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Nevada Striving Readers Technical Assistance Workshop

Purpose: Provide technical assistance to Local Education Agencies concerning the Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy (SRCL) Grant. . Agenda:SRCL grant discussionReview of the pre-application

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Nevada Striving Readers Technical Assistance Workshop

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    1. Nevada Striving Readers Technical Assistance Workshop Colin Usher - Striving Readers Project Manager Cindy Sharp - Assistant Director/APAC Christy Borino - Grants & Projects Analyst Anna Severens - Ed. Programs Professional-Early Child Nancy Martineau - Striving Readers Administrative Assistant III

    2. Purpose: Provide technical assistance to Local Education Agencies concerning the Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy (SRCL) Grant. Agenda: SRCL grant discussion Review of the pre-application—strengths and areas of concern Review of Nevada State Literacy Plan (NSLP) Review of vendor and Professional Development (PD) provider information Review of the Request For Application (RFA) (expectations, clarification) Grant writing assistance/questions (optional) Outcome: successful completion of the application process

    3. SRCL Grant Discussion Hired a Project Manager (PM) Grant Analyst assigned 2 Literacy Coordinators, Ex. Evaluator, Auditor (TBA) 14.2 million (per year) for 5 years Discretionary at several levels Expanding Program over 5 years (State and LEA level) 15/40/20/20 (LEA responsibility to track)

    4. Review of Pre-Application Strengths/Areas of Concern Three strongest components by district: Carson City School District Comprehensive professional development plan (K-12) and strong alignment to NSLP goals and essential elements Douglas County School District Strong capacity: Well demonstrated specificity (i.e., comprehensive district office involvement, hiring of a project manager) Elko County School District Most comprehensive plan: Birth through grade 12 (i.e., organization, funding, literacy interventionist/academy, tiered process of determining need)

    5. Areas of Concern Partnerships—LEA’s struggled with the partnership component across the board for several reasons: Overemphasis—Some LEA’s listed far too many partnerships within their proposal without alignment to district plan. Underemphasized—Some LEA’s disregarded or did not include enough information concerning potential partnerships. Limited birth to grade 12 information provided. Limited focus given to NSLP/SRCL.

    6. NSLP Literacy Definition What it Means to be Literate lit·er·ate [lit-er-it] adjective 1. the ability to use reading, writing, listening and viewing, speaking and presenting, and critical thinking skills to learn new content; 2. using those skills to collaborate and communicate what is learned; 3. the ability to transfer that learning to new situations; and 4. enjoying the pleasure and benefits of being a literate member of society. (adapted from Meltzer & Ziemba, 2006, p.22).

    7. NSLP Review of Critical Elements Key points within the NSLP Page 5. Essential Elements: Effective leadership Effective Instruction Teacher Preparation Programs Family and Community Partnerships Early Childhood literacy Instruction Intermediate and Adolescent Literacy Instruction

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