! • 2) Reading Spots (30min.) • Settle down and read readread(share your retell cards) • Push yourself to make sure you do a little more(ie. Oral fluency tips-pull three words at a time) • Teachers walks around and teaches individuals • 3) Mid work shop teachable moment (2 min.) • Gives a model form a group Re-iteracts(Show notecards from model group) • 4) Teaching Share (2 min.) • Something that comes out of that day • Show powerful Work (re-visit the model-show power point strategies) • 5) Partner Sharing (2 min.) • Word work (show your partner your sticky notes and share your connection-share your new words) • Talk about a post-it and talk as long as can • More into year (reading clubs to give deep conversation) • Talk about oral fluency and pulling chunks of words to help speed without hurting comprehension
Retell Rubric (Score 4) • Names big events • Orders the retell by meaning • Summarizes the gist of the story • Names characters feelings • Names why the characters do the things they do in the story • Uses setting details in the retell (when setting is clear in the book)
Retell (Score 1) • Clear misunderstanding of text • Retell only small portion of the text (only one or two sentences of the passage are discussed) • Makes up a story • Copies the teacher’s retell
Model 4 • A Mouthfull by Paula Jennings: • Every time a friend stays the night, the dad plays practical jokes on his little girl and her friends (Anna and Cynthia) • The dad puts plastic poo on the girls bed and Anna feels angry as she is really into health and keeping germs away from her body • Anna screams as the dad pops the poo in his mouth and makes Anna get sick and leave-she feels nauciaous • After dad drives Anna away, he promises to behave when a new friend named Cynthia comes to spend the night • After trying to play another practical joke on his daughter and her friends, the joke ends up being played him • Frustrated from the jokes, the daughter tricks the dad into eating “real poo” as she switches the fake poo with real poo so when the dad when to eat it and gross the girls out, he actually was eating real poo!! • The girls feel vindicated and laugh hysterically • The story shows that you always get what you deserve in the end and that bad things happen to people who are mean to others!!
Model 1 • The dad plays tricks on the girls • They get upset but think its funny • The girls join the dad and play a trick on Cynthia • She gets mad and goes home • The moral of the story is when families stick together good things happen
Retell Strategy: Take Big Steps From the Beginning • A Mouthfull by Paula Jennings: • Every time a friend stays the night, the dad plays practical jokes on the girls • The dad puts plastic poo on the girls bed • Anna screams as dad pops the poo in his mouth and makes Anna get sick and leave • The girls trick the dad into eating real poo!!!
Notes (for teacher) • Begin reading the chapter book Wonder by R.J. Palacio. You will read about approximately 15-20 pages each day. • Read pages 3-16 aloud prior to this session. • We will be referring back to this story throughout the unit. • Students should have: • Independent reading books • Pencil • Reading response journal
Connection • Readers: I notice that many of your are envisioning , predicting, and identifying with the characters as you read. • You are already doing the work of careful and thoughtful readers. • Today we will begin a new unit of study where we take a close look at the characters in the stories we read-studying what they are really like on the inside. • Today I want to teach you that readers no only step inside the story and find themselves getting lost in the story, but they also pull back and step outside of the story to help them grow theories about the characters.
Mr. H Demo!!! • You read in 2 different ways: • You step inside the story, envisioning what is happening and worrying about what will happen next. It is like you are part of the story. • Mr. H. personal example: The Little Engine That Could-the train remained diligent despite its obstacles and eventually made it to the top of the hill!!! I could picture myself in the train and encouraging the conductor!!
Mr. H. Demo • (continued) reading 2 different ways • You can also step outside of the story, thinking about the characters and trying to figure out what they are really like. • You keep your ideas to yourself until you get the chance to share your ideas with others. • When you talk to someone else, your ideas have a chance to grow and become more significant.
Empathize with August in Wonder • Demonstrate how you already empathize with August in the story Wonder, and what it must be like to be him. • Now you are stepping outside of the story, eager to talk about what has happened so far. • Use the prompts below to get you started: (put this in our anchor chart, “Building Theories About Characters” • I already think that….. • I wonder why….. • Maybe it is because… • I can’t believe that….. • Maybe……..
Anchor Chart: Building Theories about Characters. • We step outside of the story to help us build theories about the characters. We can use the following sentence starters to help: • I already think that….. • I wonder why….. • Maybe it is because… • I can’t believe that….. • Maybe……..
Student Work Time!! • Students: look back into your independent reading books and locate a place where you can really envision what is happening. • Step outside the story and use the prompts listed in the previous slide and on the chart in our classroom to help you!! • I already think that….. • I wonder why….. • Maybe it is because… • I can’t believe that….. • Maybe……..
Student Work Time • Begin to build a theory about one of the characters in your book. • Stop and jot in your notebook. • Title of the chart: Stepping Outside of the Story and record your thinking about one the characters in your book (use the sentence starters to help. • I already think that….. • I wonder why….. • Maybe it is because… • I can’t believe that….. • Maybe…….. • Include the title of your book in your response. • Turn and talk to your reading group and share your chart answers.
Link It Up!!! • So readers, today and every day, step inside your stories as you read, and then when you stop reading, step outside your stories and look back to begin to build ideas about the characters. Try out your independent reading books and continue reading where you left off last night. AS you read, use sticky notes to mark especially powerful passages that you want to share with your partners. Later, we will share ideas about our characters with our partners. Take a moment to fill out your log when you get to your reading spot before you begin reading.
Reading and Conferring (Mr. H) • Conduct table conferences to encourage students to step inside their stories and envision their characters as they continue reading. • After students have ben reading for a total of 30 minutes, have them record their reading on their daily reading logs. • Have students turn to one of the powerful passages in their books that they marked and create an entry in their notebooks about a theory they are beginning to create about their characters using the prompts listed above and in the classroom. • I already think that….. • I wonder why….. • Maybe it is because… • I can’t believe that….. • Maybe…….. • Have students include the title of their book next to the entry.
Partnership • Have students share their notebook entries and theories and resond to each other about the theories they are building about their characters. • Have one or two students share their conference with the class.
Teacher Share (closure) • Mr. H. will summarize the importance of today’s lesson and review the teaching point. • Mr. H.: Class, today we learned that there are two ways to attach ourselves to charcters: • One:You step inside the story, envisioning what is happening and worrying about what will happen next. It is like you are part of the story. • Two: You can also step outside of the story, thinking about the characters and trying to figure out what they are really like. • You keep your ideas to yourself until you get the chance to share your ideas with others. • When you talk to someone else, your ideas have a chance to grow and become more significant.
Final Point • When we step outside the story to build a theory about a specific character, we can use the following sentence starters to help us. • I already think that….. • I wonder why….. • Maybe it is because… • I can’t believe that….. • Maybe……..