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Quartz Job Scheduling Framework

Andreas Kuhn. Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework. 2. Quartz - History. Founder: James HouseFirst articles about job scheduling in 1998Give it to open source community in 2001 (SourceForge)Widely spread

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Quartz Job Scheduling Framework

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    1. Quartz – Job Scheduling Framework Quartz – Features, Basic techniques and components Author: Andreas Kuhn Date: 16.05.2007

    2. Andreas Kuhn Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework 2

    3. Andreas Kuhn Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework 3 Quartz - Features Scalability and extendability (Clustering, load balancing, Plugin mechanisms) Thread pooling Job persistence (Oracle, DB2, Mysql ...) Grouping of jobs and triggers Simple Triggers, Cron Triggers Working in Java-standalone applications and Web – and J2EE environments OSWorkflow

    4. Andreas Kuhn Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework 4 Quartz – Alternatives (1) Since JDK 1.3 -> Timer and TimerTask class Uses one thread per task No persistence, thread pooling, grouping Just basic functionality for job scheduling; not scalable, extendable

    5. Andreas Kuhn Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework 5 Quartz – Alternatives (2) EJB TimerService since EJB 2.1 TimerService for MessageDriven Beans, Entity Beans and stateless session beans Based on J2EE environment (might be overhead in some cases) Can‘t work with POJO‘s No persistence

    6. Andreas Kuhn Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework 6 Basic Quartz Components Scheduler Jobs JobDetails Triggers Listeners Plugins

    7. Andreas Kuhn Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework 7 Quartz - Scheduler Central Component of the Quartz-Framework Responsibility: administering of triggers and jobs, scheduling

    8. Andreas Kuhn Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework 8 Quartz – Job -> Task Implementing JobInterface (Interruptable Job, StatefulJob) public class TestBatchImport implements StatefulJob … Implementing just one method:execute In case of error throwing a JobExecutionException Parameter: JobExecutionContext delivers information about the runtimeEnvironment of the job

    9. Andreas Kuhn Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework 9 Quartz JobDetails (1) Jobs are described via JobDetail <job> <job-detail> <name>TestBatchImportLJob</name> <group>xfi-jobs</group> <description>Batch-Importing into importTable</description> <job-class> de.andreas_kuhn.jobs.TestBatchImport </job-class> <job-listener-ref>TestBatchImportJobListener</job-listener-ref> <volatility>false</volatility> <durability>true</durability> <recover>false</recover> <job-data-map allows-transient-data="true"> <entry> <key>PROCESSING_DATE</key> <value>dd.mm.yyyy</value> </entry> <entry> <key>EXTRA_RUN</key> <value>false</value> </entry> <entry> <key>MAX_IMPORT_TIME</key> <value>4</value> </entry> </job-data-map> </job-detail>

    10. Andreas Kuhn Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework 10 Quartz JobDetails (2) Scheduler instantiates jobs and use properties based on JobDetail description

    11. Andreas Kuhn Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework 11 JobDetails Table View

    12. Andreas Kuhn Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework 12 Quartz – Trigger (1) Implementing Trigger through Java-Interfaces Schedule the job Time scheduling of the job SimpleTrigger CronTrigger nthDayTrigger Calendar (BlockOutTime)

    13. Andreas Kuhn Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework 13 Quartz – Cron-Trigger (2) Definition of trigger in job.xml // here cron-trigger <trigger> <cron> <name>TestBatchImportTrigger</name> <group>xfi-trigger</group> <job-name>TestBatchImportJob</job-name> <job-group>xfi-jobs</job-group> <cron-expression>0 30 1 * * ? -> 01.30 AM #sec/min/hh/day of month/month/Day of week/year </cron-expression> </cron> </trigger>

    14. Andreas Kuhn Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework 14 Quartz – Simple-Trigger (3) <trigger> <simple> <name>ERRORJobTrigger</name> <group>DEFAULT</group> <trigger-listener-ref>ErrorTriggerListener</trigger-listener-ref> <job-name>ErrorJob</job-name> <job-group>DEFAULT</job-group> <!– alternative format for web-application-> <start-time>2004-02-26T12:26:00</start-time>? <!-- PM abends 17:10 --> <start-time>2007-02-09 5:10:00 PM</start-time> <!-- repeat indefinitely every 10 seconds --> <!-- create a trigger that fires every 10 seconds forever --> <!-- <repeat-count>-1</repeat-count> --> <!-- only 5 times --> <repeat-count>100</repeat-count> <!-- <repeat-interval>10000</repeat-interval> --> <repeat-interval>2000</repeat-interval> </simple> </trigger>

    15. Andreas Kuhn Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework 15 Quartz – SimpleTrigger - TableView

    16. Andreas Kuhn Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework 16 Quartz - Listener Implementing Quartz-Listener Interfaces TriggerListener JobListener SchedulerListener Hooks, events, called by scheduler during processing of jobs

