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SWSI Bulk Scheduling Enhancement Requirements/Design Concept Review

SWSI Bulk Scheduling Enhancement Requirements/Design Concept Review. July 7, 2004. Agenda. Background Requirements Design Approach Submission Process Data flow Data file selection Bulk Schedule Input File format Validation Tabular view of results Results output to file

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SWSI Bulk Scheduling Enhancement Requirements/Design Concept Review

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  1. SWSI Bulk SchedulingEnhancementRequirements/Design Concept Review July 7, 2004

  2. Agenda • Background • Requirements • Design Approach • Submission Process • Data flow • Data file selection • Bulk Schedule Input File format • Validation • Tabular view of results • Results output to file • Extraction of Request IDs • Data flow • Schedule results output file • Schedule results via GUI filter • Test Overview • Summary

  3. Background • SWSI Release 04.1 is operational and sustained under NENS Core. • Currently all schedule requests to SN NCCDS or DAS are individually submitted via SWSI Client GUI, which can be tedious for MOC operations. • An enhancement to SWSI was proposed to Code 450 with funding to modify software provided via NENS Task Order (SWSI Bulk Scheduling Enhancement). • SWSI Bulk Scheduling Enhancement will enable the MOC Operations to submit file containing multiple schedule adds, delete requests, or schedule replace requests for processing • Can be used during forecast schedule planning • Can be used for group deletes/reschedules when launches are delayed.

  4. Background Timeline of activities – May 31 - December 17, 2004 • 5/31-7/07 – define requirements and generate design concept, present design-R/DCR • 2 weeks to respond to RFAs • 7/26-10/18 – implement design and system test, prepare for acceptance testing • 10/18-11/12 – perform acceptance testing, request customer support for end-to-end testing • 11/12-11/30- re-work and re-test • 12/01- Transition Readiness Review (TRR) • Release activities will be addressed at TRR with delivery coordinated with operations.

  5. Background • Update SWSI documentation • 453-SRD-SWSI (SWSI System Requirements Document) • DCN 001-SRD was sent out 6/24 for review, posted on http://swsi.gsfc.nasa.gov/, comments accepted through July 9 • DCN will then be submitted to Code 452 CCB (NLT 7/23) • 452-UG-SWSI (SWSI Client Software User’s Guide) • DCN will be ready for review early November

  6. Requirements High-level Requirements The SWSI system shall allow the user to input Bulk Schedule Requests with an ASCII data file (referenced in DCN 001-SWSI SRD) . • Only Schedule Add Request (SAR), Schedule Deletes (SDR), or Replace Request (RR) shall be contained in a bulk schedule input file. • The SAR, SDR and RR shall be formatted messages as defined in the new 452-ICD-SN/CSM Document (formerly defined in the Interface Control Document Between the Network Control Center Data System and the Mission Operations Centers, 451-ICD-NCCDS/MOC, Revision 1, 1999). • A schedule results summary file shall be generated.

  7. Requirements Low-level design requirements • An input bulk schedule file shall be able to contain a mixture of SARs, SDRs, and RRs. • Each SAR, SDR, or RR embedded in the input file will be separated by a new line character. • Comments lines shall be able to be inserted by starting the line with the special delimiter %%%. • The input file shall be limited to 300Kbytes and shall be supplied by the client. • Users shall be able to select the input bulk data file via a standard file chooser. • File validation shall be performed on the Client and validation results shall be available for user review and or saved for editing. • User shall have the option to submit to Server the SARs, SDR, or RR which successfully passed Client validation or user shall have the option to abort bulk schedule request. • User shall be able to filter Schedule Request Summary window by creation time. • User shall be able to save filtered Schedule Request Summary to a file.

