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W/Z D3PD Production Meeting. Wish-List of the W/Z Physics Group. 29th. October 2010 H. Beauchemin (Oxford) M. Schott (CERN) M. Boonekamp (Saclay). New WZ Benchmark Release. Change of D3PD Content Reduce Size of D3PD content to ~10kB per event Proposals of Maarten
W/Z D3PD Production Meeting Wish-List of the W/Z Physics Group 29th. October 2010 H. Beauchemin (Oxford) M. Schott (CERN) M. Boonekamp (Saclay)
New WZ Benchmark Release Change of D3PD Content • Reduce Size of D3PD content to ~10kB per event • Proposals of Maarten • Add missing quantities (e.g, missing Muon Trigger information, MuCalo information) • Do we want to cut on offline quantities, e.g. require 1 combined muon with at least 20 GeV? Personally I don’t like this New Benchmark Release • Goal: Provide W/Z Benchmark release which is our new standard for automated D3PD Data production • Priorities: • Include new MuonD3PD Maker tags provided by Srivas • Include Slimming and Thinning proposals by Maarten • Include Event-PreSelection (jet-quality cuts, vertex cuts, …) as additional information (no skimming of events, just flagging) • Include Baseline Selections for Zmumu, Zee, Wmunu, Wenu as additional information (no skimming of events, just flagging) • We need urgently someone who coordinates this whole effort and reports regularly in our meetings • Timeline: ??? D3PD Production • Data should be automatically produced by Junji Tojo and Pavel Nevski • Need an new Benchmark Release • MC Samples will still be processed by the Production Team
skimming Proposal (to be refined): 2 loose electrons with pt>18 and 10 GeV (fairly unbiased Z skim) 2 medium electron with pt>5 (to get J/Psis) 1 medium electron with pt>18 (W signal skim, also good for Z) EM cluster + MET skim for complementary background and efficiency measurements similary for muons To be run from Egamma, Muon and JetTauMET streams
Implementation D3PD : need a team to care for the new block definitions E, mu, jet + corresponding trigger info Thinned track and cluster blocks (me) Thinned mc block barcode cut off; hard vertex once available Additional blocks? calo Eflow rings calculated from cells for gap studies; O.Kepka ...? Beware: save cut flow histogram + full pre-skim lumi block information in output
Skimming to be implemented as Athena algorithms, within WZBenchmarks package Also needs volunteers Now 2 from Saclay: Bernardo Resende, Homero Martinez Also: implementation of baseline selection for all channels Root code available Athena implementation useful too Once ready, WZBenchmarks package collected in an AtlasProduction release for automatic production.