    17. Andreas Kuhn Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework 17 Quartz - Plugins Extendability of quartz with plugins Java class can implement the interface: org.quartz.spi.SchedulerPluginInterface Methods: #initialize,start, shutdown Are connected to quartz via entry in quartz.property file Methods are called from the framework corresponding to the scheduler calls

    18. Andreas Kuhn Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework 18 Important configuration files Quartz.properties (Standard config-file) Jobs.xml (contains JobDescriptions in xml Format) Log4j.properties (contains feature list of the log4j – Logging framework

    19. Andreas Kuhn Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework 19 Programming example (1) Source from QuartzInitializerServlet //initializing scheduler .... quartzProps.load(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/" + propertyFileName )); //quartzProps.list(System.out); logger.info("SchedulerFacotry initialized with: " + propertyFileName); factory = new StdSchedulerFactory(quartzProps); // Always want to get the scheduler, even if it isn't starting, // to make sure it is both initialized and registered. scheduler = factory.getScheduler(); // Should the Scheduler being started now or later startOnLoad = cfg .getInitParameter("start-scheduler-on-load"); /* * If the "start-scheduler-on-load" init-parameter is not specified, * the scheduler will be started. This is to maintain backwards * compatability. */ if (shouldPerformStartUpOnLoad()) { // Start now scheduler.start(); ...

    20. Andreas Kuhn Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework 20 Programming example (2) Entries from quartz.property file org.quartz.plugin.jobInitializer.class = org.quartz.plugins.xml.JobInitializationPlugin org.quartz.plugin.jobInitializer.fileName=jobs.xml org.quartz.plugin.jobInitializer.overWriteExistingJobs = true org.quartz.plugin.jobInitializer.failOnFileNotFound = false ====================================== # XFI-Plugins org.quartz.plugin.XFIInitializerPlugin.class=de.andreas_kuhn.plugins.XFIInitializationPlugin

    21. Andreas Kuhn Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework 21 Quartz - JobExample ... import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.quartz.InterruptableJob; import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext; import org.quartz.JobExecutionException; import org.quartz.SchedulerException; import org.quartz.StatefulJob; import org.quartz.UnableToInterruptJobException; import de.andreas_kuhnpersistence.dao.XFIMP_Dao; import de.andreas_kuhnpersistence.dao.XFLEM_Dao; import de.andreas_kuhnpersistence.dao.XFPROT_Dao; import de.andreas_kuhnpersistence.models.LEMG_Import; import de.andreas_kuhnpersistence.models.XFIMPT; import de.andreas_kuhnpersistence.models.XFPROT; import de.andreas_kuhnutilities.Constants; import de.andreas_kuhnutilities.PropertiesSingleton; public class TestBatchImport implements StatefulJob { private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BatchImportLEMG.class.getName()); private int importCounter = 0; private int processedCounter = 0; private Integer numberOfSentencesToBeProcessed = new Integer(0); private PropertiesSingleton propertySingleton = PropertiesSingleton.getInstance(); private Timestamp startBatchImportAsTimestamp=null; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public void execute(JobExecutionContext jce) throws JobExecutionException { String[] jobListenerNames = jce.getJobDetail().getJobListenerNames(); if(jobListenerNames.length == 0) //started the job from new created JobDetail !! ....

    22. Andreas Kuhn Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework 22 Quartz - JobStores RAMJobStore JobStoreTX org.quartz.jobStore.class=org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreTX org.quartz.jobStore.useProperties = true #============================================================================ # Configure Datasources #========================================================================= org.quartz.jobStore.dataSource = Z00001 org.quartz.dataSource. Z00001 .jndiURL = jdbc/db_pool org.quartz.jobStore.tablePrefix = DB. org.quartz.jobStore.isClustered = false org.quartz.jobStore.clusterCheckinInterval = 20000 org.quartz.dataSource. Z00001 .maxConnections = 5 org.quartz.dataSource. Z00001 .validationQuery = select count(*) from sysibm.syscolumns; org.quartz.jobStore.maxMisfiresToHandleAtATime = 20 org.quartz.scheduler.dbFailureRetryInterval=15000 org.quartz.scheduler.wrapExecutionInUserTransaction=true JobStoreCMT

    23. Andreas Kuhn Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework 23 Quartz – Further possibilities Implementing jobs which automatically generates excel reports; sending resulting reports via email Internal use: deleting temporary files via CronTrigger (Reporting) within J2EE Container Using OSWorkflow administrating of quartz through quartz web application

    24. Andreas Kuhn Quartz-Job Scheduling Framework 24 Contact Andreas Kuhn http://www.andreas-kuhn.de

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