  8. Design Approach • Any modifications to the database schema and “Common” sub-systems will have major impact on the delivery process and will affect the whole SWSI user community, therefore, approach will be to make modifications to Client application only. • Bulk schedule input files will submitted via client, parsed, validated and individual requests will be forwarded to Server for processing. • There will be no changes in the Server processing of the individual requests within the bulk schedule file. • The two functions for Bulk Scheduling are • Submission of bulk schedule file • Extraction of the request Id associated with each request within the bulk schedule file (needed by user in the event the request needs to be deleted or replaced)

  9. Submission: Data Flow • SWSI user submits a Bulk Request Data File • SWSI Client processes the input • SWSI Client provides a result of the processed input • Upon the user’s confirmation, SWSI Client submits each request one at a time to the SWSI server SWSI Result Of Bulk Schedule Requests Select Bulk Request Data File A very high level data flow of the submission process

  10. Submission: Data Flow Details Data Input File • A more detailed data flow diagram: Scanner / Parser / Validator Tabular Display Of the Results For Confirmation Ready To Submit ? Save Submit Save Parsed Results Save Parsed Results Send to SWSI Server Cancel End End

  11. Submission: New Menu Item New menu item is added to the Scheduling Menu

  12. Submission: Data File Selection • A file chooser will allow the user to select the bulk request data file

  13. Submission: Sample Bulk Schedule Data File • File size limit 300kb • Comments begin with %%% • Any number of SAR, SDR, RR can be found in the file, each is separated by a new line • SAR, SDR, and RR are defined in the new 452-ICD-SN/CSM Document (formerly defined in the Interface Control Document Between Network Control Center Data System and the Mission Operations Centers, 451-ICD-NCCDS/MOC, Revision 1, 1999) %%% %%% UNCLASSIFIED %%% %%% Date: 2004/06/30 %%% Time: 00:00:00 %%% %%% Activity: Batch Schedule for day 200 %%% 99unknown10A0372EEUSERpass1TDEunknown01UK042000145000000000050000000000 01A0100000000100002DTR1=000000789,FRQ1=0210630000; 99unknown10A0372EEUSERpass1TDEunknown01UK042000245000000000050000000000 01A0100000000100002DTR1=123456789,FRQ1=0210630000; 99unknown10A0372EEUSERpass1TDEunknown01UK042000345000000000050000000000 01A0100000000100002DTR1=000000789,FRQ1=0210630000; 99unknown10A0372EEUSERpass1TDEunknown01UK042000445000000000050000000000 01A0100000000100002DTR1=000000789,FRQ1=0210630000; 99unknown10A0372EEUSERpass1TDEunknown01UK042002345000000000050000000000 01A0100000000100002DTR1=000000789,FRQ1=2210630000; 99unknown10A1294EEUSERpass1TDEunknown01UK042001245000000000050000000000 01A0100000000100002DTR1=000000789,FRQ1=0210630000; %%% UNCLASSIFIED %%%

  14. Submission: Tabular Display of Validation Results • When the input file is selected, SWSI Client will ingest the data line by line. The result is displayed as follow:

  15. Submission: Tabular Display of Validation Results • Each entry highlighted in RED is invalid. • Each entry highlighted in GREEN is valid. • A brief summary of the batch is provided (i.e. Total requests ingested, number of invalid requests, number of valid requests) • By clicking on each entry, user can view more details about each requests • “Submit” will send the valid requests to SWSI server • “Cancel” will abort the whole batch submittal process, nothing is saved nor sent to SWSI server • “Save” will write the parsed result to a disk (user can specify the output file name)

  16. Submission: Request Details Window

  17. Submission: Validation Results Output File User can choose to save the validation results to a file by selecting the save button. The sample output file is as follows. Users can specify the file name of this output. Request 1 99unknown10A0372EEUSERpass1TDEunknown01UK042000145000000000050000000000 01A0100000000100002DTR1=000000789,FRQ1=0210630000; valid. Request 2 99unknown10A0372EEUSERpass1TDEunknown01UK042000245000000000050000000000 01A0100000000100002DTR1=123456789,FRQ1=0210630000; invalid: Value of keyword DTR1 is out of range for SSC A01 for service type MAF. Request 3 99unknown10A0372EEUSERpass1TDEunknown01UK042000345000000000050000000000 01A0100000000100002DTR1=000000789,FRQ1=0210630000; valid. Request 4 99unknown10A0372EEUSERpass1TDEunknown01UK042000445000000000050000000000 01A0100000000100002DTR1=000000789,FRQ1=0210630000; valid. Request 5 99unknown10A0372EEUSERpass1TDEunknown01UK042002345000000000050000000000 01A0100000000100002DTR1=000000789,FRQ1=2210630000; invalid: Value of keyword FRQ1 is out of range for SSC A01 for service type MAF. Request 6 99unknown10A1294EEUSERpass1TDEunknown01UK042001245000000000050000000000 01A0100000000100002DTR1=000000789,FRQ1=0210630000; invalid: SIC - 1294 is not in the list of supported for this user.

  18. Extraction of Requests IDs • Upon receiving the bulk requests, SWSI server will forward individual request to the appropriate sub-system for processing. • A request ID will be associated with each request within the bulk file. There will be no unique request ID associated with the bulk file. • User will need to reference these individual request IDs in future requests such as Schedule Delete Requests or Replace Requests • To extract the request IDs: • Access the “Schedule Request Summary” • Set the appropriate time filter for the “Creation Time” to narrow the number of Requests • Save the filtered result to a file via an action button called “Save” in the display panel

  19. Extraction of Request IDs: Data Flow Diagram High Level Data Flow Set_Time_Filter_For_Save SWSI Request_Summary_To_File Save_Request_Summary_Request_To_File Data Flow Diagram: More Details of the Extraction of the Request IDs Select ‘Save’ Set up the appropriate time filter for the ‘Creation Time’ Request IDs and other parameters are extracted and printed to a user-specified file Select ‘Schedule Request Summary’ via the dropdown menu

  20. Extraction of Request IDs: Description of output • The output file is a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file. • The user can specify the name of the output file. • The data is written to the file in the order as that is in the window and filtered by creation time as defined by the user. • The first line of the file is a header line, similar to the Schedule Requests Summary table header, documenting the order of the values in each subsequent line. • Note: For details of the Schedule Requests Summary window, refer to Figure 8-10 Section 8.6.1 of Space Network Web Services Interface Client Software User’s Guide, 452-UG-SWSI, Release 4.0, DCN1, February 2004.) • Following is the contents of a sample output file sorted by creation time: start,requestID,SUPIDEN,TDRS,msgClass,refReqId,status,creationTime,userId 2004/200 01:45:00,373346,A0372EE,TDE,SAR,0,Granted,2004/177 15:52:48,ykan 2004/200 02:45:00,373347,A0372EE,TDE,SAR,0,Granted,2004/177 15:52:48,ykan 2004/200 03:45:00,373348,A0372EE,TDE,SAR,0,Granted,2004/177 15:52:49,ykan

  21. Extraction of Request IDs: Existing GUI • Select the existing “Schedule Request Summary” from the menu

  22. Extraction of Request IDs: Existing GUI • A summary of requests is displayed • New buttons called “Filter for Save” and “Save” • The button “Filter for Save” allow user to narrow the numbers of requests

  23. Extraction of Request IDs: Existing GUI • The filter screen is displayed • Specify the appropriate filter and submit

  24. Extraction of Request IDs: Existing GUI • The “Save” button to save the data to disk

  25. Extraction of Request IDs: Existing GUI • Display the “Save” dialog • User specifies the file name for the output • Data is written to disk

  26. Test Overview • System level testing will be performed at GSFC SWSI LAB. • Acceptance Test plans will be developed by 9/10/04. • Acceptance testing will use WSC Operational Evaluation Test (OET) methodology with customer participation in EIF testing. • Security testing requirements are being coordinated with NISN.

  27. Summary • Reason for the enhancement is to improve the SWSI system and better fit the needs of the Customer operations. • Goal is to provide an efficient, useful product within budget and schedule. • Comments and suggestions on design are needed to meet goal. • RFAs will be accepted through July 9 and responses will be provided by July 23. • Customer participation in testing is desired.

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